v5.1.23 + Stroll issue

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Dec 27, 2020, 12:33:24 PM12/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
As reported some weeks ago, when i upgraded TW to version 5.1.23, certain features -both Close and Delete buttons in the edit screen- stopped working;  this was purported to be related to some code in the Stroll plugin that would need to be updated.  

Meanwhile: my workflow being more dependent on Stroll than new features of TW v5.1.23, i've rolled my TW instance back to v5.1.22... Which remains my working version, as nothing seems to have changed in Stroll code, unless i am missing something. 

Now nearly a month on, i am wondering: Am i in fact missing something?  I don't hear of other in this community having any such problems, so i wonder if this might in fact be a problem on my end.  Am using TiddlyDesktop 0.0.13 (13) to manage my working index.html file, in case that matters.  Would love to hear any ideas about how to get around this problem!

Saq Imtiaz

Dec 27, 2020, 1:02:58 PM12/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
It is a busy time of year, you'll need to wait until Stroll is updated. As far as I know, that has not happened yet.

Zak Wessels

Dec 28, 2020, 10:59:56 AM12/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
@ludwa6 - same issue here so don't think you are missing anything.


Dec 28, 2020, 11:50:07 AM12/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks, @z... for validating the issue.  

So i gotta ask, am curious: which path have you taken? roll back to earlier version of TW, or live w/o Stroll until it's fixed?

This raised for me a related issue -that is, more generally speaking: how are these Plugin dependencies to be managed?  Not to apply any pressure to FOSS developers who have given so much to the commons already (esp @jeremy & @david gifford -you guys rock!), i do wish i had the coding chops to fix the problem, but alas... All i can do is post a message here in the gGroup and wait, until... What, i wonder?  Maybe i'll be lucky and catch notice of a fix, if/when it flows thru this channel.

Or better: is there an issue tracker somewhere, for these issues to be flagged and worked-on until they get solved?  Am always happy to participate in this process as a tester, when it comes to software as important to me as TW + Stroll is!


Zak Wessels

Dec 28, 2020, 3:26:56 PM12/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
> So i gotta ask, am curious: which path have you taken?
I am currently living with it until it's fixed. 

>  i do wish i had the coding chops to fix the problem
Don't think it would be too hard to track down the problem. Especially because of the TiddlyWiki approach, i.e. it is only html + javascript. And your browser already has some powerful debugging tools built in :) 

> how are these Plugin dependencies to be managed?  
I suppose it comes down to the individual author(s) of a particular plugin. 

Some plugins follow a more "traditional" flow. It has a public source code repo (github/gitlab/etc.), issue tracker, etc. 

Other plugins don't have their code in a publicly accessible place (e.g. private github repo/file system/google drive/etc.) and so there isn't really a traditional issue tracker available.

The Stroll support page [1] indicates it falls in the second category and that simply posting issues to this group is good enough. 


Dec 29, 2020, 5:08:58 AM12/29/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks, @Zak -your reply has inspired me to (a) be patient (am doing fine w/ v5.1.22 of TW + Stroll, in fact) and (b) to try my hand a bit of scripting, per message just posted about my "Task Tracker scripting challenge."

Moreover: following your link to the Stroll Help page, i stumbled upon the TiddlyWiki toolmap that @Dave Gifford has somehow managed to compile.  I cannot imagine the work involved in compiling such a list, let alone keeping it current... So i now see how the bigger issue here of how to manage plugin dependencies is a hairy one indeed.  Why: the Task Management category (the problem space i am currently exploring) alone has some 27 solutions linked (!), and if one were to install any number of these plugins -what the TW product architecture makes it so easy to do- i can well imagine how easy it would be to fall into the hellhole of cascading dependency failures.

So: i am ever-more convinced now that my best survival strategy in these waters is to: (1) keep my complement of installed plugins to the absolute minimum of things i really can't live without; and (2) learn as much as i can about what's under the hood of those, in case i am ever having to patch up some leak on my own, should ever come to that (i sure hope not, because i've been down that road of my own making a few times in past, and i've got the scars to prove it!)


Zak Wessels

Dec 29, 2020, 1:10:07 PM12/29/20
to TiddlyWiki
> try my hand a bit of scripting
That's good to hear - just stick with it and you will be amazed what /you/ can do :) 

For reference the developer docs are usually a good place to start (if you haven't already) [1]. 

From a very quick check, maybe you can try having a look at [2][3] which references "tm-remove-tag", as it looks like in your code snippet you are not taking any action in your checkbox code to remove the todo tag.

