Usable (pre-beta) version of Cardo - a new TW5 for Getting Things Done

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David Someone

Sep 23, 2016, 7:09:22 PM9/23/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi all!

So, about a month after my first announcement, I've now got a very usable version of Cardo (dGSD for TW5) to share at

Like my older dGSD for TW Classic, and mGSD before it, you can track projects, tasks, meetings, agenda items, people, contact info, and conversation logs. It's even nice and responsive for tablet or large-phone use.

There are a good few bugs yet, but nothing that would prevent you from using it daily.

Hoping for some good feedback! Be critical, and tell me your use cases so I can get a sense of how to make it work more practically for you.


Thomas Elmiger

Sep 24, 2016, 3:17:31 AM9/24/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi David – great stuff! Cardo looks like a very powerful app, well documented and with an appealing design. This will for sure be a reference I will keep an eye on from now on.
What I could not find on first sight is a personal list where I can see all tasks (from all projects) that are assigned to me (or to Mr. Tasker) – where I could decide what to do next. I looked out for this feature as this is the main objective of my own ToDoNow-project (see and
In general I tend to use TW5 for managing my personal stuff, while I would prefer a server-client application for managing a team. There are fascinating TW5 projects going in this direction. Do you have plans to head in this direction too, or how do you involve your team at the moment?

Kind regards and many thanks for sharing!

Thomas Elmiger

Sep 24, 2016, 3:46:55 AM9/24/16
to TiddlyWiki
Update: I have found the task list(s). I think I did not realise they were there at first, because there are several lists and most of them are empty. After playing around a bit more it’s obvious. I find it difficult myself to include the right amount of demo content in my projects ;–)

Jed Carty

Sep 24, 2016, 3:59:01 AM9/24/16
to TiddlyWiki
It looks nice and polished and if it is ok with you I may try to pull out pieces of it as part of a set of federated wikis I am using with the other people I work with to track projects, if that is ok with you.

Now the critical part. I can't use this the way it is right now. I suspect that my dyslexia is the main reason for it, you have stumbled onto a set of colors and combination of lines and outlines that makes it very hard for me to see so my problems with it may be things that aren't generally a concern for people. It is very visually cluttered for me, the discussions display for TWederation ( is about as cluttered as I can make something before it gets to be too much for me and I am probably going to make that higher contrast sometime soon. My suggestion for this is to make something that works for you but set everything up so that users can change the styling without too much trouble.

Tobias Beer

Sep 24, 2016, 5:25:50 AM9/24/16
Hi David,

Teriffic piece of work!

Some feedback, some criticism, and some questions out of curiosity:
  1. Did you find yourself having to write a lot of custom js plugin code?

  2. Are you planning to package everything as a CarDo plugin?
    • This probably also answers the question how one later upgrades to a newer version.
    • It also answers what parts are designed to be configurable / extensible and which parts aren't.

  3. Rather than be an entire edition defining the entire wiki experience,
    I think I would favor if CarDo was more of a plugin to TiddlyWiki
    • Did you consider this approach and if yes, what made you decide against that?
    • For example, I think all CarDo tabs should be under a main CarDo tab in the sidebar
      • and if one ends up having that open all the time, fine

  4. possibly, CarDo could provide its own sidebar or action panel
    • rather than try and squeeze all that stuff into the sidebar
    • perhaps it's also just a matter of styles, e.g. that centered text in the Tools tab
      • which I don't find to be a good design choice

  5. I tend to agree with Jed, that CarDo would benefit from as little css / style modifications as necessary
    • i.e. for it to look more like a "Stock-TiddlyWiki"
    • for example, I don't quite fancy how the sidebar is fixed and very narrow
      • I find words that wrap anywhere highly off-putting (those veritcal tab buttons in the sidebar)
      • also, switching to a fixed story apparently breaks the layout so that the story covers the sidebar
    • it slightly appears that rather than be mobile friendly you tweaked some core layout elements
      to by default always assume smaller screens
      • e.g. those vertical secondary tabs in the control panel or sidebar
      • I would abstain from such overall UI changes and leave it to everyone else
        to change that as desired and suit their device needs
        • or wait for the core to provide an even more adaptive experience
        • or only apply those changes for a screen size smaller than X pixels
      • in other words, CarDo suggesting new design paradigms appears to me
        to be something that users may not want and so it could be a reason
        why some may refrain from using an otherwise great productivity tool altogether

