The three Ozeki contenders and Terunofuji

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Moti Dichne

Jun 27, 2023, 1:11:44 PM6/27/23
to Sumo Newsletter2
Yokozuna Terunofuji spoke to the press in Nagoya today. "I've never won a yusho in Nagoya. I did win a July basho once but it was held in Tokyo because of COVID. I think it's time to do it this time around. When I'm in,  I'm in for the yusho, as is always the case. With me, what you see is what you get. I'll be taking care of my body and I hope to go the distance in the very hot Nagoya and electrify the basho," he said,

Daieishou is seriously aiming for Ozeki. After two back to back double digit wins he's getting close. "It used to be a dream, but now it's within reach.. I really want to be promoted from the bottom of my heart and I think that if I can really give it my all I can do it. Thinking about it? I don't think it's possible without thinking about it.. I'm going to be 30 years old this year. I won't be doing sumo much longer so I need to be strong mentally and bring myself to be able to use 100% of my power.  Before this, I used to lose a lot at the edge of the dohyo. I felt in my heart that if I saved my power I couldn't win but now I am able to make the necessary adjustments," he said. He needs 11 wins to make the "required" 33 wins over three straight bashos. "I want to win 11, but making that the target is wrong. I want to go with the feeling that I can win them all.  All my joi opponents will be taken seriously! " he summed.

Ozeki contender number two Wakamotoharu answered the press as well today. He needs 12 wins for the magic number 33. "Yes, I'm aware of it. I was languishing in Makushita just a few years ago. It's like a dream for me just being Sekiwake..  I'm trying not to think of promotion, and I'm trying to keep that state of mind. I used to watch KaioU and Chiyotaikai when I was a kid. I feel that compared to them I have a long way to go.. Going up a rank in itself means nothing. I need to steadily improve my skills to feel worthy of the rank. Yusho? Objectively, it seems so far away, and if I think about it, it's impossible.. When my brother (Wakatakakage)  won the yusho it was like a dream and when Abi did it we drank some good sake. But me?  Doesn't seem real.. At this level, the effort is tremendous. Every single basho, it feels like I'm running as fast as I can to keep up," he said.

Ozeki contender number three Houshouryuu also answered the press today. He needs 12 wins for the 33. "I'm not thinking of it too much. I want to go about it as usual. Before I entered sumo, I thought the Ozeki rank was awesome. I was wondering if I could go that far. I really want to latch on this.. All I can do is what I have been doing until now.," he said. At the beginning of June he visited Mongolia for the first time in four and a half years and returned relaxed. "I was able to relax and gaze at the stars, something I don't do in Tokyo. I was able to rest and become calm. I met my uncle there and we had long talks, but the contents are secret," he said, laughing.

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