Fwd: Potomac Conservancy and FFC join to help cleanup at the Cove

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Dalton Terrell

Jan 21, 2019, 10:09:08 AM1/21/19
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
The date is set for th Fletcher’s clean up, please sign up now. I’ll be escaping the cold temps in FL this weekend but hope TPFR can make a strong showing to get the cove ready for action this Spring.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Friends of Fletchers Cove <mi...@friendsoffletcherscove.org>
Date: Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 6:13 AM
Subject: Potomac Conservancy and FFC join to help cleanup at the Cove
To: Dalton Terrell <Daltonb...@gmail.com>

Save the Date January 26, 2019


Friends of Fletchers Cove is pleased to join the Potomac Conservancy for the Potomac Cleanup at Fletchers Cove.

Please save the date! Saturday, January 26th.

On the 26th volunteers will join forces to help regain access to the park and river at Fletchers Cove. We thank Mom’s Market and Guest Services for their sponsorship and support. 

You may view the complete work plan for Saturday here.  Due to the potential of extreme weather conditions all volunteers will be notified with an email by Thursday, January 24th that the cleanup will take place as scheduled. 

We apologize if you have already received notice. For those of you who have not or simply wish to express your support please  SIGN UP here. We look forward to seeing you Saturday and hopefully on the river this spring.



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