  6. a little bug, I think: scroll to Project Team and click N
    • scroll back down and see how now all tiddlers are erroneously listed as RACI team members

  7. I would name the Intake tab simply New because that's what it does, it allows to create new pre-defined elements
    • and would make the tab button shorter
      • which would renaming the tab Tiddlers to Core likewise achieve

  8. Are you planning a documentation edition for CarDo?
    • I believe intermingling demo data and instructions in one go isn't quite the best approach
    • for example: How to change the RACI pattern to one's personal preference / needs?

  9. I would also very much prefer to start with an empty edition w/o any demo setup / tiddlers at all.
Personally, I probably won't be using CarDo,
as xGSD felt slightly overbearing to me.
I would possibly tend to a UX
that does not show everything all the time,
which atm feels overwhelming / distracting to me.

On the other hand, I do understand how it may be quicker
to have all the necessary controls visible at all times
at a defined spot, rather than having to search for that checkbox
burried in some "more CarDo" slider or some bottom-tabs.

On the other hand,
if you think of CarDo more as an extension,
then that's what you would want, e.g. to:
  • know all the bells and whistles of it
    • which make CarDo a gr8 productivity enhancement
  • which are at your fingertips when you need them
    • but only then
  • and you know where to find them
    • intuitively so
Best wishes,


David Someone

Sep 24, 2016, 8:39:54 PM9/24/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Thomas, thanks for your feedback.

The "My Dashboard" button links to whatever Tiddler is set with your signing name in Control Panel - in otherwords, to the content of "$:/status/UserName". This can be changed by editing the "Review" Tiddler.

I made dGSD out of personal need as a Project Manager, and although I'm not formally in that role, I use Cardo in that capacity to manage my teams and projects at work, and more simply (no RACI's, status updates, etc.) as a To-Do manager for my home projects and little side things (like writing Cardo itself!).

I will eventually explore the "bag" functions of TiddlyWiki as well as login/logout, to make a truly multi-user based Cardo, showing only Tiddlers from your "bag", or where you are assigned a Task, or for Projects you're a member of. But that's future stuff...

Generally I use it for formal Project Management by:
- Using Project Tiddlers to keep track of overall status, including adding updates in the Status list (which I can refer back to and report from)
- Managing my teams (which could be 10-20 people) through the RACI chart (Project Team list)
- Managing individuals who report to me by using their Person Tiddlers to track what's been delegated to them, and for contact info / conversation logging / staff management
- Meetings get put onto the appropriate Projects, and if it's a one-topic deal I just keep track of my notes in the body of the meeting, or if it's more widespread I add Agenda Items
- In dGSD I kept track of who attended and what was discussed by the checkboxes beside Agenda Items and Meeting Attendees - that functionality isn't in Cardo yet, but will be soon.

All in all, it makes for a very useful tool for me as PM, staff manager, etc. but it's still just me tracking everything. Making it multiuser as described above would really help the whole team contribute.
How do you see yourself using it?


David Someone

Sep 24, 2016, 8:44:05 PM9/24/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Jed, please do feel free to pull out pieces! That's the beauty of open source code! Would love to see what you do with it.

I haven't yet integrated it with the Themes and Palettes in TiddlyWiki... I'm hardcoding my own colours (which are roughly based on the "Smoke" palette). As per your comments and Tobias's below, I do plan to make it very theme-friendly, but after the functionality is all ironed out.

