Timimi plugin - released for firefox/chrome/chromium in linux/mac/windows

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Aug 18, 2018, 2:09:22 AM8/18/18
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Update 23-12-2018

Update 24/Aug/2018

So there have been a few requests regarding backup options. On the other end, a few noted the pointlessness of pushing a backup option on people who already have a personal solution for backups. Both points deserve merit. I felt that a  fair compromise would be a modular approach. Instead of adding a backup option to the timimi plugin itself, I made a tiddlywiki plugin called snapshot.

Basically it is not a everything and kitchen sink solution. Rather, it presents the user with a tiddlywiki message namely "tm-backup-wiki". Whenever this message is triggered, it creates a timestamped clone of wiki at that point. The location to keep the backups and format of timestamp(same as now macro) can be defined under Control Panel > Saving >Snapshots. The location for backups can be relative or absolute. If left blank, backups will be created in the same folder as the original file.
Remember, Snapshot plugin requires timimi plugin or other similar plugins that follow tiddlyfox saver module structure to work. Currently PMario's filebackup might work in addition to timimi.

Regarding inducting timimi plugin to chrome web-store, if anyone has a google chrome store developer account and is ready to upload timimi to the webstore, let me know and I shall share the code so that people may install it. 

Original Post

For those who are unfamiliar, timimi is a web-extension that allows you to save standalone tiddlywikis the same way tiddlyfox did. You can open your tiddlywikis from anywhere in your home folder, make changes and save changes.

Installation steps have been simplified and requirement of python removed in windows. Installation steps are sa below


* Download the platform specific file from release page  and unzip it.
**  In windows remember that the unzipped folder will become your installation folder. So relocate it to a convenient folder under your home directory. 
* Run the install script.
* Drag and drop timimi.xpi to **about:addons** page in firefox.


Chrome/Chromium does not allow installation of third party extensions from outside the web-store. Until chrome finishes its review and accept timimi to web-store, users will have to install it using the following steps.

* Download the platform specific file from release page  and unzip it.
**  In windows remember that the unzipped folder will become your installation folder. So relocate it to a convenient folder under your home directory. 
* Run the install script.
* Open chrome://extensions/ page in chrome/chromium and turn on the "Developer mode"
* From the tool bar that appears, click "Load unpacked" and select the folder chrome-chromium/chrome-addon

Now open a local tiddlywiki file anywhere under your home folder, make some changes and save. Wait for a few seconds to refresh the tab and ensure that changes are saved.

Is there are issues, file them at https://github.com/ibnishak/Timimi/issues

Please respond with your usage reports and platform details so as to confirm that plugin is working as intended..

PS: other tiddlywiki saver plugins like mario's filesaver plugin for firefox should not be in conflict with timimi. However it is a good idea to temporarily disable them while testing timimi. 

PS: Please backup your important files before trying out.


Aug 18, 2018, 2:40:56 AM8/18/18
to TiddlyWiki

As discussed elsewhere this is fantastic.

I am using Latest General Release FireFox 61.0.2 (64-bit) and Windows 10 and after the install I can edit any single file wiki anywhere on my Laptop without further intervention.

This solution works in FireFox on all platforms except I understand Android.

Typically I can open My Wikis into FireFox as it is my default browser by double-clicking the file in the File Explorer. Or I can start with in the browser address bar "file:///c:/" and start browsing. For example file:///c:/Data/TW5/Instances/ which can be bookmarked.

I have not yet tried it with Chrome, I may wait to see if they accept it. But that will also be helpful as I also use chrome, especially with multiple users to maintain different authentications within in each.

I am yet to work through the implications but I expect this may appeal to the vast majority of users who can use FireFox or Chrome who want to treat their TiddlyWikis like private documents, on their computer, synchronised cloud storage or USB sticks.

Once again thanks so much for helping tiddlywiki come back from the apocalypse, the journey has being worth while with a suite of save and server tools now available for other use cases. However this stand to help the new adopter community.


For those who are unfamiliar, timimi is a webextension that allows you to save standalone tiddlywikis the same way tiddlyfox did. You can open your tiddlywikis from anywhere in your home folder, make changes and save changes.

Installation steps have been simplified and requirement of python removed in windows. Installation steps are sa below


* Download the platform specific file from release page  and unzip it.
* Run the install script.
* Drag and drop timimi.xpi to **about:addons** page in firefox.


Chrome/Chromium does not allow installation of third party extensions from outside the webstore. Until chrome finishes its review and accept timimi to webstore, users will have to install it using the following steps.

* Download the platform specific file from release page  and unzip it.
* Run the install script.


Aug 18, 2018, 7:35:05 AM8/18/18
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Ciao Riz

I tested https://github.com/ibnishak/Timimi on Firefox 61 on Windows 7 64-bit

It was extremely easy and worked for overwrite saving seamlessly.

