protection_fault: pool_do_put (2)

Skip to first unread message


Sep 14, 2022, 7:13:36 AM9/14/22

syzbot found the following issue on:

HEAD commit: 24c9f630e126 sync
git tree: openbsd
console output:
kernel config:
dashboard link:

Unfortunately, I don't have any reproducer for this issue yet.

Downloadable assets:
disk image:
kernel image:

IMPORTANT: if you fix the issue, please add the following tag to the commit:

kernel: protection fault trap, code=0
Stopped at pool_do_put+0x115: movq 0x8(%rbx),%rbx
ddb> set $lines = 0
ddb> set $maxwidth = 0
ddb> show panic
the kernel did not panic
ddb> trace
pool_do_put(ffffffff82a95eb0,fffffd80745f6138) at pool_do_put+0x115
pool_put(ffffffff82a95eb0,fffffd80745f6138) at pool_put+0x67 sys/kern/subr_pool.c:799
in_pcbdetach(fffffd806f4e6e70) at in_pcbdetach+0x30 sys/netinet/in_pcb.c:579
tcp_close(ffff800000e4e968) at tcp_close+0x13d sys/netinet/tcp_subr.c:535
tcp_timer_2msl(ffff800000e4e968) at tcp_timer_2msl+0x16f sys/netinet/tcp_timer.c:531
timeout_run(ffff800000e4ea50) at timeout_run+0x8b sys/kern/kern_timeout.c:678
softclock_thread(ffff8000fffff260) at softclock_thread+0xf4 sys/kern/kern_timeout.c:802
end trace frame: 0x0, count: -7
ddb> show registers
rdi 0
rsi 0xfffffd80745f6db0
rbp 0xffff800021684940
rbx 0xd6f35257799bfa4a
rdx 0
rcx 0x1
rax 0xffff8000fffff260
r8 0
r9 0
r10 0xbf7a8d0a6157607d
r11 0x73b7fda80d535593
r12 0xfffffd80745f6138
r13 0x97e33a4bbe503045
r14 0xffffffff82a95eb0 socket_pool
r15 0xfffffd80745f6f90
rip 0xffffffff81248215 pool_do_put+0x115
cs 0x8
rflags 0x10216 __ALIGN_SIZE+0xf216
rsp 0xffff800021684890
ss 0x10
pool_do_put+0x115: movq 0x8(%rbx),%rbx
ddb> show proc
PROC (softclock) pid=250110 stat=onproc
flags process=14000<NOZOMBIE,SYSTEM> proc=40000200<SYSTEM,CPUPEG>
pri=0, usrpri=50, nice=20
forw=0xffffffffffffffff, list=0xffff8000fffff500,0xffff8000ffffe7f0
process=0xffff8000ffffcfa0 user=0xffff80002167f000, vmspace=0xffffffff82a94450
estcpu=0, cpticks=0, pctcpu=0.0
user=0, sys=0, intr=0
ddb> ps
17580 371903 68599 0 3 0x3 kernel: protection fault trap, code=0
Faulted in DDB; continuing...
ddb> show all locks
No such command
ddb> show malloc
Type InUse MemUse HighUse Limit Requests Type Lim
devbuf 10220 6435K 7267K 78643K 38429 0
pcb 13 18K 22K 78643K 2582 0
rtable 267 23K 24K 78643K 18359 0
ifaddr 176 41K 42K 78643K 6482 0
sysctl 3 1K 3K 78643K 10 0
counters 27 17K 17K 78643K 419 0
ioctlops 0 0K 4K 78643K 12781 0
iov 0 0K 24K 78643K 1228 0
mount 1 1K 1K 78643K 1 0
log 0 0K 0K 78643K 4 0
vnodes 1516 95K 95K 78643K 11760 0
UFS quota 1 32K 32K 78643K 1 0
UFS mount 5 36K 36K 78643K 5 0
shm 2 1K 5K 78643K 94 0
VM map 2 0K 0K 78643K 2 0
sem 10 5K 10K 78643K 16 0
dirhash 12 2K 2K 78643K 12 0
ACPI 1697 195K 286K 78643K 12548 0
file desc 10 33K 73K 78643K 16082 0
