Create a very simple left menu

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Luis Gonzalez

Nov 5, 2019, 7:51:10 AM11/5/19
(Documenting The-book)

I am reading the wonderfull  Tom Gerner Playground.

I want to create an easy left menu. The steps I follow are:
  • Configure the story river position.
  • Create the tiddler menu.
  • Create the styles for the left menu.
  • Create the entries for the left menu

The story river position
I configure the story river position manually: I go to the Control panel, Appearance,Theme Tweaks. In the Story left position field I put a value of 200

The tiddler menu code

(tagged with $:/tags/PageTemplate)

<div class="tgc-leftmenu tc-table-of-contents">
<$scrollable class='tgc-scrollable-menu'>

The styles for the left menu
(tagged with $:/tags/Stylesheet)

html .tgc-leftmenu {
: block;
: 0px 0px 0px 20px;
: fixed;
: 0px;
: 93px;
: 270px;
-index: 99;

Create the entries for the left menu

Create the tddler $:/LeftMenuEntries

This is an easy way and it runs perfectly.

But I am looking a way to configure the left position in a stylesheet tiddler. Something like:

 html .tc-story-river {
: 200px;
: 770px;

But If I add this code to the Stylesheet tiddler the story river overloaps the right menu.


Ton Gerner

Nov 6, 2019, 4:19:16 AM11/6/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Luis,

The left menu as described in my guide uses a centralised story river.
As stated there it assumes a wide screen monitor, so left menu, story river and sidebar can be seen together.

If you do not want a centralised story river (as is your case), you have to shift the story river to the right AND you have to shift the sidebar to the right as well. Add something like the following to your stylesheet:

.tc-sidebar-scrollable {
: 1000px;

Adjust the left value to your needs.
Hope this helps.



Luis Gonzalez

Nov 6, 2019, 5:53:24 AM11/6/19
Thank you very much, Ton. I'm very interested  in completing my manual but there are many things I don't know.

I am studying hard all your works to document it.

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