The timing of this is good as Firefox 52 ESR, the easiest stop-gap to keep TiddlyFox running, came to the end of its support cycle about a month ago, replaced by v60 ESR.

Just FYI seeing this working I will also alert two Firefox add-on developers who got stuck on missing file saving in general (not for TW but add-ons I used a lot in 52) to take a look at its working--its a simple effective solution.

: Am I right in thinking that the persistent change is the computer OS is the one address added to the Windows Registry? I wondered if the address could be held in a local configuration file along with the other files? The reason being it would help portability.

Suggestion 1
: Small point ... perhaps worth mentioning that the file should be unzipped, (or unzipped & copied) to the final destination folder. E.g., in my case I put it under my TW stuff at ...

Suggestion 2: I found that to install the .xpi by drag-n-drop I had to navigate to the ADD-ONS section in FF first for it to work. This might be worth mentioning.

Suggestion 3: Its really good you provide BOTH install.bat and UNinstall.bat. Not sure its worth it, but I personally would like a "pause" at end of both batch files so I can clearly see what is going on.

I'm very impressed with ease of install and simple function.

Best wishes & thank you!


Aug 18, 2018, 8:17:34 AM8/18/18
to TiddlyWiki
@Tony. Thanks. I have added your feature request for time-stamped clones to the roadmap.


> I wondered if the address could be held in a local configuration file along with the other files? 

No. This is the restriction introduced by browsers. Now if you want to use an addon that has access to file system, you must involve registry and there by your sys admin. There is no way around that. So portability is out of question. This is in a way a good security feature if you ask me.

However if you do have the right to write to registry, then this plugin model opens rather extensive possibilities. Want to launch a program or script from tiddlywiki? possible. Want to launch a node server from your standalone tiddlywiki? Possible. Want to enter data to a local csv file? Possible. Hell, want to shut down your computer from tiddlywiki? Quite possible. The model can give rise to a newer kind of plugins for tiddlywiki, ones that use tiddlywiki events as a trigger to drive external events. All in all, an argument can be made that TW5 is better because of webextension introduction.

>  I found that to install the .xpi by drag-n-drop I had to navigate to the ADD-ONS section in FF first.

Actually it is written in the instructions above - a you can see, that it has to be dragged into the "about:addons" page. I realise I missed to mention it in the beta test instructions I mailed you. Sorry about that.

As for your suggestion 1 and 3, I shall make necessary changes asap.

PS: If you change the location of timimi folder, please remember to run the install.bat again, else browser will not find the target. I will add this part as a warning.



Aug 18, 2018, 2:52:44 PM8/18/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hello Riz,
 Timimi installed on
 - Windows 10, 64-bit latest update
 - Chrome 68.0.3440.106 (64-bit)

Work very smooth!
Just to remind there is no backup mechanism and I recommend to add it.

Thank you again for your efforts!


Mark S.

Aug 18, 2018, 3:19:46 PM8/18/18
to TiddlyWiki
So, FF will allow an extension to execute an external file? That's pretty amazing considering how hyper concerned Mozilla is about security.

-- Mark


Aug 18, 2018, 3:22:25 PM8/18/18
to TiddlyWiki
I have an OPINION on backup :-) Don't bother. It is far better that users use proper backup programs IMO.

Its JUST an opinion of mine. But one not totally silly. I wrote in more detail about it here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/tiddlywiki/JgmdegaRPgE/O26sSKzeAgAJ


Aug 18, 2018, 3:36:03 PM8/18/18
to TiddlyWiki
Mark S. wrote:
So, FF will allow an extension to execute an external file? That's pretty amazing considering how hyper concerned Mozilla is about security.

Right its very interesting. Two developers on Firefox said you can't do it. Riz looked at the innovations and found you can. He is the first programmer I have come across for FF that has crossed the bridge. 


Aug 18, 2018, 7:07:06 PM8/18/18
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
@ Riz

This is straight up nifty. I'm legit surprised you were able to do this (I thought it wasn't possible). I continue to feel more and more locked out of my own browser each year. Do you believe your method will continue to exist for the foreseeable future?

However if you do have the right to write to registry, then this plugin model opens rather extensive possibilities. Want to launch a program or script from tiddlywiki? possible.  Want to launch a node server from your standalone tiddlywiki? Possible. Want to enter data to a local csv file? Possible.  Hell, want to shut down your computer from tiddlywiki? Quite possible. The model can give rise to a newer kind of plugins for tiddlywiki, ones that use tiddlywiki events as a trigger to drive external events. All in all, an argument can be made that TW5 is better because of webextension introduction.


Aug 18, 2018, 8:17:36 PM8/18/18
to TiddlyWiki
@ Mohammed

Yeah, a back up mechanism is next on the roadmap. I will look into it.


