TW-Shiraz plugin 2.1.2: Stable release

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Nov 13, 2020, 2:44:25 PM11/13/20
to TiddlyWiki
Announcement:Shiraz plugin
Date: Nov 13th, 2020
Release: 2.1.2
Status: Stable

Shiraz is now a mature and quite powerful plugin and it can be used as a useful addition to Tiddlywiki empty edition.

This stable release is a bug fix release and distributing under Kookma Plugin Library.

Star it if you like it and send your feedback!
Documentation proof reading for English is welcome!


Nov 24, 2020, 3:33:47 PM11/24/20
to TiddlyWiki

I'm just trying this plugin for the first time, and I think it's awesome. I'm just getting back into TW after a long absence and not much experience with TW5. It adds a lot of functionality. 

I was able to manually copy in the plugin. But I couldn't find it using the installation instructions for the Kookma Plugin Library. I see 11 plugins listed for the Kookma Library but none of them seem to be Shiraz.

After copying over the plugin and the examples. The only issue I'm having is the sticky footer doesn't work with the color pallet that I am using. I'm using the Tiddlywiki built in theme of "Gruvbox Dark - Retro groove color theme", the text in the sticky footer is too light to see. What's the easiest way to change this text color?



Nov 25, 2020, 3:36:32 AM11/25/20
to TiddlyWiki
 From Shiraz installation tiddler:
 drag and drop  $:/config/KookmaPluginLibrary  into your wiki
 Then like installing official plugins, go to Control Panel, Plugin and click on Get more plugins button!
 In the window opened, select Kookma Plugin Library tab and the from the list select any plugins you like to install!

Good luck

Nov 25, 2020, 9:34:12 AM11/25/20
to TiddlyWiki
Regarding your last question:

You can edit the CSS of the footer in this tiddler:  $:/plugins/kookma/shiraz/styles/sticky-footer 
Edit the line `background-color: #efefef; `  for a different color background.
Add a line: color: <<some color here>>; to change the text colors.

Op dinsdag 24 november 2020 om 21:33:47 UTC+1 schreef

Nov 25, 2020, 1:54:53 PM11/25/20
to TiddlyWiki

I was able to install the Kookma library but didn't see Shiraz in the list.  I see 11 plugins in the Kookma library (such as $:/plugins/kookma/commander) but I don't see $:/plugins/kookma/shiraz

Within my TW I have shiraz installed by manually copying it in and it shows as $:/plugins/kookma/shiraz

Nov 25, 2020, 1:59:05 PM11/25/20
to TiddlyWiki
Works great, I was able to update the color. Thanks!


Dec 1, 2020, 8:17:58 PM12/1/20
to TiddlyWiki

As you know, I love Shiraz, and especially the dynamic tables. They are now essential to my workflow.

I realize there's one desirable feature-possibility for dynamic tables that would be amazing, and maybe popular enough to be worth requesting from you rather than clumsily trying to hack for myself (as I was starting to do on the biblio-demo project for compiling quotes... before reminding myself that it's too steep a learning curve for me). 

REQUEST: Let us specify a special column (perhaps one that appears only in the table's internal editing mode) that effectively displays a "CLONE this tiddler" button for its tiddler row. 

Once the button is pressed, a new row is suddenly going to show up in the dynamic table, and then (I imagine) the cursor should get automatically moved into to the first editable field of that newly-created duplicate row, for modifying as needed.

(More fancy would be the option to create the new tiddler with all the non-pivotal fields left blank, setting only those fields whose values account for its fitting within the filter condition, but that's bells and whistles.)

Such a feature would make it much easier to respond more intuitively to the "Oh, I want to add another row (tiddler) that belongs here" moment.

Best regards and thanks in advance for entertaining the request!

On Friday, November 13, 2020 at 2:44:25 PM UTC-5 Mohammad wrote:


Dec 2, 2020, 2:35:24 AM12/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Springer,
 I am happy you like Shiraz and it is useful in your workflow. Dynamic Tables are highly customizable using templates. 
 What you asked is not difficult and you can do yourself without any hack.

The content of each column is displayed using column template. So you can have a column template to display the contents for example as a link or in red color and so on.

As a first trial I attached a clone template! Drag and drop the attached JSON on
and see how test works!

