Divide and Conquer the Synthesis of Electrical Watts

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Jun 4, 2018, 9:46:01 PM6/4/18
to teslas-pierce-arrow-...@googlegroups.com

I have to thank several people who have made this post possible...
C. Earl Amman, Nikola Tesla, Joseph Newman, Eric Dollard, Byron Brubaker, boguslaw, Slovenia, etc.

In my analysis of the Newman device, it becomes apparent that he has succeeded in dividing up his circuit into two sources each equally specialized in its domain. The battery pack specializes in delivering a constant voltage to Newman's massive copper coil wherein the coil is acting as a blender synthesizing electricity from the voltage coming from the batteries and the current coming from the rotating magnetic field of the permanent bar magnets in the center of the coil. The voltage is reused while the current is drained. Since the voltage is not drained (appreciably), the voltage maintains the spin of the rotating magnetic field regardless of the drainage of current. So, we have two separate subsystems synthesizing mechanical advantage (in as much as there's more force and spin rate as the device warms up to its operating speed long after Newman gives it a push start with his hand).

We're told that Tesla installed an aerial at the back of the Pierce-Arrow. But what about the aerial already there servicing the radio? What if these two aerials became part of the circuit in a manner similar to the placement of two bronze hollow spheres - one over each headlight - in C. Earl Amman's EV?

Eric says that electricity can be synthesized. {Somewhere, Eric says that varying an electrostatic field in which is immersed a magnetic field will synthesize electricity. Varying the capacitor's value, in this simulation, up and down repeatedly, does just that to the magnetic field inside the transformer.}

We're also told by conventional wisdom that energy IN must equal energy OUT. If by energy, we mean Watts, and if voltage is reused rather than spent, then I don't violate anything by creating or destroying current (amps). This I do, in the following circuit ...


... in which the voltage on the antenna/s has no behavioral relation to its current/amperage.

BTW, the second capacitor to satisfy Eric's analog computer in either TEM mode or LMD mode is implied by the flow of air at a perpendicular between the two antennas in this simulation and between the two bronze spheres in C. Earl Amman's EV.
Another BTW, I made what appears to me now an oversight in which I'm just assuming that this circuit is in LMD mode when it may be both TEM and LMD. The battery charges the circuit in TEM (in the beginning of the circuit's operation) while the air flow between the antennas suggests LMD.
By repeatedly raising and then alternately lowering the capacitor's value from its starting value of 1mF or less, using 1F as the maximum to repeatedly raise the value to, I can circumvent the need to keep raising the capacitor's value to infinity and still get an intermittent rise of current to appear (at the two bronze spheres represented here by the two simulator's antenna to the far left of the circuit) which tends towards infinite gain overall (on average and over time of performing multiple raisings and lowerings of the capacitor's value).

Tesla invented variable, vacuum tube capacitors and filed for a patent in 1896 but apparently never received any patent for his invention. Yet, one year prior to his death (in 1943), this invention became commercially available.

The operating manual for the circuit simulation, above, is here ...


... intended to satisfy this video ...


... and Wikipedia article ...


The operating manual is included here ...


Jun 7, 2018, 2:23:46 AM6/7/18
to Tesla's Pierce-Arrow EV Experiment of 1931


Jun 9, 2018, 12:44:15 AM6/9/18
to teslas-pierce-arrow-...@googlegroups.com
electric paradigm, output from realsim.jpg


Jun 22, 2018, 10:43:11 AM6/22/18
to teslas-pierce-arrow-...@googlegroups.com
build an idea.pdf
simplest parametric excitation of a single phase induction load.JPG


Jul 2, 2018, 12:35:40 PM7/2/18
to Tesla's Pierce-Arrow EV Experiment of 1931

There's a new twist to this mysterious tale. Sangulani Maxwell Chikumbutso claims the use of a secret parametric metamaterial. What is it? I don't know, but a strong candidate could be the aether via parametric capacitance. And the best way to negotiate with the aether may be through the use of silica. My reasoning is backwards....