Aug 18, 2018, 8:24:49 PM8/18/18
to TiddlyWiki
@ Mark. The difference is, browsers just handed over the responsibility to user. They will not be permitting installation of the user script form moziila addon store. Same with google - you can install the addon, but the script/exe - you have to get from whatever source the developer provides it. Plus since it is akin to installing a program, it is essentially keeping networks safe where users are locked out from installing programs.


Aug 18, 2018, 8:34:14 PM8/18/18
to TiddlyWiki

Actually it is. Chromium on linux have had it since development cycle 35 atleast, and now it is at version 70 -which is to say it is stable.  Mozilla just expanded native messaging APIs in July. It is a part of web-extensions and lot of major extensions are depending on it - for eg: Keepass. So unless both Google and Mozilla is together planning to bring about another addon-apocalypse for both their web stores, this will stay and flourish.



Aug 18, 2018, 10:20:01 PM8/18/18
to TiddlyWiki

The truth is it was my conviction this would become available, not withstanding it took Riz to do it for TiddlyWiki. Having being an admin and superuser in large corporate companies bespoke and commercial solutions have increasingly involved deploying on top of the universal client, the browser, but it often essential to interact with local files and applications, especially when you have desktops/laptops that are not thin clients. The science of application assurance, deployment and updates has advanced which means local applications can now be maintained and trusted better than ever.

I did stay quiet on this (so I am not saying "I told you so"), but many of the "nay sayings" that have taken place have generated in me "That's just not possible, its irrational, to kill browser deployed solutions interacting with local systems, be they on the desktop or local servers".

Key and obvious exceptions existed in Office 365 cloud and Applications interaction, Google Tools and more.

Now on more sophisticated desktop interaction some is already possible through Bob, but I see a future where as long as one has admin rights to install applications that can communicate with Browser addons (that are securely installed) and there is no way an internal or website can install or communicate without local permissions the sky is the limit.

I wonder if once again TiddlyWiki will be at the forefront of change.

But we are now post apocalyptic so let us celebrate.



Aug 18, 2018, 11:03:36 PM8/18/18
to TiddlyWiki
And we are back ! Chilled beer is called for! Thank you Riz!

On Saturday, August 18, 2018 at 12:09:22 AM UTC-6, Riz wrote:

For those who are unfamiliar, timimi is a webextension that allows you to save standalone tiddlywikis the same way tiddlyfox did. You can open your tiddlywikis from anywhere in your home folder, make changes and save changes.

Installation steps have been simplified and requirement of python removed in windows. Installation steps are sa below


* Download the platform specific file from release page  and unzip it.
* Run the install script.
* Drag and drop timimi.xpi to **about:addons** page in firefox.


Chrome/Chromium does not allow installation of third party extensions from outside the webstore. Until chrome finishes its review and accept timimi to webstore, users will have to install it using the following steps.

* Download the platform specific file from release page  and unzip it.
* Run the install script.


Aug 20, 2018, 4:39:11 AM8/20/18
to TiddlyWiki

 When I reopen Chrome I got a message (attached image) Disable developer mode extensions!
Is there any way to prevent displaying this?


On Saturday, August 18, 2018 at 10:39:22 AM UTC+4:30, Riz wrote:

For those who are unfamiliar, timimi is a webextension that allows you to save standalone tiddlywikis the same way tiddlyfox did. You can open your tiddlywikis from anywhere in your home folder, make changes and save changes.

Installation steps have been simplified and requirement of python removed in windows. Installation steps are sa below


* Download the platform specific file from release page  and unzip it.
* Run the install script.
* Drag and drop timimi.xpi to **about:addons** page in firefox.


Chrome/Chromium does not allow installation of third party extensions from outside the webstore. Until chrome finishes its review and accept timimi to webstore, users will have to install it using the following steps.

* Download the platform specific file from release page  and unzip it.
* Run the install script.


Aug 20, 2018, 6:38:23 AM8/20/18
to TiddlyWiki
Not really. Not in chrome anyway. It will go away once it is possible to install from chrome webstore. That process has hit a snag for now as google is not accepting Indian credit cards, apparently. I am working to find a solution.


Aug 20, 2018, 10:07:32 AM8/20/18
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you Riz!



Aug 24, 2018, 12:36:49 PM8/24/18
to TiddlyWiki
Bumping to ensure that everyone knows about updates. See original post for updates.


Aug 24, 2018, 3:03:49 PM8/24/18
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you!
One question, is it possible to use snapshot with Tiddlydesktop?
Tiddlydesktop has an option for backup but you cannot decide how frequently it backups your wiki!



Aug 24, 2018, 8:57:21 PM8/24/18
to TiddlyWiki
Essentially I have added a "backup" method to saver handler and written a module to handle that method. So yeah, theoretically it could be extended. All you have to write is a saver module with a higher priority for tiddlydesktop.