By the way if you could not implement your own template please submit a ticket here  



Dec 2, 2020, 7:33:28 PM12/2/20
to TiddlyWiki

What I imagined was the ability to create a duplicate tiddler "here" without *opening* it, so that editing focus remains on the dynamic table. It would have the feel of "adding a row to the spreadsheet". Still, adding the "clone" button column with just the regular button, in the way you illustrate here, does make it a bit more efficient to use the dynamic table as a springboard for adding tiddlers as needed.

Thanks for the speedy and helpful response!



Dec 3, 2020, 12:40:26 AM12/3/20
to TiddlyWiki
 There is two points here to note
1. If the table is sorted using tiddler name this may cause by adding a new row you may loose focus as new table entry causes a dynamic sort (so pay attention to this)
2. The clone feature of core navigate to new tiddler, so you need to have your own clone button (e.g. create a new tiddler but do not navigate to it.

You have your own clone button you have to use action-createtiddler


The action-createtiddler widget is an action widget that creates new tiddlers. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.

There are several differences from the tm-new-tiddler message:

  • The new tiddler is not automatically displayed in the story river
  • The title of the new tiddler is made available for subsequent operations
got to 
create a Test tiddler name: Test with few tags and fields and content
Then create another tiddler with the below code
\define mybase() Test
\define testCreate()
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<mybase>> $template=<<mybase>> />

<$button actions=<<testCreate>> >{{$:/core/images/clone-button}}


Click the clone button several times and see the Recent tab to see the new cloned tiddlers NO navigation to them no opening in story river.

Now use this code in the template I sent you instead <<mybase>> use <<currentRecord>>



Dec 3, 2020, 12:05:39 PM12/3/20
to TiddlyWiki
 I have pushed an experimental release to implement what you asked as part of Shiraz plugin, see it 

To give a try download  `shoriz.tid` from
and drop into your backed up Tiddlywiki. Do not forget to make backup before tests.

The new tbl-clone uses features from TW 5.1.23pre but it also works in TW 5.1.22
with small difference.

a copy is attached. Look for demo/dynamic-table/clone-row tiddler

Please make some experiments and let me know how it works. After careful experimentation I will merge and push a new release.

Best wishes


Dec 3, 2020, 2:56:41 PM12/3/20
to TiddlyWiki
Mohammad, wow! 

This new Shiraz (2.1.3) is now live at the biblio-demo page

It works just as you describe, and you've thoughtfully bundled in a delete icon so that removing a row is also intuitive.

One glitch: I realize I'm unable to edit the title of the newly-created tiddler. Presumably that's because the title is a link. 

I wonder whether most users would rather have access to an inline edit field for the title (when table is in edit mode), letting go of the link function. Ability to edit titles (from within the dynamic table row) might be useful even independently of the clone function. 

Just like the "clone" and "delete" icon buttons at the end of a row (in edit mode), perhaps a "go-edit-tiddler" icon toward the right end would intuitively compensate for losing the title link. Alternately, a keyboard shortcut to exit editing mode (presumably available only if edit-focus is within a field) might make it more seamless to return to view mode and then hit the title link.

I'm so grateful for your responsiveness. 

I try to keep requests limited to matters that might benefit others, and I do think that this addition to dynamic tables counts as such, given that Shiraz is an essential plugin for those who aren't very confident with tinkering under the hood. Nearly everyone has used a spreadsheet, and Shiraz now allows novice TW5 users to do lots of work in that table-management frame of mind.



Dec 3, 2020, 3:44:30 PM12/3/20
to TiddlyWiki

Thank you! You did great on Biblio excerpts demo. 

As you well know the tiddler title is the magic field in Tiddlywiki. Unfortunately the dynamic table do not allow editing title of records (here tiddlers) in place.
One solution is to add a temp tiddler on edit and use a confirmation button like what Jed Carty did in his version of dynamic table. He also added double click to 
edit a table cell.

Personally I like to be able to edit everything in table cells. I will consider this as an improvement but it takes time! but I am open if there is a good solution here!

Shortcut solution: one hack is to create your own  title template like what I did for clone and use an inputbox + confirmation button! 

Using shortcut keys makes it not work correctly on touch screens, so I used buttons and input box every where.

Best wishes

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