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Roy Wiseman

Nov 24, 2019, 10:45:46 AM11/24/19
to speedcrunch
Hi, I've been using SpeedCrunch about a month and it's replaced calc.exe for everything. A really amazing app, thanks.

You seem to have done all the work for a conversion tool, and it works great "1 astronomical unit in mile" and that just works.
But I notice some odd things missing like "1 kelvin in celsius" (or C or centigrade or F or Fahrenheit) all fail. Are you still updating these units as this seems more of a fix than a feature request (since most other units are there)?

It occurs to me that with a simple call to read a value from an external currency rate server, you could also make the app deal with all exchange rates.
i.e. "1 GBP in EUR". That's something that I need to do a lot on a daily basis so this would be great to have. I could put that as a feature request if you would consider it?

Helder Correia

Nov 24, 2019, 10:53:59 AM11/24/19
to, speedcrunch
Nov 24, 2019, 13:12 by
But I notice some odd things missing like "1 kelvin in celsius" (or C or centigrade or F or Fahrenheit) all fail. Are you still updating these units as this seems more of a fix than a feature request (since most other units are there)?
Hi, Roy. Thanks for the kind words. Please read an explanation on this topic here:

It occurs to me that with a simple call to read a value from an external currency rate server, you could also make the app deal with all exchange rates.
i.e. "1 GBP in EUR". That's something that I need to do a lot on a daily basis so this would be great to have. I could put that as a feature request if you would consider it?

Roy Wiseman

Nov 24, 2019, 1:13:04 PM11/24/19
to speedcrunch
Hi Helder, Great, I've read that thread on SI units. I'm left a little bit confused. I'm completely ok with the long form of the units - in fact, I had already assumed that it was due to exactly the reason that you say. i.e. to avoid confusion. I'd already seen that you have intellisense, so when I type 'k', up pops kelvin in a pull down, so it seemed really intuitive and obvious why you would not use k or c or f for kelvin / centigrade / fahrenheit etc - I do like that you have built in a system of defining them 'm = meter' etc, that's smart).

But unanswered on that thread from 2016 is: why no celsius/centigrade or fahrenheit? These are the two most common measures of temperature (on the planet!), but both are missing??

About currency, will be a shame if not implemented, but it's your tool of course. The way I was thinking it could/would work is only pull on request. If no network, well, no problem(!!), I don't care if the answer is "offline, currency functions only available online". If I'm on a plane with no internet connection, I think I can wait until we land to get the currency exchange value!


Nov 26, 2019, 11:14:04 AM11/26/19
I feel similarly about the thoughts of our network buddy.

Rodrigo César Bagnara

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