Aug 24, 2018, 11:43:12 PM8/24/18
to TiddlyWiki

Thanks for that, as soon as the default save mechanism is replaced by any solution such as timimi we tend to be forced to leave the browser to save / backup  unless such a tool is available. This rounds out Timimi  nicely thanks



Aug 25, 2018, 12:27:40 AM8/25/18
to TiddlyWiki
We should think about adding an extra method like "backup" to the core. It would take like 4 lines of extra code, but would enable others to write backing up extensions.

Mark S.

Aug 30, 2018, 4:43:04 PM8/30/18
to TiddlyWiki
I've made a PR #3415 to add Timimi to the TW savers list.

-- Mark

On Friday, August 17, 2018 at 11:09:22 PM UTC-7, Riz wrote:

Update 24/Aug/2018

So there have been a few requests regarding backup options. On the other end, a few noted the pointlessness of pushing a backup option on people who already have a personal solution for backups. Both points deserve merit. I felt that a  fair compromise would be a modular approach. Instead of adding aa backup option to the timimi plugin itself, I made a tiddlywiki plugin called snapshot.

Basically it is not a everything and kitchen sink solution. Rather, it presents the user with a tiddlywiki message namely "tm-backup-wiki". Whenever this message is triggered, it creates a timestamped clone of wiki at that point. The location to keep the backups and format of timestamp(same as now macro) can be defined under Control Panel > Saving >Snapshots. If left blank, backups will be created in the same folder as the original file. 

Remember, Snapshot plugin requires timimi plugin or other similar plugins that follow tiddlyfox saver module structure to work. Currently PMario's filebackup might work in addition to timimi.

Regarding inducting timimi plugin to chrome web-store, if anyone has a google chrome store developer account and is ready to upload timimi to the webstore, let me know and I shall share the code so that people may install it. 

Original Post

For those who are unfamiliar, timimi is a webextension that allows you to save standalone tiddlywikis the same way tiddlyfox did. You can open your tiddlywikis from anywhere in your home folder, make changes and save changes.

Installation steps have been simplified and requirement of python removed in windows. Installation steps are sa below


* Download the platform specific file from release page  and unzip it.
**  In windows remember that the unzipped folder will become your installation folder. So relocate it to a convenient folder under your home directory. 
* Run the install script.
* Drag and drop timimi.xpi to **about:addons** page in firefox.


Chrome/Chromium does not allow installation of third party extensions from outside the webstore. Until chrome finishes its review and accept timimi to webstore, users will have to install it using the following steps.


Aug 31, 2018, 2:02:32 AM8/31/18
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you Mark.

Did it work for you? Can you tell me the OS and browser?


Sylvain Naudin

Aug 31, 2018, 2:26:18 PM8/31/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Riz,

I've find the time to test it !. But it doesn't work for me.

Native messaging host timimi has been installed.

On Fedora 28 and Firefox 61.0.2 (64 bits).

The red icon is grey and pop up notif saving, but the html file is not overwriting and save nothing.

I'll try on a Windows PC and on other distro.


Sylvain Naudin

Aug 31, 2018, 2:57:00 PM8/31/18
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
OK, I saw GitHub and seems you don't test it with rpm distro.

But try on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and failed on script install :(

It say "Bad substitution".

(but files are present in my home folder .mozilla/native-messaging-hosts)


Aug 31, 2018, 3:29:18 PM8/31/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Sylvain,

Yes, I must admit I have not tested it on fedora. Can you tell me which desktop environment you are using on Fedora? Gnome or Xfce or KDE? You said it was installed successfully? Can you run "python --version" and tell me the output?

Ubunutu. Bad substitution points to an error in sed command. That is rather eye opening, as I was under the impression that I made it posix compliant.
I will get back to you in 48 hours. Hope it is cool.


Aug 31, 2018, 3:35:31 PM8/31/18
to TiddlyWiki
For a quick fix, in ubuntu you may open up ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts and ensure that there are 2 files in there - timimi.json and timimi.py. If there is, open up timimi.json and substitute the HOST_PATH to something like "/home/YourUserName/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/timimi.py"

On Saturday, 1 September 2018 00:27:00 UTC+5:30, Sylvain Naudin wrote:

Sylvain Naudin

Aug 31, 2018, 4:08:46 PM8/31/18
to TiddlyWiki

Le vendredi 31 août 2018 21:29:18 UTC+2, Riz a écrit :
Hi Sylvain,

Yes, I must admit I have not tested it on fedora. Can you tell me which desktop environment you are using on Fedora? Gnome or Xfce or KDE? You said it was installed successfully? Can you run "python --version" and tell me the output?

Ubunutu. Bad substitution points to an error in sed command. That is rather eye opening, as I was under the impression that I made it posix compliant.
I will get back to you in 48 hours. Hope it is cool.

$ python --version
Python 2.7.15

So it's not python3.
HostPath on Fedora was OK in my timimi.json file.
I've test with edit timimi.py and add 3 to swith python version on first line (#!/usr/bin/env python3).
And  saving it work !