sigio 0 0K 0K 78643K 982 0
proc 63 59K 75K 78643K 3116 0
subproc 104 6K 6K 78643K 1209 0
NFS srvsock 1 0K 0K 78643K 1 0
NFS daemon 1 16K 16K 78643K 1 0
ip_moptions 0 0K 0K 78643K 465 0
in_multi 85 5K 6K 78643K 1227 0
ether_multi 2 0K 0K 78643K 41 0
mrt 3 0K 0K 78643K 30 0
ISOFS mount 1 32K 32K 78643K 1 0
MSDOSFS mount 1 16K 16K 78643K 1 0
ttys 241 1076K 1076K 78643K 241 0
exec 0 0K 2K 78643K 4607 0
tdb 3 0K 0K 78643K 3 0
pagedep 1 8K 8K 78643K 1 0
inodedep 1 32K 32K 78643K 1 0
newblk 1 0K 0K 78643K 1 0
VM swap 8 62K 64K 78643K 10 0
UVM amap 473 1132K 1133K 78643K 85504 0
UVM aobj 131 4K 4K 78643K 137 0
memdesc 1 4K 4K 78643K 1 0
crypto data 1 1K 1K 78643K 1 0
ip6_options 0 0K 0K 78643K 284 0
NDP 15 0K 2K 78643K 422 0
temp 142 4726K 5750K 78643K 173513 0
kqueue 12 18K 28K 78643K 737 0
SYN cache 2 16K 16K 78643K 2 0
ddb> show all pools
Name Size Requests Fail Releases Pgreq Pgrel Npage Hiwat Minpg Maxpg Idle
rtpcb 120 11964 0 11961 73 72 1 5 0 8 0
rtentry 112 1295 0 1205 5 2 3 4 0 8 0
unpcb 144 12021 0 12008 108 107 1 10 0 8 0
syncache 296 74 0 74 21 21 0 1 0 8 0
sackhl 24 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
tcpqe 32 32 0 32 8 8 0 1 0 8 0
tcpcb 768 9298 0 9292 240 238 2 22 0 8 0
arp 88 193 0 177 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
ipq 40 9 0 9 5 5 0 1 0 8 0
ipqe 40 29 0 29 5 5 0 1 0 8 0
inpcb 336 15715 0 15706 220 218 2 17 0 8 0
nd6 48 291 0 270 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
pkpcb 40 14 0 14 4 4 0 1 0 8 0
kcovpl 48 93 0 85 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
ppxss 1160 260 0 260 20 20 0 1 0 8 0
pfstscr 40 18 0 8 3 2 1 1 0 8 0
pfosfp 40 11 0 10 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
pfosfpen 112 11 0 10 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
pfrke_plain 168 7 0 7 3 3 0 1 0 8 0
pfrktable 1344 2648 0 2630 2 0 2 2 0 8 0
pfanchor 1280 353 0 18 28 0 28 28 0 8 0
pftag 88 12 0 6 3 2 1 1 0 8 0
pfqueue 264 3 0 3 2 2 0 1 0 8 0
pfstitem 24 22 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 8 0
pfstkey 120 42 0 37 3 2 1 1 0 8 0
pfstate 336 21 0 11 3 2 1 1 0 8 0
pfrule 1360 3840 0 3322 44 0 44 44 0 8 0
rttmr 136 10 0 10 3 3 0 1 0 8 0
art_heap8 4096 5 0 4 5 4 1 2 0 8 0
art_heap4 256 5300 0 4919 74 49 25 30 0 8 0
art_table 32 5305 0 4923 5 1 4 4 0 8 0
art_node 16 1259 0 1182 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
semapl 112 8 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
shmpl 112 134 0 6 4 0 4 4 0 8 0
dirhash 1024 17 0 0 3 0 3 3 0 8 0
dino2pl 256 20587 0 19117 93 0 93 93 0 8 0
ffsino 240 20587 0 19117 87 0 87 87 0 8 0
nchpl 144 40865 0 40336 63 41 22 63 0 8 0
rtmask 32 20 0 20 6 6 0 1 0 8 0
uvmvnodes 80 5926 0 0 121 0 121 121 0 8 0
vnodes 216 5926 0 0 330 0 330 330 0 8 0
namei 1024 153199 0 153199 16 16 0 2 0 8 0