Making lists single-column but wider would likely help too... I may put that in as a "Theme Tweaks" checkbox or something. I would love your input as it's developed further. You're not so uncommon a user as you may think, and I do want it to appeal to a wide audience.

If you can give me an example of a theme that works for you, or some description of what layouts become confusing and what makes them clearer, I would be very interested in integrating your feedback.


David Someone

Sep 24, 2016, 9:45:23 PM9/24/16
to TiddlyWiki
Tobias, thank you very much for such a long and considered review - and also I have to thank you for all the help you've given me (indirectly!) through all your posts in these forums!

I'll reply inline... there's a lot to go through.

On Saturday, 24 September 2016 05:25:50 UTC-4, Tobias Beer wrote:
Did you find yourself having to write a lot of custom js plugin code?

Surprisingly, no! Almost everything is in fairly standard macros! This was actually really pleasing to me as I started by rewriting the original dGSD Javascript macros (which were expansions of Simon Baird's code), inserting widgets and child widgets, doing select cases and conditionals, etc. and realized that approach was too hard, mostly from the TW5 learning curve (I am really *not* a programmer!).
When I approached it through macros, I got a lot further ahead very quickly. The only real limit was the complete lack of conditionals in TW5, so I found it much easier to write a separate macro for each type of task or project list I needed.

I did have to write 5 new filters:


These 4 are the same as the built-ins, but if they are passed a blank variable, they will simply pass everything through to the next filter. This lets me say filter="[field:someField[$variable$]]" but if $variable$ is blank, it won't fail, it'll just be ignored.


This is almost the built-in regexp.js, but instead of returning Tiddlers matching the results of the regex, it returns the results of acting on the string passed to it. I'm using it to do a filter like:


and get a more flexible version of the "prefix" and "suffix" filters, because I couldn't do "[field:cardo-personguid[remove[suffix<RACIrole>]]]" or something like it.
Now I can take the field value "
e93824f0-c1db-4ae2-8777-4010174e2ea3--Accountable" and extract the GUID from it.

Speaking of which...
One area I did heavily deviate from standard TiddlyWiki was in the identification of Tiddlers. Whereas normally you link to a Tiddler's title, I realized early that doing this would break too many things. So I
built a GUID generator,


which takes the best from a StackOverflow thread and generates unique ID's for every Person, Task, Project, and other Cardo type. 
The reason is that I can now change a Tiddler's name without breaking the many interrelations between the different types.
I may want to correct a person's name by renaming their Tiddler, but I certainly don't want to reassign them all their tasks.

Other than that, I had to override core/ui/ViewTemplate and EditTemplate to select which custom template to show based on whether the Tiddler "[has[cardo-type]]", or is just a plain Tiddler. The rest is all macros and standard TW5!
  1. Are you planning to package everything as a CarDo plugin?
Yes, currently everything is named $:/plugins/Cardo/xxx and $:theme/Cardo/xxx ... I will put them all in one big Tiddler when it's ready to do so.
As well, anything Cardo-specific is tagged "Cardo", so I can just export "[tag[Cardo]]" for upgrades, or delete them to remove (until of course I package it properly).
  1. Rather than be an entire edition defining the entire wiki experience,
    I think I would favor if CarDo was more of a plugin to TiddlyWiki
    • Did you consider this approach and if yes, what made you decide against that?
Agreed - I would likely have two plugins - the Cardo functionality itself, and the theme which makes it look like an edition of it's own. My approach is decidely "Edition"-based, because I want it to be a piece of software. This is my own little Basecamp, my Wunderlist or AnyDo, but moreso. I feel that TW is more of a framework (very, very powerful one!) than a UI or a layout.

