[TW5] Pass a formatted Tiddler to GMAIL? Possible?

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2016年5月25日 05:55:492016/5/25
收件人 TiddlyWiki
use case: I use TW5 to maintain data for a regular GMAIL mailing of items I select.

currently: I have to copy and paste to GMAIL & then redo the styling manually. This is cumbersome.

wanted: Ability to (1) Click a button on a tiddler to PASS its text to GMAIL. (2) Pass also the STYLING of the tiddler.

QUESTION: has anyone made steps in this direction?

comment: IF the networking possibilities of TW5 were stronger & more upfront I am sure it would get more widely known.

Mark S.

2016年5月25日 12:40:182016/5/25
收件人 TiddlyWiki
In Firefox, to access the HTML version of your code, select your text and then right click and select  View Selection Source. In the window that pops up, your HTML text is already selected. Copy that.

Now how to send it from Gmail? This is a problem with Gmail, not TW. But someone has worked out a neat solution using Google Docs/Drive. Read it about it here:


Once you have installed the spreadsheet  in Google Drive  you will be able to open a form that lets you paste in your HTML code and send it.

Not a one-click solution, but better than doing all that formatting by hand.

Another solution, if you have a desktop client like Thunderbird hooked into your Gmail, is to just send from that client. Thunderbird has an option to insert html.

Good luck,


2016年5月25日 14:18:132016/5/25
收件人 TiddlyWiki
Mark S.

Thanks for the tips.


Alex Hough

2016年5月25日 18:21:012016/5/25
收件人 tiddl...@googlegroups.com
I cut and paste into Gmail from the preview window ro tiddler in view template

In the latter method, when I set "links as titles" in tw, and I copy and paste into gmail, the tile links can then open a TiddlyWiki permalink... I discovered it by  accident, I took some notes at a meeting and sent them via gmail as minutes.

It offers to me that if the recipients had an identical file structure, and the TiddlyWiki was run from node with tiddlers I a Dropbox then the recipient would be able to click on the link and view the message in the context of the wiki.

 I like the idea of hypertext minutes and the "meeting of two people" being the next step in the evolution of TiddlyWiki for personal non linear note taking  non linear notes for sharing. I like the idea of gmail and TiddlyWiki  shared between two people, the back and forth ping pong communication has merits; Web 2.0 offered improvements, but ther simplicity of back and forth comm u cation has its merits.

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2016年5月27日 06:53:182016/5/27
收件人 TiddlyWiki
Thanks AlexHough

its interesting ... the cross connections thing.

I will play with this a bit to try make it work for me. But TBH I still just want to click a button to pass a Tiddler to Gmail to help me serve a mailing list with minimum steps..

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