vcpupl 2048 148 0 0 19 0 19 19 0 8 0
vmpool 536 164 0 16 10 0 10 10 0 8 0
pfiaddrpl 120 3202 0 3152 2 0 2 2 0 8 0
kstatmem 264 454 0 424 5 2 3 3 0 8 0
scsiplug 72 7 0 7 2 2 0 1 0 8 0
scxspl 216 129839 0 129839 29 28 1 8 0 8 1
plimitpl 152 1374 0 1359 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
sigapl 424 16201 0 16137 8 0 8 8 0 8 0
futexpl 64 168966 0 168966 8 8 0 1 0 8 0
knotepl 120 174498 0 174418 76 72 4 12 0 8 0
kqueuepl 184 4168 0 4160 37 36 1 4 0 8 0
pipepl 288 3321 0 3293 72 69 3 7 0 8 0
fdescpl 432 16162 0 16141 7 3 4 4 0 8 0
filepl 120 124041 0 123808 160 150 10 17 0 8 0
lockfpl 104 3212 0 3210 9 8 1 2 0 8 0
lockfspl 48 941 0 939 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
sessionpl 144 108 0 92 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
pgrppl 48 432 0 416 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
ucredpl 104 11109 0 11098 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
zombiepl 144 16143 0 16137 7 6 1 1 0 8 0
processpl 1000 16201 0 16137 10 1 9 9 0 8 0
procpl 672 39259 0 39182 35 26 9 9 0 8 0
sosppl 168 98 0 98 12 12 0 1 0 8 0
sockpl 456 39722 0 39697 736 732 4 34 0 8 0
sockpl: pool(0xffffffff82a95eb0:sockpl): free list modified: page 0xfffffd80745f6000; item ordinal 1; addr 0xfffffd80745f685a (p 0xfffffd80745f6000); offset 0x0=0x56d5efcce06ed948
pool(sockpl): free list modified: page 0xfffffd80745f6000; item ordinal 1; addr 0xfffffd80745f685a (p 0xfffffd80745f6000); offset 0x0=0x4110dead
sockpl: pool(0xffffffff82a95eb0:sockpl): page inconsistency: page 0xfffffd80745f6000; item ordinal 2; addr 0xd6f35257799bfa4a
mcl64k 65536 651 0 651 31 31 0 1 0 8 0
mcl16k 16384 175 0 175 24 24 0 1 0 8 0
mcl12k 12288 496 0 496 27 27 0 1 0 8 0
mcl9k 9216 220 0 220 29 29 0 1 0 8 0
mcl8k 8192 939 0 939 30 30 0 1 0 8 0
mcl4k 4096 2764 0 2764 22 22 0 1 0 8 0
mcl2k2 2112 116 0 116 33 33 0 1 0 8 0
mcl2k 2048 99104 0 99044 55 47 8 18 0 8 0
mtagpl 96 4414 0 4058 54 43 11 20 0 8 0
mbufpl 256 554426 0 553875 11023 10970 53 1117 0 8 0
bufpl 288 27840 0 21422 459 0 459 459 0 8 0
anonpl 24 3405121 0 3387047 273 142 131 151 0 188 0
amapchunkpl 152 276216 0 275650 112 82 30 43 0 158 0
amappl16 200 73079 0 72260 132 85 47 56 0 8 0
amappl15 192 1320 0 1317 5 4 1 1 0 8 0
amappl14 184 717 0 715 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
amappl13 176 2173 0 2168 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
amappl12 168 2363 0 2362 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
amappl11 160 2713 0 2697 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
amappl10 152 1747 0 1741 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
amappl9 144 2309 0 2306 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
amappl8 136 5303 0 5201 4 0 4 4 0 8 0
