*** It is the time to be Generous ***

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не прочитано,
7 дек. 2019 г., 18:32:2907.12.2019
– tiddl...@googlegroups.com
*** It is the time to be Generous ***
[Lead Post updated and deleted processed replies]
Updated : 14/12/19 With Thomas's details and No money


I just want to let you all know I have made some payments to community members with a patreon or Paypal accounts and will make more before the New Year. 

This is despite my own currently low income because I see value in rewarding those who put a great deal of effort into our community. 

No money?
If you really are not in a position to donate now, please keep donations in mind for the future. In the meantime non financial contributions include sharing, thanking others, testing published solutions, building and sharing editions, macros or test data sets, answering questions in the forum and much more. Use you imagination and be Generous.

I plan in the new year to offer some crowd funding of my own work, lest I return to full time work and reduce my contributions. In the meantime I am funding those who do the work.
  • Please choose a sum and make one off or re-occuring donations.
  • Please follow suite and indicate you have made a donation here if possible (Details not necessary).
  • If you have a patreon, Paypal or other donation method please post the details here so others can donate to you.
  • I will build a list for future funding drives.

Please be generous and sponsor our community and consider a larger donation if you have a business that makes use of TiddlyWiki.

The best way to support Jeremy is by hiring him commercially through his company Federatial https://federatial.com
  • Jeremy says "Most of my current work is performing custom development of solutions based on TiddlyWiki, with some advisory/consultancy work. 
  • For some clients I also offer a seamless cloud-based implementation of TiddlyWiki running on Amazon Web Services.

This Topic to be Pinned until 31st December

  • Please "do not reply" with how you can't make a payment, if you make a payment please let people know, you do not need to say how much just tell us who and why.
  • If You can't donate at present there are plenty of opportunities to help the community other ways. 
    • Promote donations to someone for their work
    • Answer Questions you have answers for in the Forum
    • Promote solutions when appropriate in a thread from our community members and include a link to their donations channel.
    • Build and Share solutions in this thread
    • Plan to make donations as soon as you can

Yours Sincerely

Diego Mesa

не прочитано,
7 дек. 2019 г., 18:47:1107.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
Mario has one as well! Please put him on there!

And of course - the great Mohammad! If he doesn't have one, he definitely needs one!

And finally, Jeremy! I dont think there is currently a way to directly support him/tiddlywiki.

On Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 5:32:29 PM UTC-6, TonyM wrote:

I just want to let you all know I have made some payments to community members with a patreon or Paypal accounts and will make more before the New Year. 
This is despite my own currently low income because I see value in rewarding those who put a great deal of effort into our community.  

I plan in the new year to offer some crowd funding of my own work, lest I return to full time work and reduce my contributions. In the meantime I am funding those who do the work.

  • Please choose a sum and make one off or re-occuring donations.
  • Please follow suite and indicate you have made a donation here if possible (Details not necessary).
  • If you have a patreon, Paypal or other donation method please post the details here so others can donate to you.
  • I will build a list for future funding drives.

Please be generous and sponsor our community and consider a larger donation if you have a business that makes use of TiddlyWiki.

Eric Please Pin until 31st December, and Add your own donation details

Yours Sincerely
Сообщение удалено

Diego Mesa

не прочитано,
7 дек. 2019 г., 19:04:0107.12.2019
– tiddl...@googlegroups.com
This is Mario's paypal link:

or as he always puts it:

PS - If you like it: Support it :)

On Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 5:56:24 PM UTC-6, TonyM wrote:
Please find donation methods and reply with the details, I am off my desktop the rest of the day

I will update the lead post later.

Eric Shulman

не прочитано,
7 дек. 2019 г., 23:01:0007.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
On Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 3:32:29 PM UTC-8, TonyM wrote:
Eric Please Pin until 31st December, and Add your own donation details

Tony: as requested, I have pinned this topic until the end of the year.

and... here's my donation link:


A Gloom

не прочитано,
7 дек. 2019 г., 23:04:4007.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
commendable!  (here we take you seriously, etc-- but really can't help-- hands full striving to keep independent and not burdening the system)

Jeremy Ruston

не прочитано,
8 дек. 2019 г., 11:52:2008.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
Hi Diego

And finally, Jeremy! I dont think there is currently a way to directly support him/tiddlywiki. 

The best way to support me is by hiring me commercially through my company Federatial https://federatial.com. Most of my current work is performing custom development of solutions based on TiddlyWiki, with some advisory/consultancy work. For some clients I also offer a seamless cloud-based implementation of TiddlyWiki running on Amazon Web Services.

Best wishes


Diego Mesa

не прочитано,
8 дек. 2019 г., 15:39:4708.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
Hey Jeremy!

