recent SNP trips?

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Jeremy Dusina

2016年7月29日 上午9:59:302016/7/29
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
On Sunday I am planning a trip up to the SNP with my father-in-law for a some brookie action. Any recent water condition reports is most appreciated. I prefer a smaller stream, but if water levels low and/or water temp high we can adjust to the Rapidan or similar size.

We plan on an early AM NoVA departure. Thanks!


Misha Gill

2016年7月29日 中午12:01:482016/7/29
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
I would hit the Dry River if I were you. Water temps there are more likely to be safer for the fish. Although, the  recent thunderstorms have no doubt been refreshing for the streams, and we are looking like we are going to get more this weekend. I'm sure you could slay em on a beetle or parachute ant...

Jeremy Dusina

2016年8月1日 中午12:28:412016/8/1
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Thanks Misha. We decided on Jeremy's Run for drive duration and out of respect for the great name...

Sunday was a great day for fishing. Much success was had by both my father in law and myself. I don't think the fly mattered - just put something on top of the water and get ready for a strike. I landed two 10+ inch brookies, but rest were in the 4-8 inch range.

Plus we saw two black bears! The first greeted us on Skyline Drive while we drove to the trail head, and the second waved goodbye close to the Thornton Gap exit as we left for the day. My first two bear sightings. Pretty cool.



2016年8月2日 上午8:34:082016/8/2
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
I also shot up to SNP with a buddy on Sunday for a quick day trip. We decided to check out White Oak canyon - a first for both of us. When approaching streams from below (as opposed to Skyline Drive), I'm used to having to navigate some busted up fire roads, so I was quite surprised to see the road paved all the way to the parking area and trail head. I was also surprised by the dozens and dozens of cars in the parking lot (didn't see any TU stickers so I figured mostly hikers). Indeed this seems a bit of a mecca for family hikers. Nevertheless, only spotted 1 other angler all day while working our way up the stream, and we did well getting a fair number of brookies to hand on your standard attractor dries. Nothing over 8-9 inches, lots in the 4-8" range. Oddly enough the "fishiest" looking pools tended to be the least productive - I'm chalking this up to the number of hikers who may take advantage of the deeper pools to cool themselves off. Got a little frustrated by tiny 1 inchers nibbling at the fly and pulling it under the surface. Overall a great day and recommended for quick access and those without good ground clearance/4x4.

Ben H

2016年8月16日 中午12:11:402016/8/16
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Whiteoak Canyon is a very popular summer destination for hiking/swimming. As you might imagine, the most popular swimming holes are the biggest and deepest plunge pools. As a result, I would expect most of the larger trout would move out of these areas for sanctuary during the warmer months.
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