Searching In Tiddler Fields

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S. S.

2019-01-13 01:37:372019-01-13

With reference to the issue on Github #3432 Search within the extra fields

I would like to propose that the solution by Tobias Beer here: Searching In Tiddler Fields
be enhanced and then submitted as a PR for TiddlyWiki's core.

This tiddler adds a tab to Advanced Search named: In Fields
It searches for text within (i believe) all fields except the text field of non System tiddlers
It also allows a case sensitive search to be made using a tick box.
It neatly lays out the results using field names as headings.
It may be useful to enhance it a little.
As it stands now, it only finds words in fields that START with a search term.

Thus if a field contains: Nelson Mandela
1) This search is positive: Nelson
2) This search is negative: Mandela

One option is to add a tick box that says: Exact Match Only
If ticked, it behaves as it does now.
If unticked, it would also find the second example above.

I would also like to suggest a tick box that would Include System Tiddlers.

I studied his code, and realized it is presently beyond my capacity to make the above changes. If Tobias has the time and inclination to incorporate these ideas, it would be wonderful. If not, it would be a big contribution to TiddlyWiki if someone could take on the challenge.

Edited to fix link

S. S.

2019-01-13 01:52:162019-01-13
kam: TiddlyWiki
It does search properly for No. 2)
It finds both Nelson and Mandela
I also forgot to mention that the search can be limited to a given field only - by using a drop down menu.

So the enhancement is much easier! Just including the System Tiddlers as well!


2019-01-13 02:53:482019-01-13
kam: TiddlyWiki

Due to a recent update.

The search opperator for in filters allows you to set field name or all fields.



2019-01-23 18:47:322019-01-23
hi tony,

wow! i didn't know that... that's great! i've been using tb's "searching in tiddler fields" in the past - it got the job done. but, i never got it to work with the plugin "Documentation from" - why can't i search (after i have installed the doc plugin) in the same way as the online version when i hit the search icon...? for example, if i enter "date" in the "offline version" (with the doc plugin installed) - absolute nothing is found, but if i use the same search text (i.e. "date"), i got tons of tiddlers listed which have something to say about the search text "date"... if it's not possible to search with the "offline version" in the same way as the "online version", the "offline version" doesn't do the work very well, i guess - don't you agree...? maybe, i've missed something here, but i've never got the same help from the "offline version" as i've got from the "online version".


"why i like tiddlywiki...? because the tiddlywiki group never sleep!" ;-)

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2019-01-23 20:19:432019-01-23
kam: TiddlyWiki

How did you obtain your offline version?. The save empty files does that, lets you download a minimal version. it is not downloading with all its documentation. I think the Plugi provides the features not the actual documentation tiddlers (I may be Wrong)

Right Click on the link to and save as wikiname.txt and you will have a copy of that contains the documentation.


Thomas Elmiger

2019-01-24 06:52:022019-01-24
kam: TiddlyWiki
Hi ch,

Plugins consist of shadow tiddlers, standard search does not cover them.

You will have to use the shadows tab of advanced search. Does that work?



2019-01-24 08:10:152019-01-24
hi thomas,

ok, to compare searchs between:

a) "" enter search in the siderbar - "online version"
b) "empty edition" with plugin "Documentation from" installed, and enter seach at the shadow tab in advanced search - "offline version"

for example, searching for "mists" or "forums" will end of with the same search result - but, if i search for "button", the search result differ (the "ActionWidgets" are missing in the "offline version", for example).

i don't understand why it differ, and shouldn't it be possible to enter the search in the "offline version" at the filter tab in advanced search to select shadow tiddlers and seach within these to get the same result as i get on the shadow tab...? but i don't know how to construct that filter rule to give the same search result...


