There are some places on the shenandoah and the upoer potomac that you can float with a kayak. But you can fish all kinds of places in the lower potomac, occoquan and anacostia very welk with a kayak. I
You will definately get use out of it. Definatly dont try to limit yourself to float trios only or you will miss out on some epic kayak spots
I have an opportunity to pickup a kayak for a pretty good deal that i am going to outfit so i can fly fish from it but before i pick it up, i wanted to see if there is any where in our region that is good for float fly fishing. I thought i would put it out to the group to get some ideas of areas to float fish since i am sure the collective group will have better intel that what i can search on the internet. Not sure i should do it if i cant really use it so i wanted to put it out there to get some advice. Thank you in advance!
Sorry that kinda came out a bit messed up. What i get for typing on a phone..... But yeah I have also fished most of the spots that Rob listed and he is right on as usual. Go for it!
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Cam, I picked up a kayak 3 yrs. ago and haven't regretted it. This area is a kayak Mecca. Good luck. Be glad to go out with you someday.