Preferred flatline type for specific situations

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Aaron O

Jul 13, 2016, 1:55:51 PM7/13/16
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
So I have plans to do a couple of overnights at Virginia beach (shore fishing) along with a short trip to the salmon River in NY in early October. Thinking I can set my battenkill 4 reel with my depth charge line (Minus some feet list to the rocks of the Potomac) and around 300 yards of backing (advised to handle the salmon running off my line) to cover both situations. However I'm told that since im only wading at the beach, that I don't need the sinking line and should stick with the floating line. Any thoughts?


Danny Barrett

Jul 13, 2016, 1:58:43 PM7/13/16
If you can time the Salmon river right after the ice melt in spring time.  Lot less people and some great steelies.  Was up there 2015 spring, -5 the one day.  Best time on the water in my life.  Not a single other fisherman and fish were hungry. 
On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Aaron O <> wrote:
So I have plans to do a couple of overnights at Virginia beach (shore fishing) along with a short trip to the salmon River in NY in early October.  Thinking I can set my battenkill 4 reel with my depth charge line (Minus some feet list to the rocks of the Potomac) and around  300 yards of backing (advised to handle the salmon running off my line) to cover both situations.  However I'm told that since im only wading at the beach,  that I don't need the sinking line and should stick with the floating line. Any thoughts?


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Jeffrey Silvan

Jul 13, 2016, 2:00:20 PM7/13/16
Aaron - I'm not sure what the bottom contour is at VA beach or what time of day you're planning on fishing, but some general thoughts on saltwater: 

- If you're fishing some deeper dropoffs/channels off a jetty, the sinking line will be good, particularly during the day
- If you're in protected bays, floating is fine
- If you're in the surf, an intermediate is ideal to get off the surface chop, but honestly I used to fish a floater on Cape Cod and I did just fine
- If you're fishing in the early AM/evening/night, you can get away with floating

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Aaron O <> wrote:
So I have plans to do a couple of overnights at Virginia beach (shore fishing) along with a short trip to the salmon River in NY in early October.  Thinking I can set my battenkill 4 reel with my depth charge line (Minus some feet list to the rocks of the Potomac) and around  300 yards of backing (advised to handle the salmon running off my line) to cover both situations.  However I'm told that since im only wading at the beach,  that I don't need the sinking line and should stick with the floating line. Any thoughts?


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Yambag Nelson

Jul 13, 2016, 2:29:30 PM7/13/16
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Your post is a bit confusing but I would not use a sinking line in October on the salmon river unless flows are extremely high for some reason.  I don't know what grain the depth charge is but the salmon is not a very deep river and you will be getting snagged constantly.  A floating line with some type of sink tip would be much better assuming you are swinging flies  If you are chucking and ducking a typical 9 foot leader off a floating line is fine. 
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