Hi all-- I just picked up a new toy: My first spey rod. I'm excited to play around with it; I just need to pair it with something. The rod is a 13'3" eight weight. (Specifically, a Redington CPX 8133.) I'm still wrapping my head around skagit, scandi and the various other line options for spey. I'd like to take it up to New York for steelhead and salmon and also mess around with it on the Potomac. I thought maybe I should get a skagit set with interchangeable tips to cover a variety of options? Any advice would be appreciated. From what I gather every spey rod is a little finicky as far as what lines pair best. I did find a handy chart from RIO that recommends grains for most rod models (550 in my case), but I'm still not sure which general setup I should go with for what I'm looking to do.
And lastly: I'm assuming I bump up a reel size for this rod, to maybe to a 9/10 large arbor?