amappl7 128 3761 0 3737 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
amappl6 120 2564 0 2544 2 1 1 2 0 8 0
amappl5 112 12785 0 12777 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
amappl4 104 6802 0 6771 2 1 1 2 0 8 0
amappl3 96 47441 0 47396 2 0 2 2 0 8 0
amappl2 88 4887 0 4833 3 1 2 2 0 8 0
amappl1 80 388564 0 387961 27 10 17 21 0 8 0
amappl 88 83402 0 83196 8 2 6 6 0 92 0
dma4096 4096 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
dma1024 1024 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
dma256 256 6 0 6 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
dma128 128 253 0 253 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
dma64 64 6 0 6 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
dma32 32 7 0 7 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
dma16 16 18 0 17 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
aobjpl 72 136 0 6 3 0 3 3 0 8 0
uaddrrnd 24 16326 0 16157 2 0 2 2 0 8 0
uaddrbest 32 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
uaddr 24 16326 0 16157 2 0 2 2 0 8 0
vmmpekpl 168 111556 0 111474 4 0 4 4 0 8 0
vmmpepl 168 1603772 0 1601015 356 205 151 167 0 357 0
vmsppl 272 16325 0 16157 14 2 12 12 0 8 0
rwobjpl 24 398573 0 390601 53 3 50 50 0 8 0
pdppl 4096 32658 0 32462 926 730 196 212 0 8 0
pvpl 32 6934986 0 6915582 579 390 189 259 0 265 0
pmappl 216 16325 0 16157 11 1 10 10 0 8 0
extentpl 40 56 0 38 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
phpool 112 13223 0 12216 129 87 42 58 0 8 0
ddb> machine ddbcpu 0
No such command
ddb> trace
pool_do_put(ffffffff82a95eb0,fffffd80745f6138) at pool_do_put+0x115
pool_put(ffffffff82a95eb0,fffffd80745f6138) at pool_put+0x67 sys/kern/subr_pool.c:799
in_pcbdetach(fffffd806f4e6e70) at in_pcbdetach+0x30 sys/netinet/in_pcb.c:579
tcp_close(ffff800000e4e968) at tcp_close+0x13d sys/netinet/tcp_subr.c:535
tcp_timer_2msl(ffff800000e4e968) at tcp_timer_2msl+0x16f sys/netinet/tcp_timer.c:531
timeout_run(ffff800000e4ea50) at timeout_run+0x8b sys/kern/kern_timeout.c:678
softclock_thread(ffff8000fffff260) at softclock_thread+0xf4 sys/kern/kern_timeout.c:802
end trace frame: 0x0, count: -7
ddb> machine ddbcpu 1
No such command
ddb> trace
pool_do_put(ffffffff82a95eb0,fffffd80745f6138) at pool_do_put+0x115
pool_put(ffffffff82a95eb0,fffffd80745f6138) at pool_put+0x67 sys/kern/subr_pool.c:799
in_pcbdetach(fffffd806f4e6e70) at in_pcbdetach+0x30 sys/netinet/in_pcb.c:579
tcp_close(ffff800000e4e968) at tcp_close+0x13d sys/netinet/tcp_subr.c:535
tcp_timer_2msl(ffff800000e4e968) at tcp_timer_2msl+0x16f sys/netinet/tcp_timer.c:531
timeout_run(ffff800000e4ea50) at timeout_run+0x8b sys/kern/kern_timeout.c:678
softclock_thread(ffff8000fffff260) at softclock_thread+0xf4 sys/kern/kern_timeout.c:802
end trace frame: 0x0, count: -7

