Close the previous tiddler automatically, when going to the next one?

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Oct 2, 2018, 11:50:31 PM10/2/18
to TiddlyWiki
I would like the tiddler you were previously on, to automatically close when you go to another one. Except for system tiddlers. Is there a way I can do that? Plugins? Javascript? Something? Thanks for taking the time to read my question.


Oct 3, 2018, 12:22:47 AM10/3/18
to TiddlyWiki

How are you getting from one tiddler to the next, How does it know which tiddler is next? Let us know and we can help better.

  • If you make a button to do this you can add an action to close the currentTiddler at the same time as opening the next. 
  • If you re doing a presentation perhaps search for a slide show plugin.

Of Course in ControlPanel > Apperence > Story View you can select theZooming View to show one tiddler at a time.



Oct 3, 2018, 3:44:30 PM10/3/18
I'm linking to the next tiddler, like this:

Thanks for telling me about the zoomin view, it seems to be working perfectly for this! :)
EDIT: I've ran into a little problem. I have a Tiddler that you can bring up and type anything in (Kinda like a journal) but I want it (and only it) to display at the same time as the main tiddlers. I could just scrap it, but I would like a way for that to work if possible. (I'm making a text based interactive story with Tiddlywiki, so I have a journal where you can keep track of plot points and such.)


Oct 3, 2018, 8:34:50 PM10/3/18
to TiddlyWiki

I would prefer to see the text inside the tiddler than a picture of the result. I am trying to understand what your starting point is. You seem to be a new user and you would benefit from looking at some learning materials first. Check out here for some basic learning materials

I am having trouble understanding still, "but I want it (and only it) to display at the same time as the main tiddlers" - so in this case you want more than one tiddler showing so the Zoomin view may not work for you. Or you want a special notes tiddler to remain open while you are using the zoomin view? What are the "main tiddlers"

I do not think it an exaggeration, We can do anything in TiddlyWiki.

here is some possible strategies

It is possible to allow editing of a single tiddler below but inside every other tiddler but I will not provide the details unless this seems to be exactly what you want to do as it will take a little time.

Lets see if others have some suggestions, but please provide more info.



Oct 8, 2018, 12:44:13 AM10/8/18
to TiddlyWiki
Yes, I would like a special notes tiddler (I call it the journal.) to remain open in zoomin view, unaffected by the automatic closing behavior of zoomin, while story tiddlers (I call them panels.) are affected by zoomin normally. Here is an example of how I link to the next story tiddler. 3: [["Sit in deep thought, and reflect on life."|Prologue: Choice 3.]]
As you can see, it's a link to another tiddler, that is displaying my chosen dialogue, instead of the actual name of the next panel. I worked out only allowing editing of the journal tiddler, and not story tiddlers. So I just need the journal to be able to display itself alongside story tiddlers. However, I want the journal tiddler to be able to close, if you close it manually yourself.

(I'm sorry if I'm not explaining myself well, I'm antisocial, and I think I'm the first person to ever try something like this in Tiddlywiki. So I have to figure out a lot of it for myself.) 


Oct 8, 2018, 7:36:56 PM10/8/18
to TiddlyWiki

We will do what ever we can to help, however you describe yourself. 

First, making use of the side bar is one of the main ways people get content to appear on the screen at the same time as the tiddlers. You can tag a tiddler with $:/tags/SideBar and set its caption field and its content will appear in the sidebar once you select that tab. Since you control what is displayed in that tiddler/tab, if you want to edit in the side bar there is a sidebar editor somewhere.

You could also look at tagging tiddlers with one of the page template tags, to have it appear in various places eg

  • $:/tags/TopLeftBar for the top left bar
  • $:/tags/TopRightBar for the top right bar
  • $:/tags/AboveStory for elements to be placed at the top of the story river
  • $:/tags/BelowStory for elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river
  • $:/tags/PageTemplate for the main page elements
        Then click on the $:/tags/PageTemplate tagpilland drag the tiddler to the top of the list (to appear at the top of the page)

Once the new version 5.1.18 is released you can also use
  • $:/tags/SideBarSegment

However your key may be a tiddler tagged $:/tags/AboveStory

You may need to handle the open close of the content or an edit toggle inside your tiddler.

Here is an example of a journal tiddler tagged $:/tags/AboveStory and using the detailsWidget plugin from

<$details summary="View Journal">

* dsfhsh
* sahasa
* sjaf
* j
* a
* zjk
* kj

I may extend this to allow us to pin, view and edit one or more tiddlers.

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