Chesapeake Bay Redfish

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Rob Shane

2016年7月28日 09:22:352016/7/28
收件人 Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
I know CCA's Red/Trout tournament isn't until late September, but does anyone know when we might start seeing redfish on the flats in the bay? Ive got some pt to burn before the end of fy16 and hoping to make a few trips down to Chrisfield to fool around on my kayak.  

John Smith

2016年7月28日 12:20:352016/7/28
收件人 Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Rob, I cant answer your question directly, but other than the bull reds that have been around for awhile the only other year class I have heard anything about this year is the 12-15 inchers that have shown up recently in the lower Potomac, Rapp, and Piankatank rivers and probably elsewhere. If we are spared a real harsh winter that age class should be in the slot next year. Some of the larger ones this year might make it to 18 inches by Sept. I am going to give it a go in the lower Potomac in early September. My guess is 2017 has a much better chance of seeing some nicer sized slot fish than this fall since they seem to be so cyclical around here. Hope that is not the case. I think the trout on the other hand are on a bit of an uptick lately.  
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