How to infer the ORM model class from an update()/insert() object?

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Mar 26, 2022, 1:34:58 PM3/26/22
to sqlalchemy

How can I infer the ORM model class from an update (or insert, or delete) function result?

upd = update(Project).values(name='foo').where( == 1

def my_library_function(session, upd):
    result = session.execute(upd)
    # how to get the Project ORM model here, using only session and upd ?

I saw that the update() object has a `table` attribute, but this returns the Core table (not the ORM model). In addition I don't have access to the base/registry from this function (unless it can be derived from session?). Moreover it seems like searching the registry is O(n) and will not work in all cases, such as when two ORM models map to the same Core table.

Thanks and best regards,


Mike Bayer

Mar 26, 2022, 3:02:54 PM3/26/22
to noreply-spamdigest via sqlalchemy
the Project model is actually in there, but not in a public API place (this is not the solution, but look inside of table._annotations to see it).

The closest public API we have for this very new API right now is the Query equivalent of column_descriptions, which is available on the select() construct and works when the thing being selected is ORM-enabled, and, alarmingly, it seems there is no documentation whatsoever for the Select version of it, that is wrong, but anyway see the 1.x docs for now:

This accessor would ideally be on insert, update and delete also, which it currently is not.  However, here's a quick way to get it right now:

class A(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'a'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    data = Column(String)

upd = update(A)


i might take a crack at cleaning this up now but the above will get you what you need.
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Mar 27, 2022, 2:08:29 PM3/27/22
to sqlalchemy
Hi Mike,

Thanks. Should I use column_descriptions[0]['type'] ?

In my case, `type`, `expr` and `entity` all return the model class that I am interested in.

Thanks and best regards,


Mike Bayer

Mar 27, 2022, 2:11:30 PM3/27/22
to noreply-spamdigest via sqlalchemy

On Sun, Mar 27, 2022, at 2:08 PM, wrote:
Hi Mike,

Thanks. Should I use column_descriptions[0]['type'] ?

yup, that should be pretty consistent in this case.

I've implemented most of an actual feature for this but isn't committed yet at

Mar 27, 2022, 2:56:03 PM3/27/22
to sqlalchemy
Hi Mike,

I'm writing a library that uses SQLAlchemy. The user will pass the library an update, and the library will add a RETURNING clause for postgresql users, and then return the model back to the user. The idea here is to update and select the row in a single database call, instead of the normal approach where two calls are made.

However, `upd.returning(User)` will actually return a Core row, not the ORM model instance:

    upd = update(User).values(name='foo').where( == 1).returning(User)
    result = session.execute(upd)
    row =
    assert isinstance(row, Row)

The key question I have is how to convert a Core row into an ORM model instance.

     `model(**row._mapping)`  fails in at least these two cases: different field name in ORM vs database, and column_property.

I also wonder, should SQLAlchemy return the Model instead of the core row in this case?


I've gotten this far:

    model = model_from_dml(upd)
    upd = upd.returning(*select(model).selected_columns)   # this will apply the column_property to the RETURNING
    row = session.execute(upd).one()

Now I just need to take this row and convert it to an ORM object.

Is there a public API I can use to take a Core `row` and convert it to an ORM model?

Thanks and best regards,


Mike Bayer

Mar 27, 2022, 10:28:55 PM3/27/22
to noreply-spamdigest via sqlalchemy

On Sun, Mar 27, 2022, at 2:56 PM, wrote:
Hi Mike,

I'm writing a library that uses SQLAlchemy. The user will pass the library an update, and the library will add a RETURNING clause for postgresql users, and then return the model back to the user. The idea here is to update and select the row in a single database call, instead of the normal approach where two calls are made.

However, `upd.returning(User)` will actually return a Core row, not the ORM model instance:

    upd = update(User).values(name='foo').where( == 1).returning(User)
    result = session.execute(upd)
    row =
    assert isinstance(row, Row)

The key question I have is how to convert a Core row into an ORM model instance.

use the construct select(User).from_statement(update(User)...returning()) .   See the example at

     `model(**row._mapping)`  fails in at least these two cases: different field name in ORM vs database, and column_property.

I also wonder, should SQLAlchemy return the Model instead of the core row in this case?

unknown at this time.  The above link illustrates a very new technique by which this can work now.    if this were to become more implicit without the extra step, that would at best be a 2.1 thing not expected for at least 18 months, it would be based on general demand for this kind of thing (which does seem to be increasing).

