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The Sentry

Aug 20, 2019, 2:45:28 PM8/20/19
to the-s...@googlegroups.com

Real life stories. Documents. Quotes.


The Misrad Hachinuch has among its plans; a goal to open many branches of Yeshivos Tichoniyos. To date there exists about fifteen such institutions. In these institutions the students are prepared for entry into academic tracks, employement fields and army service. In addition, these institutions are not certified to receive army deferments, thus all their students are vulnerable to the draft. The appointee by the Misrad to open additional schools, had this to say; “The Yeshivos Ketanos are the heart of Chareidi identity. And so we asked ourselves, how do we change the map. How do we ensure that Yeshivos Tichoniyos of Chareidim should be viewed as a legitimate alternative among the Chareidi community… The second point is; to tunnel under the walls of seperation. The greatest strength of the Chareidi community is their ability to isolate themselves. These institutions tunnel under the foundations of the Chareidi community.”

In a study last year, by Mechon Yerushalayim L’mechkarei Mediniyut called “Potential Demand for Studies in Yeshivos Tichonios Chareidios”, the following figures were calculated and suggestions put forth: With time, potentially one-fifth of students entering Yeshiva Ketana, about 2000 each year will possibly enter a tichon. In 5766 there were only 562 students in tichoniyos, in 5778 there were 1972, a fourfold increase. Which communities are strongly against sending their children to tichonios; Litvish 48%, Sephardim 19%, Chassidim 49%. Work on the communities that would be quicker to send to tichonios, then increase toward the mainstream. The more such institutions that open, will change it from being viewed as muktzah, to mitzvah. Try to find one rabbinic endorsement and run with it. Even if no endorsement can be obtained, at least there must be no opposition.  


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