Please keep in mind that I am brand new to TiddlyWiki and have zero TiddlyWiki coding experience :) [lots of other coding experience though] 

[2] https://tiddlywiki.com/static/FieldManglerWidget.html

> best survival strategy in these waters is to

yeah, sounds like a reasonable strategy :)

Something else to maybe also keep in mind is that unless you really need something in a new release, it is usually much more practical/safer to run a version/couple of versions behind the latest version. There is a much higher likelihood that by the time that you then upgrade to the next version, most of the issues that you might run into would already have been solved/worked out.


Dec 29, 2020, 2:27:00 PM12/29/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for the pointer, @Zak, to that 'FieldMangler Widget'  -just what i needed to solve the problem (sorta :-/

By adding this widget to the script on both ToDo and Completed tiddlers, i'm now able to invoke "tm-remove-tag" and "tm-add-tag" commands (respectively) on those two functional tiddlers, such that i can make the object tiddler either appear or disappear on the ToDo list in Contents tab of my instance.

Only problem is: i had to add a button (the thing to which 'FieldManager Widget' must be attached, AFAICT from the docs) after the checkbox widget on those two functional tiddlers -a 'plus' button on ToDo tiddler and a 'trashcan' button on Completed tiddler- to enable execution of the function, as you can see on the attached image.  If there be some way to execute that "tm-remove-tag" command from the checkbox widget itself, that would be a nice refinement!    /walt


Zak Wessels

Dec 29, 2020, 4:18:26 PM12/29/20
to TiddlyWiki


Dec 30, 2020, 8:27:05 PM12/30/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi, I have the same problem here. Could someone provide a way to remove Stroll? Thanks.

David Gifford

Dec 30, 2020, 8:29:01 PM12/30/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi ludwa6

I just got back from a 4 day trip tonight, and will review this in the morning. I had not seen your report from weeks ago, sorry! I am going to try to update Stroll tomorrow, work out the issues, and publish detailed updating instructions. Yes, the toolmap was a long project but fun to see all the cool solutions. And, Stroll depends on several plugins, so I may need to wait until those plugins get updated, but either way I will try to post explanations by tomorrow afternoon (I am in Mexico City).

David Gifford

Dec 30, 2020, 8:32:42 PM12/30/20
to TiddlyWiki
To remove Stroll, go to  $:/AdvancedSearch > filter tab, type [tags[$:/giffmex/stroll]], click the red garbage can. Refresh browser. That should do it.


Dec 31, 2020, 1:13:58 AM12/31/20
to TiddlyWiki
No worries, @David Gifford : my "bug report" got quickly buried in the flurry of messages following Jeremy's announcement of imminent 5.1.23 release (kinda makes one wish for something like a Github Issue Tracker).
I did gather from something that @saq said, the problems i reported are likely related to the fact of Stroll using a custom edit template.  
Dunno if that makes it any easier to isolate this particular problem from those other plugin dependencies; maybe if you can call them out here, they might get attended-to quicker(?)

David Gifford

Dec 31, 2020, 7:10:40 AM12/31/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi ludwa

I figured out the problem with the delete and close buttons. Just delete $:/config/ui/EditTemplate. and you should be good.

Explanation: I had a separate edit template for Stroll, so that every time you edit a tiddler and close it, missing tiddlers are created. This was to imitate Roam Research functionality and save a step of manually creating every tiddler. I think to avoid users' confusion and work for me every time TiddlyWiki gets upgraded, I will remove that functionality.

I will update the Stroll tutorial to remove references to that functionality, and I will update Stroll and Stroll's empty.html to 5.1.23 and without the offending tiddlers in a few moments. But for you, all you need to do at the moment is delete that config tiddler, and it will return to its default state, which points to $:/core/ui/EditTemplate instead of my custom edittemplate.

There is still a problem with the Close others and Fold others not working in the more menu. I suspect those are problems with the Stories plugin by Saq. I will poke around to see if I can find the problem, but most likely Saq will know how to fix that. Everything else seems to be working okay.

On Sunday, December 27, 2020 at 11:33:24 AM UTC-6 ludwa6 wrote:

Saq Imtiaz

Dec 31, 2020, 7:40:10 AM12/31/20
to TiddlyWiki
There are no issues I know of with Stories and 5.1.23


Dec 31, 2020, 8:16:06 AM12/31/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hoo-ah: It worked! Can't say as i understand how (in my excitement, i deleted that $:/config/ui/EditTemplate file before i re-upped to TW v5.1.23... So how come that upgrade didn't put the file back in again?), but who cares: i now have all that 5.1.23 goodness working for me, without losing any of those Stroll functions on which i've come to depend. 
Thanks, @DaveG; you're a Brick, man! :-)


David Gifford

Dec 31, 2020, 9:24:06 AM12/31/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Ludaw6

You are welcome!

Make sure to see my new instructions https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/YeiImlym0j8 for updating Stroll with new features and also recover that functionality that I had briefly decided to remove. It is back in.
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