Ex-Kisenosato new heya opens, but where is the okamisan?

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Moti Dichne

Jun 15, 2022, 3:37:58 AM6/15/22
to Sumo Newsletter2
The press is wondering aloud why the okamisan did not appear in any of the pictures during the official opening of he the new Nishonoseki beya premises. She was there and was in some pictures taken, but the Oyakata specifically asked for her not to appear in any official photos. The press finds that strange. When Kitanoumi became Oyakata and rijicho way back then, his wife was never seen in photos for 37 years as she supported her husband. The question is what will happen when an Ozeki will be born out of Nishonoseki, since she has to appear in public next to her husband during the ceremony..In Kitanoumi's case, the okamisan had declared she would be by his side when that happens, but alas, it never did. 
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