Shout Out to Art Noglak

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Jun 8, 2016, 4:20:18 PM6/8/16
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Hey TPFR folks,

I just wanted to publicly thank Art for his help yesterday. 

What started as a conversation about fly recommendations on the Rapidan turned into a discussion about knots and ultimately Art holding school and showing me how to use the nail knot to repair the end loop in my fly line. While I'm sure enthusiasm about our sport and customer service are "normal" for Art, it's too easy for normal to become common and unrecognized. So quite simply, thanks for taking the time and caring enough to help a fellow angler (albeit beginner fly fisherman) to learn and stay excited about the sport.

While we were discussing knots, Art was demonstrating the leader to tippet connection for another customer. I suggested the "John Collins Knot" I learned while sport fishing in San Diego. The JC is best for connecting lines of different diameter, and while I learned it while connecting 25lb braid to 30Lb Fluorocarbon, it works just as well connecting much lighter leaders and tippet. The knot is strong, simple to tie, and is very small (passes through guides well). You can see a video with John himself tying the knot here:  (if I did this right the video should skip the conversation and start at 5:15 right where the knot instruction begins).  I mentioned the video to Art and he suggested sharing it here for all to see.

Thanks again Art!

Tight lines,

Misha Gill

Jun 8, 2016, 9:55:51 PM6/8/16
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Great share, thanks Dave!

Jun 10, 2016, 1:39:35 AM6/10/16
Thank you for the kind words Dave.


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