GSD5 and TaskManagement

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Jun 20, 2017, 9:07:48 AM6/20/17
to TiddlyWiki
Hi all,

I do have a TiddlyWiki with the gsd5 plugin and have put into a tiddler with the title 31st March 2017 and tagged ‘Journal’ the following code:

!!! @@background-color:#ffff99; Jobs applied@@
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]all[current]tagging[]!tag[done]sort[title]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
!!! @@background-color:#ffff99; Jobs denied@@
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]all[current]tagging[]tag[done]sort[title]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>

This code is based on the Task Management example and tags the tiddler with ‘done’, once I tick it off. I would like now to establish the field ‘gsd-comlete: true/false’ from gsd5 as a trigger instead of the tag [done]. What I want to accomplish is basically that if I tick off a tiddler in the dashboard of GSD 5, it will also be ticked off in my 31st March tiddler and shown there under ‘Jobs denied’. Otherwise, I need to tick off the tiddler once in the GSD5 dashboard and then again the same tiddler in my journal tiddler with one following a ‘field approach’ and the other a ‘tag approach’.
I hope I could express myself clearly and that the very helpful community can also help in this case.
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