Immediate Opening Veeva Crm - Remote, RE

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Feb 2, 2022, 3:03:52 PM2/2/22
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Title: Veeva Crm
Location: Remote, RE

Job role: Veeva CRM
Location: US (west coast)
JD (Detailed)
Work on Veeva CRM solutions that adhere to platform best practices and perform configuration reviews. Typical Veeva CRM implementations include custom platform development, integrations with back office systems (often through the use of middleware tools) and complex data migrations.
Experience in designing elegant, innovative SalesForce or Veeva solutions involving Configuration of SalesForce and Managed Packages, creation and refinement of complex data models, external integration, business process automation, and other custom functionality.
Ability to manage and support E2E solution delivery by working with cross-functional teams and business partners.
Apex, triggers, VEEVA messages, Veeva settings and VEEVA related configuration knowledge is mandate.
Understand Business requirements clearly and work with challenging cross functional multi vendor teams and propose the solution
A minimum of 5 years’ experience in the Life Sciences industry or Consumer Goods industry, implementing either Veeva CRM or Veeva Vault implementations.  
A minimum of 1 year delivering Veeva CRM implementations 

Apply with Resume at : Jobboard

Thanks and Regards,

Sravani Jakku
Aqua Information Systems Inc. 300 N Pottstown Pike, Suite # 130 Exton, PA 19341 Contact No: 484-485-7163 Fax: 215-600-1617 Email: GTalk:
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