This report is generated by a bot. It may contain errors.
See for more information about syzbot.
syzbot engineers can be reached at

syzbot will keep track of this issue. See: for how to communicate with syzbot.


Aug 3, 2023, 3:57:06 PM8/3/23
syzbot has found a reproducer for the following issue on:

HEAD commit: 95ed13e137a1 add EXIT STATUS section with information for ..
git tree: openbsd
console output:
kernel config:
dashboard link:
syz repro:

Downloadable assets:
disk image:
kernel image:

IMPORTANT: if you fix the issue, please add the following tag to the commit:

kernel: protection fault trap, code=0
Stopped at pool_do_put+0x115: movq 0x8(%rbx),%rbx
ddb{1}> set $lines = 0
ddb{1}> set $maxwidth = 0
ddb{1}> show panic
the kernel did not panic
ddb{1}> trace
pool_do_put(ffffffff82d0be10,ffff8000212c6030) at pool_do_put+0x115
pool_put(ffffffff82d0be10,ffff8000212c6030) at pool_put+0x8f sys/kern/subr_pool.c:799
process_zap(ffff8000212790d8) at process_zap+0x1d6 proc_free sys/kern/kern_exit.c:401 [inline]
process_zap(ffff8000212790d8) at process_zap+0x1d6 sys/kern/kern_exit.c:829
dowait6(ffff8000211fdb50,0,0,ffff8000212b330c,25,0,f28efcf1e27f06d8,ffff8000212b3370) at dowait6+0x755 sys/kern/kern_exit.c:518
sys_wait4(ffff8000211fdb50,ffff8000212b3370,ffff8000212b33c0) at sys_wait4+0xf4 sys/kern/kern_exit.c:657
syscall(ffff8000212b3440) at syscall+0x5e2 mi_syscall sys/sys/syscall_mi.h:110 [inline]
syscall(ffff8000212b3440) at syscall+0x5e2 sys/arch/amd64/amd64/trap.c:623
Xsyscall() at Xsyscall+0x128
end of kernel
end trace frame: 0x7afc5baaeb40, count: -7
ddb{1}> show registers
rdi 0
rsi 0xeeb7947067437b8e
rbp 0xffff8000212b3100
rbx 0xeeb7947067437b8e
rdx 0x9
rcx 0x8
rax 0xffff800020d58ff0
r8 0x25
r9 0
r10 0x6d8af15ca913e384
r11 0xab3bf95f6cb60046
r12 0xffff8000212c6030
r13 0x11486b8fe5ff1af6
r14 0xffffffff82d0be10 proc_pool
r15 0xffff8000212c7f90
rip 0xffffffff814f8795 pool_do_put+0x115
cs 0x8
rflags 0x10212 __ALIGN_SIZE+0xf212
rsp 0xffff8000212b3050
ss 0x10
pool_do_put+0x115: movq 0x8(%rbx),%rbx
ddb{1}> show proc
PROC (syz-executor.1) pid=190933 stat=onproc
flags process=2<EXEC> proc=0
pri=32, usrpri=66, nice=20
forw=0xffffffffffffffff, list=0xffff8000211fd898,0xffff8000211fc2e8
process=0xffff8000ffff9928 user=0xffff8000212ae000, vmspace=0xfffffd807eff81d0
estcpu=36, cpticks=2, pctcpu=0.9
user=0, sys=0, intr=0
ddb{1}> ps
93461 267969 94270 0 2 0 syz-executor.2
93461 42736 94270 0 2 0x4000000 syz-executor.2
41035 474158 50839 0 2 0 syz-executor.0
41035 513672 50839 0 2 0x4000000 syz-executor.0
52983 203696 23687 0 2 0 syz-executor.7
86846 52474 74529 0 2 0x482 syz-executor.5
87792 492847 74529 0 3 0x82 nanoslp syz-executor.3
22774 415846 74529 0 2 0x2 syz-executor.4
38323 430011 74529 0 2 0x2 syz-executor.6
94270 298511 74529 0 3 0x82 nanoslp syz-executor.2
23687 78008 74529 0 7 0x2 syz-executor.7
50839 474560 74529 0 3 0x82 nanoslp syz-executor.0
*70001 190933 74529 0 7 0x2 syz-executor.1
74529 59262 87282 0 3 0x82 wait syz-execprog
74529 79567 87282 0 2 0x4000482 syz-execprog
74529 123864 87282 0 3 0x4000082 wait syz-execprog
74529 303281 87282 0 3 0x4000082 thrsleep syz-execprog
74529 512140 87282 0 3 0x4000082 wait syz-execprog
74529 230786 87282 0 3 0x4000082 thrsleep syz-execprog
74529 113851 87282 0 3 0x4000082 wait syz-execprog
74529 75362 87282 0 3 0x4000082 wait syz-execprog
74529 119673 87282 0 3 0x4000082 wait syz-execprog