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2019-01-24 11:38:552019-01-24
hi tony,

i obtain my "offline version" by entering

in my web browser, then i click "Save changes" to save it (the "empty edition") on my hard drive. and, then re-open that file saved file, open the "plugins" tab in the "Control panel", hit the "Get more plugins" button, hit the "open plugins library" and scroll down to the "Documentation from" plugin, and hit the "install" button, and hit "Save changes". Then, finally i re-open that new saved wiki file. but, as i said - it's hard to really enjoy that plugin - because it's not possible to search for help in the usual way i do with the "online version", i.e. entering searches that will help me with a certain issue, or info about how the ButtonWidget works, how to use and write filters, etc.

i would like the "Documentation from" to be more like in "stealth mode", i.e. i can't see it's there, i.e. no "Contents" tab in the sidebar, no changes to '$:/DefaultTiddlers', etc. (well, i only can see that i have installed this plugin), but as soon as i start to search, for example: "button" - i want to get the same search results as i get "online" - does that make sense?


2019-01-24 19:31:042019-01-24

Thanks for letting my know how you got the tiddlywiki. If you want the content on you are doing it the wrong way. 

As I said before the documentation macro is for defining documentation, not the documentation itself. Pleased follow to the letter,  my instructions as was in my previous reply to get the tiddlywiki with the content you require.

Right Click on the link to and save as wikiname.html and you will have a copy of that contains the documentation.

I plan to release a version of TiddlyWiki soon that has tools included to help people learn tiddlywiki soon, But to be used as a standalone reference and notebook.

I have attached a copy I downloaded my self here, renaming it to have a .tw extension (so you can receive it, HTML files are often rejected). Once downloaded rename it to .html (note it is around 5mb in size).

However please try my recommended approach so you can get an updated copy later.



2019-01-24 19:32:492019-01-24
kam: TiddlyWiki

Updated my last reply to change wikiname.txt  to wikiname.html 

S. S.

2019-01-25 04:37:552019-01-25
kam: TiddlyWiki

I didn't know there was a plugin for Documentation! Perhaps one day I will have a look at it !
In the meantime, why not just download and save the TiddlyWiki at ?
I have done that, saved as tiddlywiki-5.1.19.html and use it in a separate tab for when I cannot be online.

On another note, I notice that when I search for the Documentation plugin - the search only matches the plugin tiddler name ( $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/ ), and not the plugin's description ( Documentation from ) .

So a search for doc or docs will find it, but a search for docu will not. I would imagine that is an oversight in the way search for plugins has been configured.

S. S.

2019-01-25 04:44:342019-01-25
kam: TiddlyWiki

I could not find this new feature for field search in either ver. 5.1.19 or the pre-release.
But even if it was there, searching fields by filters is way too time consuming.
I strongly feel Field Search needs to be an integral part of TiddlyWiki's core.
For quite a while (until I found Tobias's advanced search in fields tiddler) I was perplexed and annoyed that there was no simple way to search fields.

I cannot think of a reason not to have it.


2019-01-25 06:55:442019-01-25
kam: TiddlyWiki
S s

It is not at all missing, just not part of the default.

See Use this to make a search tab using the following


Especialy the example but you may need to include system tiddlers




2019-01-25 09:09:042019-01-25
S.S. & TonyM

All the recent, extensive, discussions of search indicate I think three things at least ...

1 --- For finding things its better to have Push-Button Rich Search. 

2 --- IMO raw filter search is a last resort. Its excellent but cumbersome. Recent work shows its not needed that much to find what you need. Toggles can do a most of it.

3 -- The work Mohammad is doing is bringing together several thoughtful threads on search that illustrate the issues well.

TonyM, I agree with you that the mechanisms are largely there.

S.S. I thought your in-line Word search macro really elegant and useful---illustrative that the issue resolution should be easy and can be. 
I think you get the issue end-users face well. 
It might be interesting to take it into a form with dynamic user input too? It maybe could be extended to search remote wiki? 

Just thoughts

Jeremy Ruston

2019-01-26 12:35:122019-01-26
Now that the search operator has been extended to properly search across multiple fields I’d be happy to extend the core search UI to expose the new functionality.

There are several ways of doing it:

* Making the existing “All matches” search work across all fields
* Add a new search result tab for matches across all fields
* Add a new search result tab with configurable search fields

In the interests of keeping the core simple and lightweight, I’d favour the first: it would avoid adding any new translatable search strings, for example.

Best wishes


On 25 Jan 2019, at 14:09, @TiddlyTweeter <> wrote:

S.S. & TonyM

All the recent, extensive, discussions of search indicate I think three things at least ...

1 --- For finding things its better to have Push-Button Rich Search. 