But I do want to appeal to a wide audience, so making it theme-friendly is indeed a goal, albeit for later.
    • For example, I think all CarDo tabs should be under a main CarDo tab in the sidebar
      • and if one ends up having that open all the time, fine
  1. possibly, CarDo could provide its own sidebar or action panel
    • rather than try and squeeze all that stuff into the sidebar
That's a thought... especially for a non-edition version. I was actually thinking of incorporating the 3-State-Sidebar plugin I saw, to make a full-width Card, with a very narrow sidebar of only 48x48 buttons for new Tiddlers, your dashboard, review, etc. But that's more Edition-based.
    • perhaps it's also just a matter of styles, e.g. that centered text in the Tools tab
      • which I don't find to be a good design choice

  1. I tend to agree with Jed, that CarDo would benefit from as little css / style modifications as necessary
    • i.e. for it to look more like a "Stock-TiddlyWiki"
Understandably, but you and Jed and most here are hard-core TW'ers (as am I very much), but I don't think TW means that particular layout. Again, to me it's the capability of building your own wikified knowledge store, rather than the fact that it looks or is laid out a certain way.
      • I find words that wrap anywhere highly off-putting (those veritcal tab buttons in the sidebar)
      • also, switching to a fixed story apparently breaks the layout so that the story covers the sidebar
Tweaks. I'm trying to prevent my inner perfectionist from taking over until I have all the capabilities in! ;->
    • it slightly appears that rather than be mobile friendly you tweaked some core layout elements
      to by default always assume smaller screens
Not to always assume... I found some nice CSS media selectors that I use to make the buttons bigger on touchscreen-type devices. A side effect is that the selectors kick in if I use Control-+ (or in my case Cmd-+) to zoom. Try zooming in and out and you'll see how it switches.
      • e.g. those vertical secondary tabs in the control panel or sidebar
      • I would abstain from such overall UI changes and leave it to everyone else
        to change that as desired and suit their device needs
Again, you're speaking about "everyone else" as if the bulk of TW users are coders who will dig in and personalize it to their tastes. For the moment, they probably are, but that's a *huge* limitation to the user base! I believe TW would *fly* if you could click to select editions, and get the functionality you need, rather than assuming everyone who uses it is a coder! And if you didn't need TiddlyFox, but that's another story.
  1. a little bug, I think: scroll to Project Team and click N
    • scroll back down and see how now all tiddlers are erroneously listed as RACI team members
Thanks, keep 'em coming...!
  1. I would name the Intake tab simply New because that's what it does...
Agreed. I think the whole David Allen GTD thing is extremely useful, but the jargon has gone out of style. "New" is far better.
  1. Are you planning a documentation edition for CarDo?
Definitely. There's some in the code, but I'll pull it all out before I call it post-beta.
    • I believe intermingling demo data and instructions in one go isn't quite the best approach
I have to balance between the web page that sells it, and the useful info for the end-user actually using it. I've put a ? in the top right of every Cardo Tiddler, but haven't populated the help Tiddlers yet.
  1. I would also very much prefer to start with an empty edition w/o any demo setup / tiddlers at all.
For Beta, for sure.

Personally, I probably won't be using CarDo,
as xGSD felt slightly overbearing to me.
I would possibly tend to a UX
that does not show everything all the time,
which atm feels overwhelming / distracting to me.

Understood... It really is overkill for a ToDo list, but then again you could simply ignore the Projects, Meetings, etc. and only use the Task cards.

Since I started with Simon's mGSD, I've used it for everything from Project Management of Cisco Call Manager deployments across nationwide insurance companies, to Product Management of a half-billion-dollar set top box interface and hardware development for a major CableTV company involving 50+ people... but also for my backyard garden and rebuilding a couple of antique motorcycles!

Keep the comments coming! And thanks again for all your help, whether you knew you were helping or not! ;->


Thomas Elmiger

Sep 25, 2016, 4:32:55 AM9/25/16
to TiddlyWiki

Hi Thomas, thanks for your feedback.
You are very welcome.
How do you see yourself using it?
Like Jed, I thought I might copy some of your features or get inspired for my own personal tools and plugins – after reading your explanations I find the GUID part most interesting at the moment. Tracking dependencies without worrying about title changes sounds very promising.