Since quartz crystal oscillators can be either tweaked with pulsed voltage to vibrate themselves, and they can be mechanically squeezed to elicit voltage pulses, and ...

Since silica can be tweaked with sunlight to produce voltage differences in solar panels, then ...

What if silica can be tweaked with voltage to alter its dimensions and thus alter its capacitance?

It didn't take long to find inferential information online to verify my suspicions...


... after I had already designed another parametric circuit simulation to put Sangulani in perspective...


To me and my way of thinking, this business of so-called 'free energy' research has become too simple to ignore. Yet, I know why conventional opinion ignores it. It's due to fear of many things. I think people get into the electrical engineering business because it's geared as a palliative to calm people down with platitudes, such as: energy IN has to equal energy OUT. That's fine, but the constituent ingredients of electrical energy are reusable. So, yeah, it costs some artifice of intelligence to create a condition in which electrical energy can be synthesized from, or decomposed into, its constituent ingredients of: magnetism, electrostatic charges varied over time. But magnetism only deteriorates with the natural aging process of magnets. And voltage, electron volts, of electrostatics is reusable if we never drain a voltage source with the intention of converting it into current, but instead borrow that voltage and quickly give it back. So, magnetism and electrostatics are free. It's the electricity we make from these free ingredients which makes electricity -- for all intents and purposes -- free as well.

The caveat to inductive parametrics is that it is not conducive to gainful acquisition of free energy. Yet, capacitant parametrics is.

And electricity can't be synthesized without the assistance of inductance (magnetism) since this ingredient provides resistance of various types the most notable ones being: positive versus negative resistances. But magnetism also provides us with back EMF and the collapse of a magnetic field which are also sources of resistance (impedance). Without inductive resistance, current couldn't form from negative resistance. So what if its flipside is positive resistance? Resistance is not black and white. It tends to come mixed, or blended, so that a certain portion is positive resistance while the remaining portion is negative. And sometimes one predominates over the other, while in other instances the inverse is true.

But it's the dielectric material of the capacitor which communicates with the aether making synthesis or decomposition of electricity possible provided a few simple rules are followed...

Rule #0 -- Synthesis versus Decomposition is a statistical phenomenon in as much as I don't get to see the wave forms to synchronize my manual administration of parametric variance at the right moment of a wave's phase angle from baseline on the oscilloscope tracings. This business is not unlike pushing or pulling a child on a swing. In fact, many of the articles posted here...


... describe just that. So, "winging it" by chance while operating my parametric simulations is largely a gamble. And I can improve my chances for the synthesis of electricity if I follow certain rules of thumb. And if I want the opposite result, namely: the decomposition of electricity (not the same as thermodynamic losses or conversions), then I should do the opposite of these rules of thumb.

Rule #1 -- Do not sweep a parametric alteration with a smooth, gradual transition. It must be a drastic, sudden jump down and likewise upwards.

Rule #2 -- The range of parametric alteration of capacitance should be high enough from a cold start to improve statistical chances for synthesis to occur. The maximum should be 10 Farads. The minimum can be as high as 10 milli Farads, or it can be anything less than this for even greater performance. But once sufficient electrical momentum gets going of a sufficiently high wattage, the maximum and minimum can be reduced and their spread (or, difference between them) can be shrunk. But this sort of momentum is of a level far in excess to common need by our devices. Only a power plant servicing entire neighborhoods or small towns need consider this last principle. Although, this may be the only way to do this -- is to do this, not merely for one's self, but also for others near at hand. Eric Dollard warned us in this regard: that the synthesis of electricity is possible only if done on a scale similar to an electrical substation of our power grid, namely: on par with 500 kva output. I don't know this for sure. Richard Hackenberger of the EV Gray team had this problem of how to dispose of their excess energy generated beyond the need of an EV motor. But what did Tesla do during his 1931 demonstration? Did he have the same problem as well and solve it in a similar fashion? By converting excess electrical energy into ionization of the surrounding air?
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