While I wish I could hire you, I think it might be beneficial for you to have a "patreon" type support mechanism as well, so that those of us that cant directly hire you, can still "buy you coffee/beer" every once and while through there.

Thanks again,


не прочитано,
8 дек. 2019 г., 17:44:5908.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
*** It is the time to be Generous ***
[Lead Post updated and deleted processed replies]


I just want to let you all know I have made some payments to community members with a patreon or Paypal accounts and will make more before the New Year. 

This is despite my own currently low income because I see value in rewarding those who put a great deal of effort into our community.  

I plan in the new year to offer some crowd funding of my own work, lest I return to full time work and reduce my contributions. In the meantime I am funding those who do the work.
  • Please choose a sum and make one off or re-occuring donations.
  • Please follow suite and indicate you have made a donation here if possible (Details not necessary).
  • If you have a patreon, Paypal or other donation method please post the details here so others can donate to you.
  • I will build a list for future funding drives.

Please be generous and sponsor our community and consider a larger donation if you have a business that makes use of TiddlyWiki.

A Gloom

не прочитано,
8 дек. 2019 г., 21:05:4008.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
While I wish I could hire you, I think it might be beneficial for you to have a "patreon" type support mechanism as well, so that those of us that cant directly hire you, can still "buy you coffee/beer" every once and while through there.

Good idea, more people would willing to contribute a donation than needing to hire.

Jeremy Ruston

не прочитано,
9 дек. 2019 г., 04:27:3109.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki

While I wish I could hire you, I think it might be beneficial for you to have a "patreon" type support mechanism as well, so that those of us that cant directly hire you, can still "buy you coffee/beer" every once and while through there.

Good idea, more people would willing to contribute a donation than needing to hire.

From quite an early point I realised that I shouldn’t in all good conscience ask the broad TiddlyWiki community for cash because in reality it’s actually me who should be paying them.

The reason is that it is thanks to the interest of this community I’ve been able to find and pursue what I can only call my life's work — and that’s a rare privilege. But the point is that it’s entirely thanks to the community that any of this has happened. Without the support of the community I couldn’t do this.

So, I wouldn’t rule out having a Patreon but my current model is a bit more utopian: to try to win decent-sized commercial projects from the relatively few members of the community that can afford it. It’s worked quite well for the last couple of years.

My clients are basically buying a custom business app based on TiddlyWiki. A custom app written by one person would ordinarily be a bit of a liability for a commercial organisation because of the risks if that person with their specialised knowledge were no longer available. TiddlyWiki’s open source community mitigates that risk, and my clients know that they could obtain the expertise they needed elsewhere if they needed to. So, again, this community underpins my commercial work as well.

The other nice thing about me not having a Patreon is that it hopefully leaves more in the pot for the contributors who do have one.

Best wishes


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не прочитано,
9 дек. 2019 г., 05:08:4909.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
Jeremy Ruston wrote:
... My clients are basically buying a custom business app based on TiddlyWiki. A custom app written by one person would ordinarily be a bit of a liability for a commercial organisation because of the risks if that person with their specialised knowledge were no longer available. TiddlyWiki’s open source community mitigates that risk, and my clients know that they could obtain the expertise they needed elsewhere if they needed to. So, again, this community underpins my commercial work as well.

That is a fascinating & very informative comment.


не прочитано,
9 дек. 2019 г., 05:13:3709.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
Maybe there could be a "bucket" fund? By which I mean donation to a collective fund that is then disbursed to help larger emergent project developers.

By which I mean there is an overall PayPal for tiddlywiki.com that a small committee decide where it goes?

A thought

Jed Carty

не прочитано,
9 дек. 2019 г., 05:30:4209.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
Without dedicated developers and a much more formal structure than tiddlywiki development has I am not at all comfortable with the idea of a communal pool that gets distributed by committee. If that gets set up I am not going to participate.

I have been in the leadership of enough groups to know that ends poorly.


не прочитано,
9 дек. 2019 г., 05:46:1809.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki

And I actually agree that  "Without dedicated developers and a much more formal structure than tiddlywiki development has ..." its likely more of an issue than a solution. (Just FWIW it was partly you and Arlen that was in my mind). It seems clear to me some projects could do with dedicated grant funding to thrive. 

I've seen it work well for charities, but they had the infrastructure to do it. We don't.

Best wishes

Jed Carty wrote:

Jeremy Ruston

не прочитано,
9 дек. 2019 г., 06:43:1309.12.2019
– tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Josiah

Maybe there could be a "bucket" fund? By which I mean donation to a collective fund that is then disbursed to help larger emergent project developers.

By which I mean there is an overall PayPal for tiddlywiki.com that a small committee decide where it goes?

The trouble is, as Jed suggests, that it's a lot more bureaucracy, and there are a lot of challenges to make sure everybody is happy with the decisions of the committee. Communities seem to work better without money.

