An example: How I am tracking TODO's on my ORM-ish project

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Charlie Veniot

Nov 21, 2020, 8:36:56 PM11/21/20
to TiddlyWiki
Project:  ORM-ish à la TiddlyWiki

For this project, although I still like the simplicity of leaving myself "TODO breadcrumbs" here and there, I decided I needed a little bit more than what I described in this previous post.
  • btw, by "TODO breadcrumbs", I mean:
    • For any tiddler where I want to eventually tackle something, I add a [[TODO]] link, along with a note, in that very tiddler
    • In my sidebar, I have a TODO list of all tiddlers that have [[TODO]] links in them
In my ORM-ish project, wherever I happen to fill a "coded" value for some Universe of Discourse fact, that coding involves three items, each wrapped in double-brackets for eventual matching tiddlers.
  • btw:
    • a "fact" is just an English statement about something in a universe of discourse
    • a "coded" value is just a representation of the statement in a format that allows processing and spitting out, eventually, database table creation script)
I often don't get around to creating those matching tiddlers right away.

So I wanted something to remind me about tiddler references in these "coded" fields for which the matching tiddlers haven't yet been created.

I'll be eventually also needing reminders about other kinds of tiddler references for which matching tiddlers haven't yet been created.

So I've modified my sidebar "TODO" so that it is a "Tasks" object including my previously setup TODO mechanism, and I've added buttons for creation of a few standard kinds of tiddlers, and also a section for tiddlers (from tiddler references in "coded" fields) that need to be created.

What's nice: getting a list of tiddlers that need to be created is just filter operations, so no work on my part other than creating the query that searches the TiddlyWiki for things that are missing.

Whooey.  I got wordy.  Screenshot below, I think, says it all so much quicker.  Please, go play and dissect the TiddlyWiki if that kind of stuff floats yer boat as much as it floats mine!

Cheers !

Screenshot 2020-11-21 at 9.33.26 PM.png

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