Grass Carp / White Amur

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Jeffrey Silvan

Dec 26, 2013, 11:27:45 AM12/26/13
Has anyone ever targeted grass carp (also known as white amur) with any success? I'm down at my parents' in Hilton Head again, and I've been going crazy trying to get these things with no success. There's at least 8 of them in the little pond/lagoon in their backyard. There isn't much info online about fishing for these things, but from what I gather, they are apparently vegetarian, but I've read about people catching them on grasshoppers, woolly buggers, and other "standard" flies. Yesterday, I tried all those, some typical carp patters, along with some "plant" flies. Each one was ignored, despite having some (not to brag) perfectly located presentations that would've made a bonefish go nuts. I've literally tried every presentation... leading them by 12" and leading them by 12 feet, but nothing. I wouldn't be going so crazy if some of these things weren't pushing 15 lbs. Any suggestions, anecdotes, or advice would be appreciated.

On the plus side, I pulled this nice 18" bass out of the lagoon.


Daniel Davala

Dec 26, 2013, 12:05:11 PM12/26/13
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Call Colby and Brian at Mossy Creek Fly Fishing.  They are obsessed with the White Amur (aka Pond Shark as they call them) and do really well targeting them.  They should be able to advise you on successful flies and technique over the phone.  As a matter of fact, Nick and Kami of Two-fisted Heart just released the trailer for their new film about the Trows called Blood Knot - featuring a few White Amur, so check it out for some inspiration:

Let me know if you dial it in, I'll be in Hilton Head on Saturday.  If nothing else we can strike out together!  Anything going on the Redfish front?

Dan Davala 

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Jeffrey Silvan

Dec 26, 2013, 12:57:19 PM12/26/13
Thanks, Dan. I was hoping you'd come through - I remembered you told me about some guys that fished them, but couldn't remember who it was. I just spoke to Brian and he got me set up. Basically only target surface feeding fish (rather than tailers), and use small green popping bugs and beetles with long leaders. 

Nothing on the redfish front, unfortunately. On the nice days, my parents wanted to actually spend time with me outside (go figure!), and since, it has been pretty cold and windy, so I haven't wanted to deal with trying to find some kayak accessible flats near the rental areas in 20 knot wind. I'm out of here on Saturday morning, so it looks like we'll just miss each other. I'll keep you posted with any success!

Heinrich Smith

Dec 27, 2013, 12:26:37 PM12/27/13
Or you could use corn flies Jeff ... Or corn. I caught one yesterday in Kiawah with Gulp! fake corn looking stuff.

Josh Cohn

Dec 29, 2013, 6:47:12 PM12/29/13
i got one on one of these awhile back
its Adam Hope's carp damsel in olive

Rob Snowhite

Dec 29, 2013, 7:20:34 PM12/29/13
Did you tie that yourself? I'm dying for a tutorial on that pattern. I've had this on my phone as a reminder 


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On Dec 29, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Josh Cohn <> wrote:

i got one on one of these awhile back
its Adam Hope's carp damsel in olive

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Josh Cohn

Dec 29, 2013, 9:50:54 PM12/29/13
my pattern is a lot less glamorous, which is also why i think the grassie took it, because it just looked like a grass/moss fly.
But what i did is kind of a woolly bugger variation. I had a small olive marabou plume sticking out the back of a size 6 hook,
then tied in a hackle and wrapped it up to super light bead eyes and flattened the hackle on the top and bottom by pulling chenille
over from the back on the top and bottom so the hackle only stuck out the side.

I only managed to stick the one grassie, but had several more takes.
sorry if those descriptions were hard to understand

Josh Cohn

Dec 29, 2013, 9:54:19 PM12/29/13

here he is by the way, just so im not telling "fish tales"

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