Furthermore I hope to adopt standards defined by leading TW5 solutions … It would be great if users could switch from one ToDo tool to another without hassle and keep their tiddlers. So if for example I would find your format for tracking people is the leading format in this area I would work with your "standard".

Cheers, Thomas


Sep 25, 2016, 6:30:33 AM9/25/16
to TiddlyWiki
I took a quick look which was all I had time for. I tried many different tools before settling on a combination of MLO ( and a very simple TiddlyWiki of my own. If you haven't seen it I think MLO is worth a look because it seems to me to be the most flexible and most attractive GTD tool and it would be my point of reference for a comparison. I run it on Windows and Linux (using WINE) and on my Android phone.

What MLO isn't is free and open source and completely platform independent (runs on IOS but not OSX). A use case that is an unmet need for me at the moment is a simple free tool for facilitating the work of the management committee of a building, and I know of dozens of residents' associations/management companies who share the need and who are currently making do with various combinations of shoeboxes, paper, spreadsheets, word documents, email (in particular), box/dropbox, google calendar. I'm sure there must be many similar use cases -- clubs with little or no money and the like, whose members do not all use the same operating systems. 

At a glance, the interface seemed a bit like a cockpit with a lot of information and options that might be daunting to someone not already familiar with it or with GTD ideas (I recently saw and liked, I think it was in NoteSelf, a Simple/Advanced button to hide some details). I will keep an eye on it and if I can find time to provide more specific suggestions on, perhaps, simplifications (e.g., for the case described there's really only one area: the building).

Other quick comments: I'd avoid the word tiddler and use card (e.g,. blank card). My committee isn't familiar with TiddlyWiki, nor all native speakers of English. A focus on "we" in place of "I" would better reflect a shared agenda. Realms aren't needed at all.


Sep 25, 2016, 6:32:42 AM9/25/16
to TiddlyWiki
I meant, of course, in the use case I described that realms aren't needed.

David Szego

Sep 28, 2016, 3:23:28 PM9/28/16
to TiddlyWiki

Finally packaged it as a proper Plugin, and reposted on ...

If you want a nice clean upgrade, drag the "Delete Cardo" Tiddler from into yours, import it and click the button on it. Your data will be intact.

Then click "Get Cardo" and drag the plugin(s) over to your TW file, save/reload, and you're set!

You may want to use the Cardo theme, and I kinda like my Cardo Cappucino palette! ;->

If you find your data isn't showing up right, go to the "Cardo" tab in the sidebar. You will find a "Maintenance" sub-tab, with some useful buttons.


Tobias Beer

Sep 29, 2016, 2:24:45 AM9/29/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi David,

Thanks for taking it upon you to try and package Cardo as a plugin.

Some things I noticed...
  1. popups are broken
    • e.g. open sidebar tiddlers / tags and click on one
    • or click on the Cardo tag and see how you can't scroll all the way down
  2. I don't think your default contexts should be packaged into the plugin
    • e.g. a French Cardo'ist probably won't have a context called @House but rather @Maison
    • so, there appears to be some "basic setup" tiddlers that should be some form of bundle, not a plugin
      • and actually loaded as such into a wiki, as a collection of exported tiddlers
      • the should probably not be tagged Cardo, but Cardo Defaults or some such
      • I would personally see your modified PageTemplate in the same bucket
  3. Secondary tab buttons in the sidebar are still wrapping within the words
    • even after switching to the Vanilla theme
    • so these styles must reside somewhere other than the Cardo theme
Best wishes,


Robert Edwards

Sep 29, 2016, 3:28:06 PM9/29/16
Hi David,

Great work. I'm playing with it now. The first hurdle that I immediately run into is a migration path from my well-used, well-populated TWC dGSD to Cardo. Even if I import the tiddlers into Cardo they are in the wrong format so don't work. A migration tool would be very helpful. Right now all I can see to do is to abandon my dGSD in place and start clean with Cardo, or laboriously convert/reenter everything by hand. (Once I figure out Cardo's basic usage, that is....) I realize such a tool is a huge request! Or is there something that currently exists?

