Browser Usage: How to Measure to the TW5 Itself / Increase RAM?

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Dec 5, 2019, 2:13:26 PM12/5/19
to TiddlyWiki
TonyM's recent (and appreciated) answer about MP3 provokes a question for we going the Browser route.

It begs the question for this noob as to: for the major browers, how does one calculate, on the Win10 platform, how much mem is being consumed by a TW5 file?

In Win 'Task Manager' we can see e.g. Firefox and many sub-PIDs, but I am not aware of how to map a PID to a specific 'instance' of website or TW5.

Is this possible?

And ... again for Firefox, is it possible to increase RAM available if one's TW begins to get ... obese?

Please kindly advise.

=== > Q < ===========================================


Dec 6, 2019, 6:23:51 AM12/6/19
to TiddlyWiki

 - Open a new tab and type:
 - about:memory
 - Click the "measure" button.
 - CTRL-F find:
 - Every tab has 1 "info page"

have fun


Dec 6, 2019, 6:31:44 AM12/6/19
to TiddlyWiki
It is possible to give Firefox and chrome more internal head room. Both have 4gb on my 16gb machine because they do most of what I need since I am now more likely to build something in tw5 than use any other app.

However it was hard to find the settings and I have misplaced my notes. My last look wasted 2 hours. All searches and plagued with cache increases and memory reduction not giving it more.



Dec 6, 2019, 7:17:20 AM12/6/19
to TiddlyWiki
PMario, gave the place to go to get a start.

It can be a little more complex than it first looks. Firefox can run with different "memory models". 
It depends somewhat on whether you are running multiple instances and how profiles launch too.

I did a lot of messing about myself to try pin it down. In the end I gave up when I got a more powerful computer.

Best wishes


Dec 6, 2019, 8:16:31 PM12/6/19
to TiddlyWiki
Aha!  Thank you sir. 

=== > Q < ===========================================

A Gloom

Dec 6, 2019, 8:55:52 PM12/6/19
to TiddlyWiki
PMario always has good answers so it's good he replied

my input (not expert advice but may steer in a right direction)...

using FF Task Manager (about:performance) I get 6 processes 3 tabs, 3 add-ons
(it doesn't provide PID's like Chrome does)

in Windows Task Manager>Details, I get 8 Firefox processes with is normal with e10s, none of the memory measurements are easily compareable to FF Task Manager

there's also about:memory which goes into great detail and DevTools has performance measuring which may help

or this

I don't see anything about changing FF RAM settings in about:config any more (not in the last few years) but I see suggestions about other performance settings

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