On my Ubuntu, I'm too with version 2 of python. Edit timim.py and swith to python3 do the same result : it works now.

Sylvain Naudin

Aug 31, 2018, 4:09:45 PM8/31/18
to TiddlyWiki

Le vendredi 31 août 2018 21:35:31 UTC+2, Riz a écrit :
For a quick fix, in ubuntu you may open up ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts and ensure that there are 2 files in there - timimi.json and timimi.py. If there is, open up timimi.json and substitute the HOST_PATH to something like "/home/YourUserName/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/timimi.py"

And on Ubuntu I had to correct HOST_PATH indeed.


Aug 31, 2018, 11:25:41 PM8/31/18
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks. I guess it skipped me because I had python3 as the default. Nevertheless it is bothering that python2 is not working. I will look into it and the sed issue.

Zachary Storer

Aug 31, 2018, 11:44:58 PM8/31/18
to TiddlyWiki
This plugin is working for me on Kubuntu 18.04LTS. One suggestion that I might make is to allow the user to disable the pop-up bubble that says "Saved wiki". It can get distracting for me, and the saved checkmark icon within TiddlyWiki serves the same function.


Sep 1, 2018, 11:09:05 AM9/1/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Zachary

That part is not handled by plugin, rather tiddlywiki itself. So you will have to look in the core modules and find out how to achieve that.


Sep 2, 2018, 8:14:41 AM9/2/18
to TiddlyWiki
I just wanted to say thanks for this browser extension - it really simplifies TW workflow when you don't need to consider file location or servers before starting.


Sep 2, 2018, 8:27:11 AM9/2/18
to TiddlyWiki

Appreciate you taking time to write that note. Would you share your OS and browser version?


Sep 3, 2018, 6:23:44 AM9/3/18
to TiddlyWiki
On Sunday, September 2, 2018 at 8:27:11 AM UTC-4, Riz wrote:

Appreciate you taking time to write that note. Would you share your OS and browser version?

Windows 10 Home 1803 64-bit & Firefox 61.0.2 64-bit

Jianping Hua

Sep 5, 2018, 3:21:38 PM9/5/18
to TiddlyWiki
I've installed timimi on my mac, firefox, and it doesn't work.

my system is macos 10.13.6
firefox 62.0 (also tried on an earlier version)
python 2.7.14

I also switched python to python3 in .py file:
python 3.6.6

and it still won't work.

In both cases, the the fish icon is bright, and auto save is declared, however, no update saved.


Saturday, August 18, 2018 at 1:09:22 AM UTC-5, Riz wrote:

Update 24/Aug/2018

So there have been a few requests regarding backup options. On the other end, a few noted the pointlessness of pushing a backup option on people who already have a personal solution for backups. Both points deserve merit. I felt that a  fair compromise would be a modular approach. Instead of adding a backup option to the timimi plugin itself, I made a tiddlywiki plugin called snapshot.

Basically it is not a everything and kitchen sink solution. Rather, it presents the user with a tiddlywiki message namely "tm-backup-wiki". Whenever this message is triggered, it creates a timestamped clone of wiki at that point. The location to keep the backups and format of timestamp(same as now macro) can be defined under Control Panel > Saving >Snapshots. If left blank, backups will be created in the same folder as the original file.
Remember, Snapshot plugin requires timimi plugin or other similar plugins that follow tiddlyfox saver module structure to work. Currently PMario's filebackup might work in addition to timimi.

Regarding inducting timimi plugin to chrome web-store, if anyone has a google chrome store developer account and is ready to upload timimi to the webstore, let me know and I shall share the code so that people may install it. 

Original Post

For those who are unfamiliar, timimi is a web-extension that allows you to save standalone tiddlywikis the same way tiddlyfox did. You can open your tiddlywikis from anywhere in your home folder, make changes and save changes.

Installation steps have been simplified and requirement of python removed in windows. Installation steps are sa below


* Download the platform specific file from release page  and unzip it.
**  In windows remember that the unzipped folder will become your installation folder. So relocate it to a convenient folder under your home directory. 
* Run the install script.
* Drag and drop timimi.xpi to **about:addons** page in firefox.


Chrome/Chromium does not allow installation of third party extensions from outside the web-store. Until chrome finishes its review and accept timimi to web-store, users will have to install it using the following steps.

Rizwan Ishak

Sep 5, 2018, 3:38:14 PM9/5/18
to TiddlyWiki

Can you open $HOME/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/timimi.json and post its contents?


From: Jianping Hua
Sent: Thursday 6 September 2018 12:51 AM
To: TiddlyWiki
Subject: [tw5] Re: Timimi plugin - released for firefox/chrome/chromium in linux/mac/windows

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Jianping Hua

Sep 5, 2018, 3:55:52 PM9/5/18
to TiddlyWiki
Here it is:

  "name": "timimi",
  "description": "Native messaging host to save TW5",
  "path": "/Users/jhua/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/timimi.py",
  "type": "stdio",
  "allowed_extensions": [ "tim...@tesseract.com" ]



Sep 18, 2018, 3:33:00 PM9/18/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hello Riz,
 is it possible to use the relative path for backup location (snapshot plugin)?

