Remove tabs off sidebar?

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inti w

Jun 16, 2019, 4:26:40 PM6/16/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hi all, new here. I meant to post here but I think I accidentally posted on the TiddlyWiki Classic section, oh well.

Just wanted to ask if there was any way to remove the "open" and "recent" tabs off the sidebar on the right? I know how to add my own pages on there and everything, just not sure how to delete others.


Jun 16, 2019, 4:46:03 PM6/16/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hi init w and welcome!

Yes, the sidebar tabs are regular tiddlers that are tagged $:/tags/SideBar

One way to access all tiddlers tagged something specific is to use the tag-pill macro by, in a tiddler, typing in <<tag "$:/tags/SideBar">>. In it you can click on the concerned tiddlers and once you have the tiddlers you can remove the above mentioned tag from them so they don't appear there. And vice versa, if you want a new tiddler there, just create one and tag it such.

Because these are tiddlers that build up the system they are super easy to restore; just delete(!) the tiddler you've manipulated and the original will be reinstated.


inti w

Jun 16, 2019, 4:55:35 PM6/16/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hey Mat! Thanks so much for answering so quick, it worked great :)


Jun 16, 2019, 7:22:00 PM6/16/19
to TiddlyWiki
While on this topic in my large wikis I created a checkbox to toggle the sidebar segment tag on the sidebar tabs tiddler. In rally large wikis this has a performance advantage by stopping the need to rerender the side bar every change tw5 and twc benefit.


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