4MR questions

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Sep 13, 2017, 5:19:43 AM9/13/17
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Hi. I've been fly fishing 4MR at the outlet and upstream. It a nice place by I've not had many strikes.
I'd appreciate any advice.
? Top water, streamers or......?
Tides - Incoming or outgoing?
any information on fishing this time of year on location......like - time of day, fly of choice, good luck charms, etcetera, will be used and appreciated.

Thanks and good fishing in this nice weather.

ps. my next R.O.I. will be about bull run at hemlock overlook


Sep 13, 2017, 6:11:16 AM9/13/17
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
This is a tough time of year -- I was there a couple of weekends back on a falling tide and caught a smattering of small sunfish, but not much else (though tiny shad were popping all over the place).  Also, when you've been there a million times and know where all the fish tend to hang out, including schools of cyprinids and killifish, you can pretty much tell right away when there are fish in there or not.  Things should be better as the temps keep cooling, so don't give up on it.  

I've had more fun and success the last couple of weekends kick seining stream fish on my home stream -- tremendous diversity of species, with yellow bullhead juveniles finally appearing.  Of course, I'm not suggesting you take up microfishing....and I would certainly never spend hours trying to catch creek chubs on a #22 brassie under a #16 bivisible....


Jamie Carracher

Sep 13, 2017, 12:18:00 PM9/13/17
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
I was at 4 MR last Sunday and it was a bust, although I did see a big largemouth that had some sort of issue. I thought it was dead but when I poked it, it swam away upside down and crooked. That said, maybe three or four weeks ago I landed my three biggest bass ever there. It's been a bit of a challenge for me since they cut away all the trees and cover along the shore. I've noticed my best bites there have been with smaller flies -- nymphs and woolly buggers mostly. 

I also love Bull Run at Hemlock. I normally hike up stream and get in the water wherever I see pools and cover. Poppers have worked well for me there. I give them a tug and let them drift into shadows and can normally dial-in some good action on a light rod. I've only caught sunfish there. 


Sep 13, 2017, 3:02:50 PM9/13/17
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
If you hike up far enough at Hemlock you'll cross over a feeder stream (the one with stepping stones) that contains shield darters, if you're into native aquariums. 

We've caught sunfish, a few LMB (little), and a single SMB (very, very little...like YOY) in there....though sunfish are by far the most common.  It's full of gizzard shad later in the fall and still makes for a nice walk! 

if you like hiking, nature, and enjoy fishing for smaller fish (like I do), it's a great place.  If you care more about fishing where there's a good chance at catching larger fish, it's probably not your place. 


Gregg DiSalvo

Sep 13, 2017, 4:04:40 PM9/13/17
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
There are some sizable carp and catfish in there FYI

On Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 5:19:43 AM UTC-4, tsm...@gmail.com wrote:

San-Eou Lan

Sep 14, 2017, 8:56:23 AM9/14/17
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
I've only been a few times, but I like going the two hours before a hide tide; however, I'm fishing from the shore so if you're wading low tide might be better. I've gotten a few hits from smallish LMB on an olive woolly bugger, but like other people have said there are a ton of smaller sunfish. 

On Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 5:19:43 AM UTC-4, tsm...@gmail.com wrote:


Sep 16, 2017, 5:25:41 AM9/16/17
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Thanks all for the feedback.
Both 4MR and Bull Run have seemed stingy with the hits but I like them both.

Being a city guy, I've always fished in waters with similar urban character and conditions to the Arlington stream. As for Bull Run at Hemlock Overlook, the natural setting is an outstanding contrast to Four Mile Run.

Less than an hour between the two places...I'm going to fish both on the same day sometime soon.

This forum is a great resource.

See you all on the water!

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