Need Project Manager/ Scrum Master - Minneapolis, MN

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Apr 8, 2022, 10:53:34 AM4/8/22
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Job Title:Project Manager/ Scrum Master
Location:Minneapolis, MN 
Job Discription:
They call this role a Technical Program Manager, but it's really a utility player who is a blend of a Scrum Master and Business Systems Analysts (with a bit of Product Owner thrown in).
They do have Product Managers/Product Owners at OncoHealth but they are not technical enough for the work these teams are doing - working on a new third party application.
They are looking for a person who can facilitate Scrum ceremonies for a team but also elicit requirements, document user stories, prioritize work, etc
This should be someone who enjoys variety and wearing a lot of hats.
Soft skills/personality style: This team uses the DISC personality profile tool and has many people in the Compliant quadrant 
(conscientious/careful/detail-oriented) and need more people in the Dominant quadrant (decisive/results-oriented/driver).
The best people in this role are extraverted, can work a room and read a room, are great facilitators, and help rally the team to deliver results.

Link: Apply with Resume at Jobboard

Thanks and Regards,

Bharath Kumar Kurakula
Aqua Information Systems Inc. 300 N Pottstown Pike, Suite # 130 Exton, PA 19341 Contact No: 484-778-4261 Fax: 215-600-1617 Email: GTalk:
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