2 --- IMO raw filter search is a last resort. Its excellent but cumbersome. Recent work shows its not needed that much to find what you need. Toggles can do a most of it.

3 -- The work Mohammad is bringing together several thoughtful threads on search illustrates the issues well.

TonyM, I agree with you that the mechanisms are largely there.

S.S. I thought your in-line Word search macro really elegant and useful---illustrative that the issue resolution should be easy and can be. 
I think you get the issue end-users face well. 
It might be interesting to take it into a form with dynamic user input too? It maybe could be extended to search remote wiki? 

Just thoughts

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Thomas Elmiger

2019-01-26 13:44:282019-01-26
kam: TiddlyWiki
* Making the existing “All matches” search work across all fields

I’d support this.


Thomas Elmiger

2019-01-26 13:54:292019-01-26
kam: TiddlyWiki
Afterthought: There are two sections at the moment: Title matches and All matches. My preferred new mechanism would be "Title matches" and "Other matches" where the latter searches in all fields BUT the title field. (Or as in my plugin Simple Search, where the sections are Caption/Title and Other.)


2019-01-26 14:29:172019-01-26
kam: TiddlyWiki
IMO we need comparative cases.

The richness of search / filter is now really good.

So, lets talk the filters already and enjoy it.


2019-01-26 20:32:592019-01-26
kam: TiddlyWiki
Agreed Thomas, 

I miss the old TWC goto plugin that just listed existing tiddlers by title in the search. In part because my Wikis are well organised with good tiddler names and this is all I need most of the time. I would like an easy way to include system tiddlers when I am in design "mode." or past a title eg a system title found on then open it rather than having to open advanced search.


S. S.

2019-01-27 01:59:482019-01-27
kam: TiddlyWiki
Please do correct me if I am wrong. Presently, normal search has 2 sections:

Section 1 : Title field Only
Section 2 : Title & Tag & Text fields Only

Since there is interest to enhance the normal search - in some way we need either 2 or 3 sections.
Here is one suggestion - to keep the thought process going:

Section 1 : Title & Caption Only Matches 
Section 2 : Text & Tag field Only Matches
Section 2a: All OTHER non-hidden field Matches

I think I may prefer 4 sections:
1) Title & Caption 2) Tags 3) Text 4) other Fields
I can't be sure until I do a lot of searches in this new format.


2019-01-27 02:11:112019-01-27
kam: TiddlyWiki

It is also better to show few results and have a `more result ...`
For wiki with several hundreds tiddlers, the current search shows a very ling list and you have to scroll and it is not hnady.



2019-01-27 02:38:042019-01-27
kam: TiddlyWiki
Please search the Google Group and ToolMap there are an number of Search extension macros and plugins.

These requirements have being discussed a number of times, I think you will find the answer has already being provided.


S. S.

2019-01-27 04:15:152019-01-27
kam: TiddlyWiki
You may have noticed that - All matches: - only lists the first 250. Search for - tiddler - on to see this by scrolling down past the - Title matches: - listing. I agree there should be a "more results" after that first 250, as I think ALL results must be available. Scrolling down is not so much of an issue compared to ALL results not being available.

Also as Thomas Elmiger pointed out, there may not be a need to repeat the Title Matches again in the next section(s), which would shorten that list considerably.

S. S.

2019-04-07 11:04:042019-04-07
kam: TiddlyWiki

I think Jeremy's suggestion is worth taking up. This is what I feel:

The normal search in the sidebar should search the fields:
  • Title matches:
    • title
    • caption
  • Other matches:
    • tag
    • text
The Advanced search Standard tab should search:
  • All fields
The Advanced search should have a MORE link at the bottom of the list - as it stops after 250 entries

What do you think?

S. S.

2019-04-07 22:45:022019-04-07
kam: TiddlyWiki
Actually, I forgot another scenario where it might be proper to include a result in the normal search in the sidebar.

How about for Title matches only (of course this includes caption) : Any tiddler, including shadow and system tiddlers, that are open in the (a?) Story River?


2019-04-08 02:52:172019-04-08
kam: TiddlyWiki

Have a look at my field-search plugin.

There is an intro video, if you follow the link.

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