Pretty much an accidental discovery...but i started using both by BUFF gloves and BUFF "headwear" during the winter.
Half finger Ragg wool gloves give great insulation, but provide a easy snag surface for small nymphs during winter. However, if u wear your BUFF gloves is a great solution.
Regarding BUFF headware, i was pleasantly surprised by the significant insulation and wind blockage it features...and with thin profile, u can wear under your baseball cap.
Give it a try.
Now u have a full 12 months worth of utility.
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They make great sleeping masks two. Fold 4 time and they block light for shore naps, plane trips, etc. One can never have enough Buffs
Sent from my iPhone
Pretty much an accidental discovery...but i started using both by BUFF gloves and BUFF "headwear" during the winter.
Half finger Ragg wool gloves give great insulation, but provide a easy snag surface for small nymphs during winter. However, if u wear your BUFF gloves is a great solution.
Regarding BUFF headware, i was pleasantly surprised by the significant insulation and wind blockage it features...and with thin profile, u can wear under your baseball cap.
Give it a try.
Now u have a full 12 months worth of utility.
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