This definitely falls into the classified category, especially with a link to Craigslist. Please refrain from this type of posting in the future. Also, there's a good reason most Upper Potomac guides use rafts instead of drift boats. The rafts bounce off or flex over the big rocks that make up a lot of the Potomac bottom, especially through the sections with "rapids". We just drifted through Seneca Breaks yesterday in our kayaks, and even with the River still a bit high I would not want to run that section in a hard-hull drift boat. Additionally, when motoring in a drift boat, the front end pops a pretty significant "wheelie" making it pretty difficult to see rocks up ahead, so motoring up river in an unfamiliar section can be treacherous.
That's definitely a cool looking rig, but not my first choice for this type of watershed. I think if I were the seller, I would take a sweet road trip out west, drift a few big rivers, then unload it out there where there's a much better market for that kind of boat.
Dan Davala