[TW5] listing/transcluding snippets of highlighted text

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Stefan Spycher

Oct 12, 2017, 3:26:56 AM10/12/17
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com

first off, i'm a newbie (been using TW for 4 days), but LOVE it.
tech-savvyness on a scale from 1 (aka: my grandmother) -10 (aka: your typical nerd): 4

Use Case:
i'm taking many notes, pasting emails, taking meeting minutes etc in TW. so, basically 'collecting' data.
about 1% of that turns out to be important enough to include into a weekly report i'm sending out to peers and supervisors.
i'm currently marking / highlighting that 1% inline by using another tip from this forum...i'm overriding the CSS for the subscript decoration

Q: is there a way to create a collector tiddler, that filters/searches for the 'sub' CSS in all tiddlers, and transcludes the string i highlighted?
Or is there an entirely different, simpler, more convenient way to achieve the result?
Thank you!



Oct 12, 2017, 5:34:27 AM10/12/17
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Stefan and welcome to TW! If you like TW - don't forget to tell your friends!

I made the CherryPicker for pretty much exactly what you ask for. It is not perfected though.
I believe fellow Thomas has made variant of this too (it may be his Extract macro, not sure).


Stefan Spycher

Oct 12, 2017, 9:22:06 AM10/12/17
to TiddlyWiki

Hey Mat, thanks a LOT for your help!

it might be TW version issue (or me just doing it wrong), but i'm not getting clean results yet (see screenshot)

Stefan Spycher

Oct 12, 2017, 9:41:40 AM10/12/17
to TiddlyWiki
sorry, my previous comment got mangled by the screenshot somehow
please reduce my tech-savvyness index by 2 points :)

@Mat, i'm getting results, but they are garbled. I tired with several markers (some weird, very distinct strings too) to no avail. am i doing it wrong or am i facing a TW version incompatibility?

I would love getting this to work, it's as if you've read my mind


Am Donnerstag, 12. Oktober 2017 11:34:27 UTC+2 schrieb Mat:


Oct 12, 2017, 9:49:45 AM10/12/17
to TiddlyWiki

if I recall (it was a while ago!), the start- and end markers must be on the format " &&Your Text" and "End Of Text&& " respectively, i.e note the spaces and lack of spaces surrounding the "&&".


Stefan Spycher

Oct 13, 2017, 2:58:25 AM10/13/17
to TiddlyWiki

Hi Mat,

i gave it another try, removing the whitespaces. unfortunately without an improvement:


Oct 13, 2017, 6:47:51 AM10/13/17
to TiddlyWiki
Stefan, I'll look in to this but I can't say when. I'm already involved in a few other things here so it may take time. Did you have a chance to look up Thomas Elmigers version of this? It may be his extract macro but I'm not quite sure. @Thomas - ?


Thomas Elmiger

Oct 13, 2017, 7:03:47 AM10/13/17
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Stefan and Mat

My Extract macro should do the job. In a recent discussion we pointed out, that the documentation is lousy (sorry!), but the discussion itself should be helpful.



Stefan Spycher

Oct 14, 2017, 1:10:42 AM10/14/17
to TiddlyWiki
@Thomas, i'll look into it. i did a few quick tests, it worked, but didn't *really* cover my use case yet. i'm sure i'm missing something though.
in a nutshell, what i'm stumbling over is the fact that i don't want to use the search in the right rail, but create twiddlers which do the search & extraction.
does that make sense? :)

But thanks for sharing, i'll dig deeper next week!

@Mat, no worries, and huge thanks for your help so far!

Thomas Elmiger

Oct 17, 2017, 4:56:23 PM10/17/17
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Stefan,

After importing the macro from here (by dragging over the link in the Extract Macro Components paragraph) you should be able to place the following in any tiddler to find all highlighted text:

<<extract "OriginalTiddler" start:",," end:",," limit:"no">>

the parameters tell the extract macro to …
  • look for content in a tiddler titled OriginalTiddler
  • cut out snippets starting with ,, (the subscript marker)
  • cut out snippets up to the ending marked with ,, (the subscript marker again)
  • give you all snippets (instead of only the first)

Hope, this helps.


Stefan Spycher

Oct 25, 2017, 3:49:15 AM10/25/17
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Thomas, i'll give it a try.
for the record, i started playing around with Tobias Beers split plugin [0], which seems pretty straight forward too. so, i'll try to find out the differences between those two

thanks a lot!


Edit: Thomas: LoL @ "Grüessli", i didn't notice at once.  fellow swissies

Stefan Spycher

Oct 26, 2017, 5:30:38 AM10/26/17
to TiddlyWiki
Thomas, a quick update: your macro works like a charm, and i'm eternally grateful ! :)
THANK YOU (merci villmol)
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