Please update and inform us if there is any update for Timimi and Snapshot plugin?

Thank you


Sep 18, 2018, 8:51:33 PM9/18/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Mohammed.

Relative paths is a enhancement I have not thought  about, but achievable. I shall definitely see to it.

As far as updates is concerned, I have got only two things remaining to do with respect to timimi plugin.
1) Rewrite the host in golang and compile it for different architectures. This way the issues with Python 2/3  will not arise
2) A feature which will allow timimi to be a middleman to signals other than save. Timimi itself will not be handling them, merely passing them to intended end points. This would hopefully allow standalone html wikis to launch predefined scripts.

Once these are done, timimi will be feature complete. I do not want to add more cruft to it. However, neither of these is urgent. So I am getting around to them as and when time permits.

Regarding admitting timimi to chrome store, I am not making any progress unfortunately. If anyone has a chrome store developer account and is ready to upload timimi, let me know.



Sep 18, 2018, 11:17:54 PM9/18/18
to TiddlyWiki

Again, thanks for this great solution. As primarily a Windows user I would be keen to see "launch predefined scripts". I think however maybe Google may be less likely to accept it. Would it make sence to submit it as a second add on or in a different version.

In the past such script launches had to face the following issues
  • Can we pass all the parameters so we could execute it directly eg "notepad filename"  "notepad.exe filename"
  • Can we launch batch/cmd/powershell scripts
    • If so do they spawn their own commend shell?
    • When processing a batch will it? Move on to the next or wait for the last step to continue (both are good but no control of this not so good)
  • Running "start filename.ext" will open the app associated with the .ext
I do not expect you will need to address these items above, but you may find these as artefacts as you test it.

The following need not be read or addressed by you but if you are interested in the potential uses here are some of my ideas.

What do I intend to use this for?
1. I would like to be able to export tiddlers (text) to a file and execute a rename to .bat .cmd .ps .txt using the script launches
This will allow a library of commands and tools to be delivered or given a front end with tiddlywiki
2. I would like to launch a script on loading a wiki that will run a loop program that say watches a folder and can process files deposited there
3. I would like to be able to open Windows File Explorer in a folder specified in my wiki
4. I would like to be able to launch a program or shortcut with various parameters from  TiddlyWiki such as Chrome User sessions set up for specific logins and websites, word excel etc...
  This would allow a rich graphical menu in tiddlywiki for interfacing with the Desktop
5. Allow a TiddlyWiki to launch an application on a USB drive it is installed on
6. Be able to create a database of files/folders/directories in TiddlyWiki that are readily accessed from that wiki eg after a keyword search
7. Be able to place a TiddlyWiki in each desired folder to document that folder or its contents. Given timimi now permits such a file to open and be savable in your default browser this is now user friendly.
   PS Admins could use this for documentation
8. More but since I have not yet secured this capability I have forgot many.

There is potential for this in Bob but I have not yet worked through it.

Best wishes


Sep 19, 2018, 12:18:15 AM9/19/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Tony,

Those are the lofty goals. However, as I said, I intend to keep Timimi as a simple middleman that will pass the message. If stretched, may be we will send an array of parameters to the script. All these are possibilities., but I ll have you know that currently they exist in my head only and nothing in paper.  I am currently distracted by a more interesting personal project.
Any way we have to convert the native messaging host to golang first, before all these. We will see.

It goes without saying that I am open to pull requests.

Time is rather hot commodity.


Sep 19, 2018, 12:52:08 AM9/19/18
to TiddlyWiki

I expect your solution may be simple, and I will await it in your time. The lofty goals are mine to deliver on.



Sep 19, 2018, 2:11:50 AM9/19/18
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you Riz!


Sep 22, 2018, 1:20:47 AM9/22/18
to TiddlyWiki
Has anybody tested timimi on Chrome recent release Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)?

For me it stopped working after update from Chrome 68.x.x


Rizwan Ishak

Sep 22, 2018, 1:38:41 AM9/22/18
to TiddlyWiki

Did you try re-installing the plugin?


From: Mohammad
Sent: Saturday 22 September 2018 10:50 AM

To: TiddlyWiki
Subject: [tw5] Re: Timimi plugin - released for firefox/chrome/chromium in linux/mac/windows
Has anybody tested timimi on Chrome recent release Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)?

For me it stopped working after update from Chrome 68.x.x


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Sep 22, 2018, 1:34:50 PM9/22/18
to TiddlyWiki
Not on the same system, but on another machine (win10-x64 and chrome 69) worked!
Seems something wrong with my desktop!

