Casting Church September 8th

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arthur noglak

Sep 3, 2019, 10:33:20 AM9/3/19
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Hey everyone,

We will be holding our Monthly Casting Church at Fletchers Boathouse on Sunday September 8th 8am to 11am.

For those of you who don't know, Casting Church is free and designed to help members hone their casting skills , or introduce people to the sport altogether. Some of the most experienced instructors volunteer their time each month!

Whether your a very experienced caster looking to take your casting to the next level , or its your first time out, we've got room for you. We meet at Fletcher's Boat House in D.C at the back of the lower parking lot.

Any instructors out there who would be willing to help are most welcome! Beginners are always welcome. Don't worry If you don't have a rod I always have a few extra.

Bring along some wet wading gear this month as I would like to focus on some roll/spey casting with single or two handed rods.

Art Noglak

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