Speaking of usage, I've not yet even grokked how to do the simplest things. For example you mention editing the Review tiddler to see your tasks. What do you mean "edit" -- actually change the code in the body of the tiddler? Replace the "Cardo" tag with my name? Something else? I haven't found anything that works yet....

Or ticklers... I can create one, but I see no way to attach a date to it, nor a way to assign it to a person. Maybe these are done with tags but I see no option to attach a tag. Nor can I find a tickler dashboard. Are ticklers not yet fully implemented or am I being dense?

Thanks! I'm looking forward to actually using it!

David Szego

Sep 29, 2016, 6:27:06 PM9/29/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Robert, great questions - and a good idea about the importer. I will definitely write one at some point in my beta stage, thanks for suggesting it. Nice to know you're an avid dGSD user too!

Basic usage is the same as dGSD. The biggest difference is that you'll need to create new task/project/etc. Tiddlers from either the "Cardo" sidebar tab, or from the (+) or (N) buttons on existing Tiddlers.

You shouldn't need to edit the "Review" tab at this point... it should pick up your "name for signing Tiddlers" in the TW config, and open appropriately. I'll double-check a few use cases and make sure that works right.

Ticklers, Books, and Mail I haven't touched yet. Those will be next, probably in that order.

Curious - since you say you've got a "well used" dGSD, how did you find yourself using Ticklers? I never ended up using them myself, so I could use some good examples!


On Thursday, 29 September 2016 15:28:06 UTC-4, Robert Edwards wrote:
Hi David,

Great work. I'm playing with it now. The first hurdle that I immediately run into is a migration path from my well-used, well-populated TWC dGSD to Cardo. Even if I import the tiddlers into Cardo they are in the wrong format so don't work. A migration tool would be very helpful. Right now all I can see to do is to abandon my dGSD in place and start clean with Cardo, or laboriously convert/reenter everything by hand. (Once I figure out Cardo's basic usage, that is....) I realize such a tool is a huge request! Or is there something that currently exists?

Speaking of usage, I've not yet even grokked how to do the simplest things. For example you mention editing the Review tiddler to see your tasks. What do you mean "edit" -- actually change the code in the body of the tiddler? Replace the "Cardo" tag with my name? Something else? I haven't found anything that works yet....

Or ticklers... I can create one, but I see no way to attach a date to it, nor a way to assign it to a person. Maybe these are done with tags but I see no option to attach a tag. Nor can I find a tickler dashboard. Are ticklers not yet fully implemented or am I being dense?

Thanks! I'm looking forward to actually using it!

On Friday, September 23, 2016 at 7:09:22 PM UTC-4, David Szego wrote:
Hi all!

So, about a month after my first announcement, I've now got a very usable version of Cardo (dGSD for TW5) to share at

David Szego

Sep 29, 2016, 6:58:09 PM9/29/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Tobias, as always thanks for the considered feedback!

I have moved the PageTemplate into the Theme and cleaned up wrapping, popups and most other CSS .. I hope! I will post 1.0a10 tonight or tomorrow.

Default contexts - good points, but I want to avoid too many plugins. You already need Cardo, moment.js, datepicker, and Cardo Theme... Maybe a button in the Cardo --> Maintenance tab to remove the defaults?

Speaking of "bundles"... two questions you'd know the answer to:
1. what are "Bags"?
2. can plugins (shadow packages) be packaged in other plugins? I'd love to include moment and datepicker, but not sure if they'll get unpacked and executed properly.


