Wading the UP this week?

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Jul 3, 2018, 10:14:49 PM7/3/18
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Just curious if there’s anywhere safe to wade on the Upper Potomac with the Little Falls gauge still near 4 feet the next few days. 3-3.4 or so is traditionally when I feel comfortable wading, but I’m really itching to go...


Jul 4, 2018, 1:11:16 AM7/4/18
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
I was thinking about taking my Kayak to River Bend to fish but with the water up it is a waste of time, in my opinion.

I drover over the Rappahannock at Falmouth today.  The water looked to be at normal height and running clear.  Might be worth the hike to wade at the confluence if you are really wanting to fish.


Jul 4, 2018, 12:55:17 PM7/4/18
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Gage is above 3 at Point of Rocks - personally that's too high for me. I prefer around 2-2.25 and dropping or lower.


Chris James

Jul 5, 2018, 1:47:00 AM7/5/18
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Fished Violettes from 7-11am today, water levels were good for wading for me. No fish but some guys throwing crankbaits cleaned up all around me.

Andrew Sarcinello

Jul 5, 2018, 7:18:02 PM7/5/18
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Water levels will be rising sharply again thanks to Heavy storms in the MD and WV mountains today and yesterday.  Take a look at the radar...not good. Flash flood warnings in the headwaters of the river.

Andrew Sarcinello

Jul 5, 2018, 7:20:40 PM7/5/18
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Expect a big surge of muddy water in that area soon courtesy of the Monocacy River: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/usa/nwis/uv?01643000

Chris James

Jul 8, 2018, 4:30:32 PM7/8/18
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
The forecast isn’t looking too terrible, hoping to head up tomorrow morning. Get a job, right?
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