74529 342144 87282 0 3 0x4000082 wait syz-execprog
74529 66461 87282 0 3 0x4000082 wait syz-execprog
74529 314957 87282 0 3 0x4000082 thrsleep syz-execprog
74529 58358 87282 0 3 0x4000082 thrsleep syz-execprog
74529 203291 87282 0 3 0x4000082 kqread syz-execprog
74529 219005 87282 0 3 0x4000082 thrsleep syz-execprog
74529 226080 87282 0 3 0x4000082 thrsleep syz-execprog
87282 278144 43647 0 3 0x10008a sigsusp ksh
43647 92605 63964 0 3 0x9a kqread sshd
24074 519209 1 0 3 0x100083 ttyin getty
63964 448650 1 0 3 0x88 kqread sshd
22506 472775 74444 74 3 0x1100092 bpf pflogd
74444 283867 1 0 3 0x80 netio pflogd
90790 432946 30185 73 3 0x1100090 kqread syslogd
30185 220968 1 0 3 0x100082 netio syslogd
49662 379921 1 0 3 0x100080 kqread resolvd
40666 106493 73435 77 3 0x100092 kqread dhcpleased
48137 511408 73435 77 3 0x100092 kqread dhcpleased
73435 391389 1 0 3 0x80 kqread dhcpleased
8327 367504 0 0 3 0x14200 bored smr
95237 115211 0 0 2 0x14200 zerothread
48036 345201 0 0 3 0x14200 aiodoned aiodoned
25488 253253 0 0 3 0x14200 syncer update
75914 279270 0 0 3 0x14200 cleaner cleaner
36802 491772 0 0 3 0x14200 reaper reaper
26909 197331 0 0 3 0x14200 pgdaemon pagedaemon
83460 449227 0 0 3 0x14200 bored viomb
60555 46256 0 0 3 0x40014200 acpi0 acpi0
33513 318139 0 0 3 0x40014200 idle1
41908 234044 0 0 3 0x14200 bored softnet3
51254 88508 0 0 3 0x14200 bored softnet2
18613 346617 0 0 3 0x14200 bored softnet1
1512 383213 0 0 3 0x14200 bored softnet0
64418 208384 0 0 3 0x14200 bored systqmp
10285 474924 0 0 3 0x14200 bored systq
15446 206403 0 0 3 0x40014200 bored softclock
3371 155191 0 0 3 0x40014200 idle0
1 416322 0 0 3 0x82 wait init
0 0 -1 0 3 0x10200 scheduler swapper
ddb{1}> show all locks
CPU 1:
exclusive mutex procpl r = 0 (0xffffffff82d0be20)
#0 witness_lock+0x447
#1 mtx_enter_try+0x104
#2 mtx_enter+0x4f sys/kern/kern_lock.c:266
#3 pool_put+0x84 sys/kern/subr_pool.c:797
#4 process_zap+0x1d6 proc_free sys/kern/kern_exit.c:401 [inline]
#4 process_zap+0x1d6 sys/kern/kern_exit.c:829
#5 dowait6+0x755 sys/kern/kern_exit.c:518
#6 sys_wait4+0xf4 sys/kern/kern_exit.c:657
#7 syscall+0x5e2 mi_syscall sys/sys/syscall_mi.h:110 [inline]
#7 syscall+0x5e2 sys/arch/amd64/amd64/trap.c:623
#8 Xsyscall+0x128
Process 70001 (syz-executor.1) thread 0xffff8000211fdb50 (190933)
exclusive kernel_lock &kernel_lock r = 0 (0xffffffff82ca8d70)
#0 witness_lock+0x447
#1 syscall+0x5cd mi_syscall sys/sys/syscall_mi.h:110 [inline]
#1 syscall+0x5cd sys/arch/amd64/amd64/trap.c:623
#2 Xsyscall+0x128
exclusive mutex procpl r = 0 (0xffffffff82d0be20)
#0 witness_lock+0x447
#1 mtx_enter_try+0x104
#2 mtx_enter+0x4f sys/kern/kern_lock.c:266
#3 pool_put+0x84 sys/kern/subr_pool.c:797
#4 process_zap+0x1d6 proc_free sys/kern/kern_exit.c:401 [inline]
#4 process_zap+0x1d6 sys/kern/kern_exit.c:829
#5 dowait6+0x755 sys/kern/kern_exit.c:518
#6 sys_wait4+0xf4 sys/kern/kern_exit.c:657
#7 syscall+0x5e2 mi_syscall sys/sys/syscall_mi.h:110 [inline]
#7 syscall+0x5e2 sys/arch/amd64/amd64/trap.c:623
#8 Xsyscall+0x128
ddb{1}> show malloc
Type InUse MemUse HighUse Limit Requests Type Lim
devbuf 10180 6473K 6473K 78643K 11258 0
pcb 13 8K 8K 78643K 13 0
rtable 234 6K 6K 78643K 354 0
pf 32 9K 10K 78643K 43 0
ifaddr 45 15K 15K 78643K 47 0
ifgroup 55 2K 2K 78643K 55 0
counters 60 35K 35K 78643K 60 0
ioctlops 0 0K 4K 78643K 1483 0
mount 1 1K 1K 78643K 1 0
