SymPy 1.11rc1 released

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Oscar Benjamin

Aug 9, 2022, 6:55:22 PM8/9/22
to sympy
Hi all,

I've just pushed the SymPy 1.11rc1 release candidate to PyPI and GitHub:

This is a pre-release and so is not yet recommended for production
use. Please test this release with any downstream projects or
codebases and report any issues to GitHub. If there are no problems
reported then in around a week SymPy 1.11 will be released with no
changes from 1.11rc1.

The release notes for SymPy 1.11 are here:

The following people contributed at least one patch to this release (names are
given in alphabetical order by last name). A total of 70 people
contributed to this release. People with a * by their names contributed a
patch for the first time for this release; 32 people contributed
for the first time for this release.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!
- Saksham Alok*
- anutosh491
- Alexander Behrens*
- Oscar Benjamin
- Varenyam Bhardwaj*
- Anurag Bhat
- Akshansh Bhatt
- Francesco Bonazzi
- Arie Bovenberg*
- Riley Britten*
- Zaz Brown*
- cocolato*
- Björn Dahlgren
- Nikhil Date
- dispasha*
- Pieter Eendebak*
- extraymond*
- Tom Fryers
- Mauro Garavello
- Anton Golovanov*
- Oscar Gustafsson
- Miro Hrončok
- Siddhant Jain
- Gaurav Jain*
- Kuldeep Borkar Jr
- Georges Khaznadar*
- Steve Kieffer
- Sergey B Kirpichev
- Matthias Köppe
- Sumit Kumar*
- S.Y. Lee
- Qijia Liu
- Riccardo Magliocchetti
- Tirthankar Mazumder*
- Carson McManus*
- Ehren Metcalfe
- Aaron Meurer
- Ansh Mishra
- Jeremy Monat
- Jason Moore
- oittaa*
- Omkaar*
- Andrii Oriekhov*
- Julien Palard
- Advait Pote
- Seth Poulsen*
- Mamidi Ratna Praneeth
- Psycho-Pirate
- Mayank Raj
- rathmann
- ritikBhandari*
- Arthur Ryman*
- Shivam Sagar*
- Gilles Schintgen
- Jack Schmidt*
- Sudeep Sidhu
- Chris Smith
- Jisoo Song
- Paul Spiering
- Timo Stienstra*
- Kalevi Suominen
- Luis Talavera*
- tttc3*
- user202729*
- Orestis Vaggelis
- viocha*
- Brandon T. Willard
- Donald Wilson*
- Xiang Wu*

The SHA256 hashes for the release files are:



Oscar Benjamin

Aug 9, 2022, 6:56:57 PM8/9/22
to sympy
I forgot to mention that to install this release you can use:

pip install --pre sympy


David Bailey

Aug 12, 2022, 6:15:54 AM8/12/22

When I use this command, I get this:

Requirement already satisfied: sympy in
c:\pythonsystem\lib\site-packages (1.10)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in
c:\pythonsystem\lib\site-packages (from sympy) (1.1.0)
WARNING: You are using pip version 21.0.1; however, version 22.2.2 is
You should consider upgrading via the 'c:\pythonsystem\python.exe -m pip
install --upgrade pip' command.

Is it just that my pip is out of date?


Oscar Benjamin

Aug 12, 2022, 6:37:56 AM8/12/22
to sympy
If you already have sympy installed and are trying to install the
prerelease then you need to either first uninstall sympy or otherwise
tell pip that you want to upgrade:

pip install --upgrade --pre sympy


David Bailey

Aug 12, 2022, 3:09:10 PM8/12/22
Thanks Oscar!


Peter Stahlecker

Aug 17, 2022, 8:54:39 AM8/17/22
Dear Oscar,

I guess, you will inform us when the 'final' version is released. I understood from Jason Moore that there is some improvement relating to 'lambdify' which I want to try as soon as possible.
NB: I play around with sympy.physics.mechanics mostly, just for fun, nothing serious, just what semi retired engineers do. :-))

Thanks, Peter

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Best regards,

Peter Stahlecker

Oscar Benjamin

Aug 17, 2022, 2:47:44 PM8/17/22
to sympy
Hi Peter,

I think that there might need to be a second release candidate after
fixing this:

Internally lambdify with modules='scipy' uses "from scipy import *" to
create a namespace for executing the generated code. However in the
next release of scipy it might be that "from scipy import *" will
raise ImportError:

The lambdify code catches the ImportError but then fails to find the
functions that it expected to find by importing them from scipy. I
think it's important for SymPy to have a fix for this before the next
release of SciPy.

The lambdify code that does this already needed to be changed because
it shouldn't be using functions like scipy.sin etc that are really
aliases for numpy functions and are now deprecated. I just didn't want
to try and fix that myself because I don't know the lambdify code so
well. Also changing something like this right before release is
generally something I would prefer not to do because it leaves minimal
time for testing.

> To view this discussion on the web visit

Aaron Meurer

Aug 17, 2022, 4:54:51 PM8/17/22
On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 12:47 PM Oscar Benjamin <> wrote:
Hi Peter,

I think that there might need to be a second release candidate after
fixing this:

Internally lambdify with modules='scipy' uses "from scipy import *" to
create a namespace for executing the generated code. However in the
next release of scipy it might be that "from scipy import *" will
raise ImportError:

It looks like SciPy is going to fix this upstream

The lambdify code catches the ImportError but then fails to find the
functions that it expected to find by importing them from scipy. I
think it's important for SymPy to have a fix for this before the next
release of SciPy.

The lambdify code that does this already needed to be changed because
it shouldn't be using functions like scipy.sin etc that are really
aliases for numpy functions and are now deprecated. I just didn't want
to try and fix that myself because I don't know the lambdify code so
well. Also changing something like this right before release is
generally something I would prefer not to do because it leaves minimal
time for testing.

I think that's already been an issue in the current release So I don't think it needs to be a release blocking issue.

Aaron Meurer
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