Tiddlydrive not working on Android

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2017-11-22 12:13:352017-11-22
kam: TiddlyWiki
The basic problem is that you have no way of installing tiddlydrive or any other extensions on Google Drive from Android. The Android Chome browser version does not allow you to install any extensions.


2017-11-22 17:54:522017-11-22
kam: TiddlyWiki

I spent some time 6 months ago building my access to tiddlywiki on android. In the end I got the most satisfaction from installing termux and installing node JS because that makes tiddlywiki not only browser independent (on android) but also device independent, ie I can access the android wiki on the LAN from my desktop.

I have not yet managed to make it autoload on phone reboot, but that will be a matter of focus.

The above solution of course does not maintain the wiki in a shared location, but it does in someway's allow access from multiple locations.


James A Bernard

2017-11-23 00:01:282017-11-23
kam: TiddlyWiki
I store and access (on my android device) my tidlywikis in the local dropbox folder. Auto syncing with the cloud once I save. Does this help with your shared location?

I also use Waterfox with the tiddlyfox plugin


2017-11-25 18:49:402017-11-25
kam: TiddlyWiki
My reason for making this post was to let the developers and documenters know that Tivoli Drive does not work for Android.
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