Mar 28, 2022, 1:31:02 PM3/28/22
to sqlalchemy
Hi Mike,

When using `column_property`, this `select(User).from_statement(ins.returing(User))` construct will not load in the column property. Instead the ORM will issue a second query when the column property is accessed.

I am able to get it working using the following: `select(User).from_statement(ins.returing(*select(User).selected_columns))`

I get your point that there may not be much of a demand for this, but I would argue that it is a bit unexpected for `returning(User)` to return a Core row, and that the solution is bit unintuitive.

    I think it should be as easy as .returning(User) and it should return the full ORM model with column_properties preloaded.

    This proposed change is backwards incompatible right? E.g. if people are depending on `returning(User)` returning a core Row in 2.0, is it OK to change this to return a Model instance in 2.1?

By the way, I think I found a bug with insert().values() when the ORM uses different field names than the Database column names.  update().values() works fine, but not insert().values(). Please check my issue here when you have a moment.


Here is how to reproduce the case where column_property results in an extra query, if you are interested:

    class User(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'users'
        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        first_name = Column(String(30))
        last_name = Column(String(30))
        full_name = column_property(first_name + " " + last_name)
    # returning(User) triggers extra query on column_property access
    res = session.execute(select(User).from_statement(insert(User).values(first_name='foo', last_name='bar').returning(User)))
    user = res.scalars().one()
    # This triggers a select

    # normal query  does not trigger a select as expected
    res = session.execute(select(User).where( ==
    user = res.scalars().one()

    # use *selected(User).selected_columns to avoid triggering an extra select
    res = session.execute(select(User).from_statement(update(User).values(first_name='foo2').where( ==*select(User).selected_columns)))
    user = res.scalars().one()
    # no extra query

Thanks and best regards,


Mike Bayer

Mar 28, 2022, 2:05:47 PM3/28/22
to noreply-spamdigest via sqlalchemy

On Mon, Mar 28, 2022, at 1:31 PM, wrote:
Hi Mike,

When using `column_property`, this `select(User).from_statement(ins.returing(User))` construct will not load in the column property. Instead the ORM will issue a second query when the column property is accessed.

I am able to get it working using the following: `select(User).from_statement(ins.returing(*select(User).selected_columns))`

I get your point that there may not be much of a demand for this, but I would argue that it is a bit unexpected for `returning(User)` to return a Core row, and that the solution is bit unintuitive.

as I already agreed, it is unintuitive for now, but it's not clear it can be made fully automatic.  it would be potentially a very large job for something that can already be achieved right now with a little more API use.

    I think it should be as easy as .returning(User) and it should return the full ORM model with column_properties preloaded.

this remains a non-trivial improvement that is not on the timeline right now, so you will have to work with what we have.

    This proposed change is backwards incompatible right? E.g. if people are depending on `returning(User)` returning a core Row in 2.0, is it OK to change this to return a Model instance in 2.1?

not really sure, this is part of the problem.   we reserve the right to make backwards incompatible changes in a the middle point since we are not on semver.   as returning(User) is not that intuitive when the documented approach isn't used, we will assume people are not using that form very much should we decide to implement this feature.

By the way, I think I found a bug with insert().values() when the ORM uses different field names than the Database column names.  update().values() works fine, but not insert().values(). Please check my issue here when you have a moment.

that can likely be improved for 2.0.


Here is how to reproduce the case where column_property results in an extra query, if you are interested:

sure, there's a very complex process that's used to SELECT all columns.  your use case should work right now if you do something like this:

select(User).from_statement(insert(User).returning(User, User.my_column_property))

Mike Bayer

Mar 28, 2022, 2:49:54 PM3/28/22
to noreply-spamdigest via sqlalchemy
since it will be very hard to change this after 2.0 is released I will try to further attempt to get ORM objects to be returned, though this will not at first support any special features:

this will allow retunring(User) to send back an instance but there's a lot of cases to be worked out.

Mar 28, 2022, 4:38:36 PM3/28/22
to sqlalchemy
Hi Mike,

Thanks for taking a look into it. Even if only the simple case can be taken care of in 2.0, that would be good as it would set up 2.x for completing the edge cases over time.

> select(User).from_statement(insert(User).returning(User, User.my_column_property))

In my particular case, my library function doesn't know anything about the model being passed in. I'm just taking in an insert or update, adding a return, and executing it.

I think I'll stick with ` ins.returning(*select(model).selected_columns)` for the time being - it seems to to the trick.

Best regards,

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