Reduce size of the "recent" list

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May 3, 2016, 4:01:20 AM5/3/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi list!

I'd like to reduce the size of the recent list (so that there is no scrolling on the screen I regularly use). I did not find a setting for this, and changing the "limit" part of the filter expression in $:/core/Filters/RecentTiddlers die not change anything either.

Thanks for any pointers!

Best regards,


May 3, 2016, 6:08:47 AM5/3/16
On Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 10:01:20 AM UTC+2, Daniel wrote:
I'd like to reduce the size of the recent list (so that there is no scrolling on the screen I regularly use). I did not find a setting for this, and changing the "limit" part of the filter expression in $:/core/Filters/RecentTiddlers die not change anything either.

$:/core/Filters/RecentTiddlers ... is a tiddler, that is used as a template in the AdvancedSearch: Filter  drop-down list.

The tiddler you need to modify is: $:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent  ... It contains a macro call for the timeline macro  Change the limit parameter there. ... but .... be aware it reads the last eg: 10 tiddlers if your limit it 10. then it views their modified date to create the groups. Then it uses the group dates to show the tiddlers. So if one of those group dates has 100 changed tiddlers, it will show them all.

So the "timeline limit" functionality isn't deterministic.

have fun!


May 3, 2016, 6:17:57 AM5/3/16
If we would change this line in the timeline macro

<$list filter="[!is[system]$subfilter$has[$dateField$]!sort[$dateField$]limit[$limit$]eachday[$dateField$]]">


<$list filter="[!is[system]$subfilter$has[$dateField$]!sort[$dateField$]eachday[$dateField$]limit[$limit$]]">

and set the limit to eg: 3 it would use the last 3 dates, where tiddlers have been changed. ... It still would show all tiddlers from the group

PS: We should probably create a new timeline macro, with a new limitNumberOfLinks


May 9, 2016, 4:48:34 AM5/9/16
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for the help!

I changed the limit in


so I'm happy for now, though a configurable parameter (not breaking at updates) would be great in the future.

Thanks, again!



May 9, 2016, 4:48:45 AM5/9/16
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for the help!

I changed the limit in


so I'm happy for now, though a configurable parameter (not breaking at updates) would be great in the future.

Thanks, again!


Am Dienstag, 3. Mai 2016 12:17:57 UTC+2 schrieb PMario:


May 9, 2016, 8:01:27 PM5/9/16
to TiddlyWiki

On Monday, May 9, 2016 at 10:48:34 AM UTC+2, Daniel wrote:

so I'm happy for now, though a configurable parameter (not breaking at updates) would be great in the future

this doesn't break on updates. your content will always win. to undo your changes, just delete your tiddler. the core will take over again. thats it.


Tobias Beer

May 21, 2016, 4:33:40 PM5/21/16
Hi Daniel,

I think I'd opt for creating a new <$group/> widget (/ or plugin for it) which allows to specify:
  • filter
    a filter of those tiddlers you want to list grouped

  • field
    a field by the values of which you want to group the results

  • by
    (optional) when set to days handles fields as date fields and compares years months and days
    => could be extended to only group by month or even year

  • item-template
    a text reference for a template used for each list item

    default (/ fallback), probably contains:
    <li><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></li>

  • group-template
    a text reference for a template used for each group header:

    to cater for a better timeline, the default (/ fallback) may contain something like:
    <li class="tc-group"><$view field="modified" format="date" template="YYYY-0MM-0DD"/></li>
This assumes, of course, that you define the sort or limit parameters of your grouped list through the filter.
Whenever a list item contains a new date value compared to the previous one (initially null), a new group is created.

Best wishes,



Jul 30, 2016, 4:16:16 PM7/30/16
to TiddlyWiki
Like Daniel I got annoyed today by the scroll bar that the default Recent sidebar list causes. Maybe I am in the minority but Recent is my default Sidebar tab - I tend to create/update tiddlers for a few days and then move on. What put me over top was the double scroll bars I get when editing a tiddler when I open a tiddler from that Recent list. As PMario suggested I ended up modifying both system tiddlers once I found this thread - which took several searches.

This approach seems like a burden for the more casual, but equally annoyed, user though. And while Tobias' proposed widget seems powerful it sounds kind of overwhelming for that same casual user.

I'd vote for a simple way for users to control the default limit (100 seems a bit much) in the Control Panel. Perhaps Tobias' approach could be an alternate sidebar tab - one way for TiddlyWiki newbies to create a custom table of contents.


Jul 31, 2016, 5:14:46 AM7/31/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi jwd et al,

The trouble with Tiddlywiki is that it's so hard to say just what a "casual user" should and shouldn't be able to or be expected to do.

All the core UI is written in wikitext, so it can be changed if you want to, but you have to understand how it was built in the first place. Ironically, if the UI is constantly expanded to incorporate ever more settings and options then the underlying wikitext gets progressively harder to understand.

To address the "annoyance/burden" that you are dealing with, I would suggest adding new UI (easy) instead of changing what's in the core (hard). 

Put a new tab in the sidebar (by tagging a tiddler with $:/tags/SideBar) and put a list in it with a filter that matches what you want - perhaps [!sort[modified]limit[20]] or something similar. You can position it relative to the other tabs by giving it a list-before or list-after field and you can change the tab title by giving it a caption field. Then use this tab as your default.

If you want to remove the original 'recent' tab from view, open it ($:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent) and delete its tag.


Matthew Eckelman

Aug 25, 2017, 10:22:54 AM8/25/17

Limit Recent History

Edit shadow tiddler:  $:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent
Add limit=7 (or whatever #) like this:
<$macrocall $name="timeline" limit=7 format={{$:/language/RecentChanges/DateFormat}}/>

worked on:  Tiddlywiki 5.1.14
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