log 0 0K 0K 78643K 4 0
vnodes 1176 74K 74K 78643K 1192 0
UFS quota 1 32K 32K 78643K 1 0
UFS mount 5 36K 36K 78643K 5 0
shm 2 1K 1K 78643K 2 0
VM map 2 1K 1K 78643K 2 0
sem 2 0K 0K 78643K 2 0
dirhash 12 2K 2K 78643K 12 0
ACPI 1697 195K 286K 78643K 12548 0
file desc 13 45K 93K 78643K 882 0
proc 67 91K 128K 78643K 526 0
NFS srvsock 1 0K 0K 78643K 1 0
NFS daemon 1 16K 16K 78643K 1 0
in_multi 99 7K 7K 78643K 99 0
ether_multi 1 0K 0K 78643K 1 0
ISOFS mount 1 32K 32K 78643K 1 0
MSDOSFS mount 1 16K 16K 78643K 1 0
ttys 31 148K 148K 78643K 31 0
exec 0 0K 1K 78643K 390 0
tdb 3 0K 0K 78643K 3 0
pagedep 1 8K 8K 78643K 1 0
inodedep 1 32K 32K 78643K 1 0
newblk 1 0K 0K 78643K 1 0
VM swap 8 62K 64K 78643K 10 0
UVM amap 240 74K 76K 78643K 9783 0
UVM aobj 3 2K 2K 78643K 3 0
memdesc 1 4K 4K 78643K 1 0
crypto data 1 1K 1K 78643K 1 0
NDP 12 0K 2K 78643K 28 0
temp 1 5856K 5920K 78643K 5720 0
kqueue 12 18K 18K 78643K 25 0
SYN cache 2 16K 16K 78643K 2 0
ddb{1}> show all pools
Name Size Requests Fail Releases Pgreq Pgrel Npage Hiwat Minpg Maxpg Idle
plcache 128 22 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
rtpcb 120 36 0 33 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
rtentry 112 111 0 1 4 0 4 4 0 8 0
unpcb 144 35 0 20 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
syncache 296 5 0 5 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
tcpqe 32 80 0 80 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
tcpcb 808 8 0 5 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
arp 120 18 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
inpcb 368 65 0 59 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
nd6 136 24 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
pfosfp 40 1428 0 1005 5 0 5 5 0 8 0
pfosfpen 112 1428 0 714 21 0 21 21 0 8 0
pfstitem 24 23 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
pfstkey 128 23 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
pfstate 376 23 0 0 3 0 3 3 0 8 0
pfrule 1344 21 0 16 2 1 1 2 0 8 0
art_heap8 4096 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
art_heap4 256 453 0 0 29 0 29 29 0 8 0
art_table 32 454 0 0 4 0 4 4 0 8 0
art_node 16 110 0 10 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
dirhash 1024 17 0 0 3 0 3 3 0 8 0
dino2pl 256 2248 0 800 91 0 91 91 0 8 0
ffsino 272 2248 0 800 97 0 97 97 0 8 0
nchpl 144 3254 0 1567 63 0 63 63 0 8 0
uvmvnodes 80 2262 0 0 47 0 47 47 0 8 0
vnodes 216 2262 0 0 126 0 126 126 0 8 0
namei 1024 9330 0 9330 2 0 2 2 0 8 2
percpumem 16 43 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
kstatmem 264 24 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 8 0
scxspl 216 10876 0 10876 3 2 1 2 1 8 1
plimitpl 152 778 0 760 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
sigapl 424 1213 0 1168 8 1 7 7 0 8 1
futexpl 64 739 0 739 1 0 1 1 0 8 1
knotepl 120 114 0 0 4 0 4 4 0 8 0
kqueuepl 216 21 0 13 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
pipepl 320 146 0 118 4 1 3 4 0 8 0
fdescpl 496 1196 0 1170 5 0 5 5 0 8 0
filepl 152 2470 0 2337 6 0 6 6 0 8 0
lockfpl 104 6 0 4 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
lockfspl 48 4 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
sessionpl 144 26 0 9 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
pgrppl 48 26 0 9 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
ucredpl 104 74 0 62 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