Robert Edwards

Sep 29, 2016, 8:37:52 PM9/29/16
to TiddlyWiki

Really, you don't use ticklers? That's one of the things I use most! I could probably just as easily put things in my calendar (and sometimes do) but having it all in the TW is handy. Examples are things like:
  • Every month at work I need to refresh my wifi password. I set up a tickler to remind me, and the tickler contains a link to the webpage to do so. Click & go!
  • A tickler fires about a week prior to birthdays, holidays, etc to remind me to get gifts, cards, etc
  • There are some tasks that I have to do quarterly so I created a tickler for those (and added a "quarterly" button alongside the weekly, fortnightly, monthly, yearly buttons)
  • Reminders for appointments, meetings, etc -- my "Ticklers requiring action" and "Upcoming ticklers (next 7 days)" lists are my most-used lists of my dashboard

As I said, I could put these in my calendar but having them in my dashboard along with actions etc is very handy. (I've also customized the dashboards somewhat). What I can't do with my calendar is click a button in the tickler and turn it into an action item. E.g. a birthday reminder tickler fires and I turn it into an errand action to get a card. Another thing that my calendar doesn't do is "remember" that I've performed the required task -- if I click the "+m" (or whatever) button in a tickler after I've performed the task then it disappears until it's due again. A reminder in a calendar however sometimes leaves me wondering "Did I do that already?"


Abramelin the Mage

Nov 2, 2016, 5:51:49 PM11/2/16
to TiddlyWiki

Is it still possible to get version 1.6 of the old dGSD? I liked that one better.

David Szego

Nov 3, 2016, 11:49:56 AM11/3/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Abramelin, I've re-posted it at

Would you be kind enough to tell me what you liked better? I'm always looking to improve it...


Abramelin the Mage

Nov 4, 2016, 11:26:19 AM11/4/16
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you. Here are my issues with Cardo:
  • I simply prefer TW Classic over TW5. Classic feels a lot more robust to me, with barely ever any freezes, and I find it a lot prettier. And I like its search better, as it provides contexts for matches rather than just page titles. I'm not missing many features in Classic anyway, except perhaps backlinks.
  • TagglyTagging isn't implemented as extensively in the new version, and it's less accessible. The old one had a beautiful Tags menu where I could quickly tag something, or browse to other tiddlers with the same tags.
  • The new version doesn't have the Quick Add feature.
  • This is probably because it's still in the alpha version, but in its current state, it simply isn't functional for me. There are bugs like new actions defaulting to the wrong project (I can click "new subproject" under project A and yet end up with a subproject of project B), and the dashboard doesn't work.
Which is not to say that I'm not glad there's a continued interest in the development of GTD implementations. I just prefer more mature projects.

A question: is it possible in dGSD 1.6 to view my upcoming deadlines?

David Szego

Nov 4, 2016, 1:39:57 PM11/4/16
to TiddlyWiki

Hi Abramelin,

It sounds like many of your preferences are towards TW Classic itself and the plugins available rather than Cardo. I have to agree with some of those, I'm especially missing TagglyTagging.

I'll address the Cardo-specific points as I continue development.

For keeping track of your upcoming deadlines, click the word "Calendar" in the header, and you'll get a useful dropdown:


Nov 6, 2016, 11:56:15 AM11/6/16


a highly valuable tool! Thank you very much!

Kind regards,


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Adam Houston

Jan 23, 2017, 1:43:52 PM1/23/17
to TiddlyWiki
David.  Cardo is looks quite good.  I was a dGSD user for a while including the email import feature (I think we corresponded a couple of times regarding it).  I am please to see you are working on a TW5 version.  It seems to be fairly feature complete for a beta version.  A couple thoughts:

  • Dashboards:  I don't see the review dashboard that were is dGSD (and really everything descended from the line of Monkey* TW GTD tools).  Are you planning on moving them over?  I had customized a number of dashboard in dGSD that made it more useful for my purposes.  What is the effort level to implement them?  I am familiar with what changed in TWClassic->TW5 from a user perspective but not as familiar with how the internal changes affected things at a coding level.
  • CouchDB version: I had always thought that these types of GTD tools really needed to be more cloud based/multi-device (multi-user would be great but that has a whole other level of complexity).  I used to run mGSD loaded onto which did give some multi-device capability (dGSD was not happy with this configuration).  I had also utilized Using Dropbox in the sky.  However, these were slow and cumbersome.  I always thought that these tools would be a good match for integration with pouchdb/couchdb but did not have the time to pursue it.  Having also recently noticed NoteSelf I loaded Cardo into the quick launch version last week at and plugged it into a couchdb backend at and actually it runs surprisingly well across multiple devices with no effort.  I have always liked how easy it was to plug things together inside of TW :)
Thank you for your efforts,


