Salmon River Trip Oct. 3rd-5th Anyone

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vladimir polivanov

Sep 7, 2023, 9:41:09 AM9/7/23
Hey All,
             Would anyone want to join me and split transportation and lodging costs for a trip to the Salmon River, Pulaski, New York October 3rd through 5th. I will be targeting Chinook and Coho. It'll probably be a bit early for the Steelhead & Lake Run Brown.
Leaving Tuesday morning October 3rd and returning Thursday night October 5th. I've got two nights reserve at the Deer Creek Motel in Pulaski, New York. I have one space open, first come first served. Will only take someone who has been vaccinated against covid-19. Also once we get to the river to start fishing, I plan to do quite a bit of walking to get away from more crowded access points. 

If you are interested please email me directly or you can text me

Vladimir ( Vo )   240-481-7832.
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