Dungeon Game in TW

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Jun 27, 2017, 5:35:42 AM6/27/17
to TiddlyWiki
Through this year I used TW in my class to write textadvantures.
Therefore I made a wiki to explore the possibilities to use TW as a
plattform a dungeonlike game.
There are some nice tricks in it and I made a first level to demonstrate
what interactions are possible so far.
It has an integrated Level-Editor and most of the mechanisms are
explained, so I would be happy if someone built a level and mailed it
back to me.



Jun 27, 2017, 5:41:03 AM6/27/17
to TiddlyWiki
I forgot the URL:


Jul 7, 2017, 11:50:14 AM7/7/17
to TiddlyWiki
Could you explain how to try out the first level?  I see lots of pieces and hints of how it might work, but not sure how to start.


Jul 8, 2017, 11:01:49 AM7/8/17
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Dave,
thanks for trying and for giving me the feedback that the Game needs more explanation.
Use the Arrows in the navigate-sidebar-tab to navigate. The labyrint will show while moving through it, the interaction happens in Modals.
You can see the level in the Dungeon-Editor...which is important to make your own level.
My main goal was to create a plattform in which my pupils can tell text-based advantures so my first level is rather a demonstration of what is possible than a real level.
I hope this helps a little,  please tell me if you need more help...especially when creating a level.

Yours Jan


Am 07.07.2017 um 17:50 schrieb Dave:
Could you explain how to try out the first level?  I see lots of pieces and hints of how it might work, but not sure how to start.
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Jul 10, 2017, 9:54:28 PM7/10/17
to TiddlyWiki
That's pretty cool! If only I'd had that years ago when I used to play...
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