David Szego

Jan 23, 2017, 2:03:44 PM1/23/17
to TiddlyWiki

Hi Adam, nice to hear from you!

Just a quick reply, will write more when I'm home...

The main dashboard is there, under the "Cardo" sidebar tab, but I haven't moved any others yet. They'll be really easy to write as I broke everything into very small specific macros when I re-wrote it in TW5. Maybe I'll focus on that next.

CouchDB would be cool... It works very nicely under Node.js too... The NoteSelf guy is fairly focused on the CouchDB code and is quite active in these forums.
You should put up a post on how to integrate this (and other TW instances) in CloudAnt w/CouchDB - that would be useful to many.

Talk soon,

On Monday, 23 January 2017 13:43:52 UTC-5, Adam Houston wrote:
David.  ...
  • Dashboards:...
  • CouchDB version:..

Danielo Rodríguez

Jan 23, 2017, 2:38:59 PM1/23/17
to TiddlyWiki
Dear David,

I'm the couch guy :)
Adam has already tried cardo with noteself and he reports the it works well.
The only thing you need to get this working is going to ,install the plugin, optionally configure a remote DB and click on save config and you are good to go.

I published a small how to video (less than 5 minutes) that can be considered a tutorial.


Adam Houston

Jan 23, 2017, 8:28:47 PM1/23/17
Yes it runs as does GSD5. I do get some pop up errors along the lines of:

syncer-browser - 17:25:31 23 1 2017

Sync error while processing 'My Task': TypeError: Cannot read property
'rev' of undefined

here and there. Doesn't seem to affect the operation and it could be
due to me running on multiple devices. I am just impressed it runs as
well as it does without being aware of throwing it on top of
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Adam Houston

Jan 31, 2017, 6:47:03 PM1/31/17
to TiddlyWiki
I concur, ticklers in dGSD were very useful.  Especially as they were implemented with the +d +w +y buttons next to them to easily reschedule them into the future after you took care of one that was recurring.

Some food for thought:  In ticklers are something you add onto an action instead of a standalone entity.  I'm not sure if I like this or not just something to ponder in terms of design since you haven't fully implemented them.

Ward Holloway

May 25, 2017, 11:47:20 AM5/25/17
to TiddlyWiki
This appears to be multi-user? Does it autosave after each change? How do you push changes to users who have the file open? Just asking.

On Friday, September 23, 2016 at 7:09:22 PM UTC-4, David Szego wrote:
Hi all!

So, about a month after my first announcement, I've now got a very usable version of Cardo (dGSD for TW5) to share at

David Szego

May 25, 2017, 3:54:28 PM5/25/17
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Ward,

It's no more multi-user than TW itself is, but you can add as many people as you want with the "Cardo" sidebar --> "New" tab --> "Person" button. Each person will have their own dashboard. If you share the file (or host with Node.js) they can look at their own dashboards for their tasks/projects, and assign to others as needed.

Autosave is also a core TW function that can be turned on/off in the Control Panel. If you share a Node.js instance, you don't have to worry about pushing changes.



May 25, 2017, 4:26:50 PM5/25/17
to TiddlyWiki
Ciao David

Cardo looks very much like an app that could work well with Noteself -- which gets closer to proper multi-user support via a syncing remote database (whilst retaining total local TW existence offline too). Its looks very promising.

Have you looked at it?

More recently the explicit multi-user configuration has gone into testing.

Best wishes
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