Thank you 


Sep 23, 2018, 12:52:41 PM9/23/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hello Riz,

 I tested Timimi and Snapshot and they work fine with together on Chrome 69! (Win10-x64, Chrome 10)
The only thing is support for the relative path for the backup location!

It would be great if you could manage to add this feature when you had time!



Sep 24, 2018, 12:26:54 AM9/24/18
to TiddlyWiki

Snapshot plugin now supports relative paths. You can add paths like "../" for parent folder or "./mysubfolder" for sub-folders of the original location.

Note 2 things
1. Paths must exist. Snapshot will not create the folders for you if they do not exist.
2. I have only tested in linux for now. Let me know how it fares at non linux platforms



Sep 24, 2018, 1:49:03 AM9/24/18
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hello Riz,
Thank you for update!

Amazingly I found snapshot works on TiddlyDesktop if you leave the  backup location empty! (If you set backup location an error: red window is raised)
So, I can have on demand backup using tiddlydesktop!

I also checked the new version on Chrome69 + Win10-x86 It works again if
  • You set full path to backup location
  • Or leave the backup location empty (Will save backups in same folder of main wiki)
So, relative path partially worked for me!



Sep 24, 2018, 9:23:12 AM9/24/18
to TiddlyWiki
Fair enough. In hindsight, which is always clear, I shouldn't have expected it to. It is just a matter of changing forward slash to backward slash. Will get it done when I reach home. Let me spin up a VM before making a blunder like that again.


Sep 24, 2018, 10:18:08 AM9/24/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Riz,
 Please let me know if it works!
For me none of them (/ or \) works!



Sep 28, 2018, 8:47:33 PM9/28/18
to TiddlyWiki
Great work Riz.

My apologies if you have already answered it, but are you going to host it on Chrome and Firefox addon store? It will give it more exposure and it will be easier to get updated version.


Sep 29, 2018, 9:59:13 AM9/29/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Mohammed,

No, I meant changing slashes in the code. Let me find a windows machine to test before bothering you with an update again.

Hi talha,

I thought about it. Hosting it in Firefox store is easy. However it makes no much sense as user will have to download the native host from the github repo anyway. Firefox is not permitting hosting native hosts on addon store.

For chrome on the other hand I would like to host it on chrome store, because chrome will not let third party addons in the normal mode. I tried to upload it to the chrome store, however chrome is not accepting any credit cards issued by major banks in India, or paypal. So to upload it to chrome store, I have to go and open a new special account in one of the google-handpicked banks, wait for a new credit card to be issued and pay the $5 fees. That is a lopsided effort-benefit ratio for me.

In the interest of community, I am ready to let anyone already having a chrome webstore developer account  to upload it furnishing credits. Nobody have come forward yet.



Oct 7, 2018, 1:29:33 PM10/7/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Riz,

Thank you very much for this.

Unfortunately I couldn't make it work with firefox on Ubuntu 18.04, I described the issue here: https://github.com/ibnishak/Timimi/issues/4

Let me know if there's anything I can try!


On Saturday, August 18, 2018 at 7:09:22 AM UTC+1, Riz wrote:

Update 24/Aug/2018

So there have been a few requests regarding backup options. On the other end, a few noted the pointlessness of pushing a backup option on people who already have a personal solution for backups. Both points deserve merit. I felt that a  fair compromise would be a modular approach. Instead of adding a backup option to the timimi plugin itself, I made a tiddlywiki plugin called snapshot.

Basically it is not a everything and kitchen sink solution. Rather, it presents the user with a tiddlywiki message namely "tm-backup-wiki". Whenever this message is triggered, it creates a timestamped clone of wiki at that point. The location to keep the backups and format of timestamp(same as now macro) can be defined under Control Panel > Saving >Snapshots. The location for backups can be relative or absolute. If left blank, backups will be created in the same folder as the original file.


Oct 8, 2018, 11:04:07 AM10/8/18
to TiddlyWiki
Issue resolved in github.


Dec 23, 2018, 12:15:46 PM12/23/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hello there,
First of all, advance Merry Christmas to you all. May your days be merry, nights be comforting, pursuits be rewarding, and life be fulfilling.

This is to announce the second and hopefully last major version bump of Timimi. There are some very exciting features in this release.

Please see: https://ibnishak.github.io/Timimi/#Installing%20Timimi

Important: Those of you who installed the prerelease version should uninstall the browser addon and host before installing the release version.

What is new.

- As I mentioned in a post above, the native messaging API can be utilised to allow Tiddlywiki to interact with the system. We have successfully implemented the feature in this release. With the help of a widget made for the purpose, you can launch any non-root, non-admin scripts or programs right from your Tiddlywiki. This is an important milestone as it will enable you to utilise the functionality of other programs to analyse, create and add data to your Tiddlywiki.
Usage and more info: https://ibnishak.github.io/Timimi/#Launching%20scripts%20using%20timimi

- Secondly, this release allows you to make backups. You can have your choice of backup strategies between tower of Hanoi, every nth save, or every nth minute. You can choose between relative and absolute paths for backups.
Usage and Info: https://ibnishak.github.io/Timimi/#General%20guide%20to%20making%20backups

- All these features are implemented in the host side, keeping the browser addon to a measly 13KB ( a chunk of which is the settings page HTML and CSS). This ensures that your browser remains light and free.