I would be very happy to feature individual fundraising links on tiddlywiki.com, although again there's a lot we need to get right to be sure that we're being fair.

Best wishes


A thought

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не прочитано,
9 дек. 2019 г., 06:47:2309.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
Hi Diego,

Big thanks for posting the info ;)

I did qualify for github sponsors (similar to a patreon account). .. I'll let you all know, once the setup is finished.

have fun!
and: If you like it: Support it ;)


не прочитано,
9 дек. 2019 г., 07:05:5209.12.2019
– tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Ciao Jeremy

I agree actually with all your and Jed's caveats. The expanded bureaucracy & fairness issues. 
But, after reflection, I now managed to pin down more precisely why I wrote that and what is implicit in it that would have been better explicit.  

It is that some things going on are quite large projects that have major implications. 
I was thinking particularly of Jed & Arlen, though some Android work might also fall into the category. 

I have no answer other than to say some things are great innovations and some are major projects.
Major projects are much harder to sustain without funding.

Communities seem to work better without money.

!!. Lol. Let's not go there.

Best wishes

Jeremy Ruston wrote ....


не прочитано,
9 дек. 2019 г., 09:23:3309.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
 From quite an early point I realised that I shouldn’t in all good conscience ask the broad TiddlyWiki community for cash because in reality it’s actually me who should be paying them.

An intermediate solution could be https://issuehunt.io/

This is a platform (?) where you can upload an amount and set an amount for each GitHub issue: if someone can solve the problem, they will receive an X reward. This way, you could repay the amount offered by Tiddly fans for their work on TW development. 

For example, here's a list of the Boostnote repository issues (the program's authors also created IssueHunt itself): https://issuehunt.io/r/BoostIO/Boostnote

Jeremy Ruston

не прочитано,
9 дек. 2019 г., 11:47:1709.12.2019
– tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Bimlas

IssueHunt is new to me, but I’ve come across a few similar things over the years:

I don’t think we’ve got the numbers for it to work well for us, and would have the same concerns as above about introducing money into the basic activities of the community.

Best wishes


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "TiddlyWiki" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to tiddlywiki+...@googlegroups.com.

Ste Wilson

не прочитано,
9 дек. 2019 г., 13:58:4009.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
When i win the lotto ;)

Diego Mesa

не прочитано,
9 дек. 2019 г., 14:43:1209.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
Ive told my wife if we win the lotto a portion of it would go to pay a full time TW developer!


не прочитано,
11 дек. 2019 г., 20:14:2511.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
Minor Updates to the Lead post and a reminder
 *** It is the time to be Generous ***

Remember any amount large or small can help someone sustain their efforts.


On Sunday, December 8, 2019 at 10:32:29 AM UTC+11, TonyM wrote:
*** It is the time to be Generous ***
[Lead Post updated and deleted processed replies]


I just want to let you all know I have made some payments to community members with a patreon or Paypal accounts and will make more before the New Year. 

This is despite my own currently low income because I see value in rewarding those who put a great deal of effort into our community.  

I plan in the new year to offer some crowd funding of my own work, lest I return to full time work and reduce my contributions. In the meantime I am funding those who do the work.
  • Please choose a sum and make one off or re-occuring donations.
  • Please follow suite and indicate you have made a donation here if possible (Details not necessary).
  • If you have a patreon, Paypal or other donation method please post the details here so others can donate to you.
  • I will build a list for future funding drives.

Please be generous and sponsor our community and consider a larger donation if you have a business that makes use of TiddlyWiki.

  • Some users may provide donation information on their GitHub Pages

Thomas Elmiger

не прочитано,
13 дек. 2019 г., 15:05:1013.12.2019
– TiddlyWiki
Hi all,

My activity in the community is not as high as it used to be, I know. Nevertheless I thought I might share my thougts and experience concerning rewards.

In general, the best reward for me is feedback from users. First of all voluntary testers, but also just normal users who let me know that my stuff actually is in use and makes other people happy too.

Some of my plugins come with a note indicating how users could send money, others come without it. Until now I received 20 AUD in total from a total of 1 user(s) during the first year or so. And I tried to buy a meal for two colleagues who made nice stuff or helped me with code some time ago in one or another way. So on the bottom line, PayPal earned more than me ;–)

But as said before: Just let me know that you use my stuff, that means a lot to me. I do not track anything on my tid.li webstite so feedback from the community is all I have.

Cheers and all the best,

Eric Shulman

не прочитано,
1 янв. 2020 г., 09:20:3101.01.2020
– TiddlyWiki
On Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 3:32:29 PM UTC-8, TonyM wrote:
This Topic to be Pinned until 31st December

Happy New Year!

As per Tony's original post, this topic has now been unpinned.


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