Setting up a reproducible TW: digital literacy resource collection

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no leída,
15 sept 2020, 11:34:14 a.m.15/9/2020
Dear all,

during an hackathon a few months back I've been creating a resource
collection of websites that advance one's digital literacy in some way.
It's been implemented as TiddlyWiki and is available here (in German):

What kept me busy was combining this in a meaningful way with Git such
that different components (plugins, settings, content)

- can be identified as such
- are properly attributed
- can be updated seamlessly
- can be reused independently of this particular wiki

Eventually I ended up with a "base" TW at...

...and a customized TW "mounted atop" at...

Attributions for each TW are provided in the project's READMEs.
"tw-base" is just a collection of components I tend to use more often,
independent of the platform (self-contained HTML, regular Node.js
server, BobWiki). I make heavy use of Git's submodules, but also have to
download some plugins inside Makefiles. Inclusion happens either over
symlinks into the "plugins" subfolder or by putting JSON files into the
"tiddlers" subfolder. Also, some basic linting is performed after
pushing to the repository through the Node.js textlint package (checking
for dead links).

What I'm trying to do can probably still be improved and you might be
aware of nice examples. For example, the repository is currently not set
up to automatically test pull requests (merge requests in the lingo of
GitLab). But I'm eager to hear about your feedback, examples and
advances concerning "end-to-end" TW management and deployment (for both
plugins and "editions").

Also thanks to all the plugin authors whose code this project
incorporates, namely Jeremy Ruston, Daniel Rodriguez Rivero, Felix
Küppers, Mohammad Rahmani, Hans Christian Haase, Bimba László, jd,
Tobias Beer, ihm4u, Cameron Fischer, Jeffrey Wikinson, William Jackson,
Matias Goldman, Alberto Molina Pérez, Thomas Elmiger and the many more
contributors of these projects!



no leída,
17 sept 2020, 5:19:22 a.m.17/9/2020
para TiddlyWiki
THAT is a very interesting project.

The idea to have an online CONFIGURATION and TW BUILDER tool has been floating around for years.

I can see in your project some steps towards what is badly needed. Particularly the focus on FUNDAMENTAL plugins that have evolved over the years.

We SERIOUSLY need a way to help new users build wiki suited to their needs.

Best wishes
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