zombiepl 144 1170 0 1168 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
processpl 1072 1213 0 1168 4 0 4 4 0 8 0
procpl 696 1984 0 1921 7 0 7 7 0 8 0
procpl: pool(0xffffffff82d0be10:procpl): page inconsistency: page 0xffff8000212c6000; item ordinal 0; addr 0xeeb7947067437b8e
sockpl 488 136 0 112 4 0 4 4 0 8 0
mcl8k 8192 5 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
mcl4k 4096 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
mcl2k 2048 270 0 0 34 0 34 34 0 8 0
mtagpl 96 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
mbufpl 256 283 0 0 18 0 18 18 0 8 0
bufpl 288 4882 0 148 339 0 339 339 0 8 0
anonpl 24 241897 0 237320 59 1 58 58 0 186 28
amapchunkpl 152 31462 0 30901 29 0 29 29 0 158 4
amappl16 200 6315 0 6241 5 0 5 5 0 8 0
amappl15 192 24 0 23 2 1 1 1 0 8 0
amappl14 184 199 0 184 2 0 2 2 0 8 1
amappl13 176 14 0 13 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
amappl12 168 1936 0 1909 4 1 3 3 0 8 1
amappl11 160 54 0 40 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
amappl10 152 24 0 16 2 1 1 1 0 8 0
amappl9 144 178 0 178 2 0 2 2 0 8 2
amappl8 136 179 0 149 2 0 2 2 0 8 0
amappl7 128 94 0 76 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
amappl6 120 302 0 285 2 0 2 2 0 8 1
amappl5 112 167 0 158 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
amappl4 104 678 0 638 3 0 3 3 0 8 1
amappl3 96 6577 0 6507 4 1 3 3 0 8 0
amappl2 88 1424 0 1361 3 0 3 3 0 8 1
amappl1 80 13434 0 12901 23 3 20 23 0 8 8
amappl 88 9266 0 9109 5 0 5 5 0 92 0
dma4096 4096 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
dma1024 1024 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
dma256 256 6 0 6 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
dma128 128 253 0 253 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
dma64 64 6 0 6 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
dma32 32 7 0 7 1 1 0 1 0 8 0
dma16 16 18 0 17 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
aobjpl 72 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
uaddrrnd 24 1196 0 1170 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
uaddrbest 32 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
uaddr 24 1196 0 1170 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
vmmpekpl 168 13860 0 13827 2 0 2 2 0 8 0
vmmpepl 168 80878 0 79237 119 0 119 119 0 357 41
vmsppl 464 1195 0 1170 5 0 5 5 0 8 1
rwobjpl 56 30160 0 26878 48 1 47 47 0 8 0
pdppl 4096 2400 0 2340 108 38 70 84 0 8 10
pvpl 32 546215 0 536520 370 22 348 370 0 265 261
pmappl 248 1195 0 1170 3 0 3 3 0 8 0
extentpl 40 56 0 38 1 0 1 1 0 8 0
phpool 112 729 0 40 20 0 20 20 0 8 0
ddb{1}> machine ddbcpu 0
Stopped at x86_ipi_db+0x1e: addq $0x8,%rsp
ddb{0}> trace
x86_ipi_db(ffffffff82bc5ff0) at x86_ipi_db+0x1e sys/arch/amd64/amd64/db_interface.c:393
x86_ipi_handler() at x86_ipi_handler+0xb7 sys/arch/amd64/amd64/ipi.c:106
Xresume_lapic_ipi() at Xresume_lapic_ipi+0x27
__mp_lock(ffffffff82ca8b68) at __mp_lock+0x122 __mp_lock_spin sys/kern/kern_lock.c:116 [inline]
__mp_lock(ffffffff82ca8b68) at __mp_lock+0x122 sys/kern/kern_lock.c:147
syscall(ffff8000213294d0) at syscall+0x5cd mi_syscall sys/sys/syscall_mi.h:110 [inline]
syscall(ffff8000213294d0) at syscall+0x5cd sys/arch/amd64/amd64/trap.c:623
Xsyscall() at Xsyscall+0x128
end of kernel
end trace frame: 0x7082b56b2cc0, count: -6

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