For more info: https://ibnishak.github.io/Timimi/#Why%20timimi%3F

Bug fixes.

- Bugs that has been causing issues with saving in OSX has been resolved.
- Previous release had issues owing to variations in python and sed in different platforms. Both of them has been dropped in favour of golang.

Chrome, chromium and other major browser ports are planned. Please see: https://ibnishak.github.io/Timimi/#Supported%20OS%20and%20Browsers


I would like to express my gratitude to those who graciously agreed to test the pre release and give their inputs, viz
* Antony Muscio
* Josiah Hincks
* Mohammed Rahmani
* Sylvain Naudin
* Jianping Hua

I am glad, even a little proud, to submit this work before the community. Please try it out and let me know.

PS: The next round of development for Timimi will be in mid January. All major bug fixes will be deferred until then. However, situation permit, I shall definitely get to them. So keep them coming, here or open a ticket in https://github.com/ibnishak/Timimi



Dec 23, 2018, 12:32:22 PM12/23/18
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Riz, This is a great piece of work, thank you! I'm using timimi all the time :)

With this release I have trouble with "install-linux-firefox" - it says there's an error in the format of the installer

I'm sure it will be fixed with the next release, until then, thanks again!



Dec 23, 2018, 12:34:48 PM12/23/18
to TiddlyWiki
What error did you get?


Dec 23, 2018, 12:52:36 PM12/23/18
to TiddlyWiki

What error did you get?

In german it's "Fehler im Format der Programmdatei" which means "Error in file format"

Executing with sudo it says "Can't execute the file"


Dec 23, 2018, 1:08:57 PM12/23/18
to TiddlyWiki
Mea culpa!!Seems like the upload got corrupted while uploading for linux a well as mac. I have uploaded the good version. Please download it once again and see.


Dec 23, 2018, 1:16:14 PM12/23/18
to TiddlyWiki

Mea culpa!!Seems like the upload got corrupted while uploading for linux a well as mac. I have uploaded the good version. Please download it once again and see.

Thank you, the installer works :)

Do you have an account for donations supporting development?


Dec 23, 2018, 1:37:17 PM12/23/18
to TiddlyWiki
Many thanks Riz,

 This is a high value addition to TW. The backup capabilities and strategies are really useful.

Now I can work with TW and use all the features of my browser of choice.

Best wishes


Dec 24, 2018, 12:07:39 AM12/24/18
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you, and no I do not have a contributions set up. I am humbled that somebody found it worth it. The thought counts. Thank you again.


Dec 24, 2018, 12:08:17 AM12/24/18
to TiddlyWiki
You are welcome, Mohammed. :)


Dec 24, 2018, 4:29:42 AM12/24/18
to TiddlyWiki
Riz, from my point of an end-user who just wants to get on and use TW I think Timimi is a superb piece of work ...

1 - For NEW USERS of TW I think its a godsend (FF now, other main browsers later) as it shifts the configuration of Save and Backup to a Browser extension in a design that will be familiar to them. This potentially eases a lot the route to take-up. It simplifies initial setup significantly.

2 - The ability to run SCRIPTS (i.e. activate external programs/procedures) built-in into the same package is incredibly useful. It brings some of the utility that Jed's Bob has, but without needing its more complex system.

3 - The BACKUP system that can use "Towers Of Hanoi" logic (i.e. deletes backups you don't need) is, again, optimal for smooth use.

4 - The explicit attention to SECURITY and explanation of the approach is excellent: https://ibnishak.github.io/Timimi/#Security%20and%20Privacy

Many thanks!

Riz wrote ...

This is to announce the second and hopefully last major version bump of Timimi. There are some very exciting features in this release.

Important: Those of you who installed the prerelease version should uninstall the browser addon and host before installing the release version.


What is new.

... the native messaging API can be utilised to allow Tiddlywiki to interact with the system. We have successfully implemented the feature in this release.


... With the help of a widget made for the purpose, you can launch any non-root, non-admin scripts or programs right from your Tiddlywiki. 

... this release allows you to make backups. 

- All these features are implemented in the host side, keeping the browser addon to a measly 13KB 


Dec 24, 2018, 6:01:37 AM12/24/18
to TiddlyWiki
A very nice piece of work that has already resulted in improvements to my workflow and that shows considerable additional promise.

Installation was straight-foward.  It effectively worked right "out of the box".

Thank you very much for sharing this.



Dec 27, 2018, 7:51:57 AM12/27/18
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for the kind words. Always a pleasure to hear from you.

Glad it worked for you.!!

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