Calling all TiddlyServer users

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Arlen Beiler

Jan 13, 2018, 3:45:35 PM1/13/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hello everyone, 
I would like to hear your thoughts on TiddlyServer now that it has been out for a few months. So here are a few questions.

1. What do you like about it?
2. What is one improvement that would significantly make it more usable for you?
3. What use case should it be extended to fit, in your opinion?
4. What, if any, would you say is its Achilles's heel?

The answers will help me know where to direct my focus next.

Of course, continued maintenance requires time, and time requires income. My work has nothing to do with Tiddlywiki and so there is no way financially for me to maintain TiddlyServer on a regular basis. If you support TiddlyServer financially, it will allow me to direct more of my attention to developing it. I enjoy working with TiddlyServer and TiddlyWiki but I am not able to direct a lot of attention to it at the present. 

There is, of course, no reason you need to, but it seemed right and fair to make my current situation known in case anyone would like to contribute. Be sure to mention TiddlyServer if you contribute. Or mention a PR or Issue number on the TiddlyServer repo. I guarantee you that will get my attention :)

And just so you know, a settings page is already next on the roadmap. I figured I'd mention that, because it has been requested quite a bit. 

Thank you,

coda coder

Jan 13, 2018, 4:32:22 PM1/13/18
to TiddlyWiki

On Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 2:45:35 PM UTC-6, Arlen Beiler wrote:
Hello everyone, 
I would like to hear your thoughts on TiddlyServer now that it has been out for a few months. So here are a few questions.

1. What do you like about it?

It just works.

I like that I can use olde-worlde flatfile TWs AND node-style TWs side by side or spread over my entire LAN.
2. What is one improvement that would significantly make it more usable for you?

In the core? Nothing.  Setup confused me a lot in the beginning.  I came at it without any experience of setting up a node TW beforehand. My node experience in general is pretty good, as is my flatfile TW experience, so perhaps a review/rewrite of the setup guide might be a good idea.
3. What use case should it be extended to fit, in your opinion?

None that I can think of.  I'll defer to others on this.
4. What, if any, would you say is its Achilles's heel?

Nothing I've found.  It runs and runs for weeks on end. 

The answers will help me know where to direct my focus next.

Of course, continued maintenance requires time, and time requires income. My work has nothing to do with Tiddlywiki and so there is no way financially for me to maintain TiddlyServer on a regular basis. If you support TiddlyServer financially, it will allow me to direct more of my attention to developing it. I enjoy working with TiddlyServer and TiddlyWiki but I am not able to direct a lot of attention to it at the present. 

Time I paid a visit to paypal.

coda coder

Jan 13, 2018, 4:58:33 PM1/13/18
to TiddlyWiki

On Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 3:32:22 PM UTC-6, coda coder wrote:
3. What use case should it be extended to fit, in your opinion?

None that I can think of.  I'll defer to others on this.

See? Almost as soon as I posted my answer above, someone else asks for something many might find useful. It wasn't asked for in the context of TS, but still...

What do you think Arlen? Could you add APIs addressable from wikitext to do something like the above?  Execute OS scripts might be nice, too.


Jan 14, 2018, 3:14:41 AM1/14/18
to TiddlyWiki

1. What do you like about it?
  • It works very well once setup and supports my single file wikis and node JS installs all from one IP Address or local host in the browser
  • I use it all day, and every day on my laptop/desktop
2. What is one improvement that would significantly make it more usable for you?
Sorry 3.
1. I must set the settings.json file is fiddly and error prone to configure (I like adding user friendly paths so I set and forget, my example attached)
2. I must configure     "etagWindow": 3, and     "etag": "", for it to be of any practical use
3.  It would be nice if some default paths where set so one could start using it from first install, see example in attached settings.json  eg "C:": "C:\\", (this would help novice users, alternatives for each OS)
3. What use case should it be extended to fit, in your opinion?
  • Provide methods to host on an always on device to pass through the home router, and be available anywhere (secured IP Port SSL?)
    Not technically TiddlyServer but it would extend its use  to a great extent.
4. What, if any, would you say is its Achilles's heel?
The Settings.json file

Note: in settings.json
"Studio8" and "LGV20 at home" are other nodeJS hosted TiddlyWIkis

A former manager/boss I respect said if you come to me with a problem also bring some possible solutions if at all possible.

I believe the Settings.json file could be given a friendly UI in TiddlyWiki to add, remove and select paths and generate an up to date settings.json  you can export to the folder and use, after a usable default config.

Thanks so much for this valuable tool.



Jan 14, 2018, 3:38:21 AM1/14/18
Hello @Arlen Beiler,

what I like most is that it restarts instantly with pm2 (pm2 gracefulReload mytiddlyserverscript --> done)

I couldn't get such a fast reload performance using tiddlywiki server edition (TiddlyServer: instantly, tiddlywiki server edition: seconds)

thanks for TiddlyServer,



Jan 14, 2018, 12:14:32 PM1/14/18
to TiddlyWiki
Ciao Arlen

I found it stable and works WELL.


For NEW USERS I don't think its quite so easy at first. I'm not quite sure what the solution is.

One thought I had before was making it bit more like an "installer", with some interactive questions that then auto-make settings on initial setup. But I guess that's quite complicated to pull off cross platform? But I'd like leave the thought of that at least.

You are right to ask for money.

Best wishes


Jan 31, 2018, 6:11:33 AM1/31/18
to TiddlyWiki
Ciao Arlen

Just an FYI. Over on Twitter I got a reply about methods of install that said ...

TiddlyServer sounds a bit heavy for me (I should know more about stuff like configuring servers and javascript development and such, but actually don't know so much).... (full post)

It may be that some beginners think "TiddlyServer" is MORE difficult than it is. I remember when you simplified it to make a minimal install it suddenly felt a lot easier.

As this post shows the word "server" invokes a sense of complications that TiddlyServer really doesn't have.

Maybe that could be made a bit clearer? That on the "server" side its really not that complex? For the simplest install its much like any other program.

Best wishes

coda coder

Jan 31, 2018, 8:36:16 AM1/31/18
to TiddlyWiki
Josiah is right.  It's a lot easier than it sounds.

Personally, I think TS should come WITH node.exe and a default settings.json preconfigured to serve flatfile TWs from <username>/documents.

When you (Arlen) then add the config system you've mentioned (perhaps served from config.html, yet to be written), all the lengthy chat from the github readme (that might serve to put off beginners) can be swallowed up inside a "Gory Details" tiddler elsewhere.  Here, "advanced" users can be told "if you already have node installed, you can delete the one included with the standard install".
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