Query regarding simulation of SNN

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Saurav Pawar

не прочитано,
19 авг. 2022 г., 02:49:5319.08.2022
– SpiNNaker Users Group

I want to simulate a spiking neural network on BrainScaleS and I also have the access to it via  EBRAINS. Can anyone please tell me how can I simulate my SNN on BrainScaleS using python ?
I even tried converting it to pyNN using SNNtoolbox but was facing a couple of issues.

Kind regards,

Andrew Rowley

не прочитано,
19 авг. 2022 г., 06:10:0419.08.2022
– Saurav Pawar, SpiNNaker Users Group



I think BrainScaleS have their own support forum (the current one is for SpiNNaker users).  I don’t know that much about the software, though I believe that they may have a PyTorch equivalent front end for this.  Note that you can’t run it on the SpiNNaker Jupyter site as we have no access to the BrainScaleS hardware, however if you have scripts in the EBRAINS drive, you can then run the EBRAINS Jupyter Lab from within an EBRAINS Collab and access the same files from there, where the BrainScaleS software should run.


Andrew :)


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Saurav Pawar

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2022 г., 05:04:3022.08.2022
– SpiNNaker Users Group
Okay, thank you Andrew :)

Saurav Pawar

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2022 г., 05:13:0922.08.2022
– SpiNNaker Users Group
Also, can you please tell me how can I convert my SNN to a PyNN script and then run it on SpiNNaker using EBRAINS ? I tried doing that using SNNtoolbox but I was facing a lot of issues thereofore I am searching for a different alternative.
(Sorry, I wanted to include this query in the previous message but by mistakenly posted it)

Kind regards,

Andrew Rowley

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2022 г., 05:28:2222.08.2022
– Saurav Pawar, SpiNNaker Users Group



SNNToolbox is the current solution we have; I don’t think there are other alternatives that have already been made.  It may be worth reading up on how this works e.g.:



Andrew :)


Simon Davidson

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2022 г., 06:27:1022.08.2022
– Andrew Rowley, Saurav Pawar, SpiNNaker Users Group




I think the problem here is that SNNtoolbox runs the conversion and simulation in a single pass. It would be better if it could just convert and spit out the SNN as a file, which you could then run in whatever environment you want.


I guess you could run the whole thing inside Jupyter. Ed Jones is our SNNtoolbox expert. He might be able to point out the pitfalls, or confirm that it is possible.



Saurav Pawar

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2022 г., 07:23:5622.08.2022
– SpiNNaker Users Group

Yes Simon, that will be a good idea. Ed Jones, can you please provide a solution on that ?


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