[SST] - Souliss Smart Thermostat WiFi - First Release

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2016. márc. 6. 13:42:092016. 03. 06.
– souliss

Hello to all,
we have released the first version of new SST, you can find here SST_v0.22_Ludo_STABLE
In release note you can see the functionality available now. 

Official Repo:

Development Repo:

Video, you can see a fast presentation of menù function, and of two layouts available:

Coming soon, using Souliss publish&subscribe, you can visualize data from other Souliss node. We make also two "dedicated" node, one for "external temperature", and one "remote relay" that can be used to switch on/off your heater or your furnace.

Thanks to all,


2016. márc. 8. 2:59:382016. 03. 08.
– souliss
Hi, this is wonderful, good job :-)

which arduino IDE are you using?
1.6.5 have trouble with compilation following error mesage:

In file included from ..\Arduino\libraries\Ucglib/Ucglib.h:61:0, from crono.cpp:2:
..\Arduino\libraries\Ucglib/utility/ucg.h:119:0: warning: "ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR" redefined [enabled by default]
 #  define ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR  UCG_SECTION(".irom0.text")


Flavio P.

2016. márc. 8. 3:28:252016. 03. 08.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
IDE 1.6.5
This is only a warning, i think you haven't problem to compile.
I'm wrong?

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2016. márc. 8. 4:06:352016. 03. 08.
– souliss
what souliss version ?
e05_ESP8266_SST_webconf.ino:29:89: fatal error: bconf/MCU_ESP8266.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.


Flavio P.

2016. márc. 8. 4:20:112016. 03. 08.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
You can use the last, friariello.


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Flavio P.

2016. márc. 11. 18:06:002016. 03. 11.
– sou...@googlegroups.com

Ciao zdenek,
Have you solved? Are you able to use your SST?



2016. márc. 12. 15:21:102016. 03. 12.
– souliss
Hi Flavio,

I thing that previous errors happen during update from 1.6.4 to 1.6.5 version  - I try to delete C:\Users\winuser\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15 folder and after new start of arduino environment was created new one
but some errors continue.

1. I try to compile "ESP8622wifi saples and its OK
2. I try to compile UCG "hello word " sample with following error:

HelloWorld.ino: In function 'void setup()':
HelloWorld.ino:98:3: error: 'ucg' was not declared in this scope
HelloWorld.ino: In function 'void loop()':
HelloWorld.ino:106:3: error: 'ucg' was not declared in this scope
'ucg' was not declared in this scope

3. here is error from "e05_ESP8266_SST_webconf.ino" copilation
:\Users\ZDENDA~1.PEL\AppData\Local\Temp\build4832143037605717909.tmp\display.cpp: In function 'void display_layout1_printBigChar(Ucglib_ILI9341_18x240x320_HWSPI, float)':
:\Users\winuser\AppData\Local\Temp\build4832143037605717909.tmp\display.cpp:101:16: error: ambiguous overload for 'operator=' (operand types are 'String' and 'int')
= (int) fValTemp;
:\Users\winuser\AppData\Local\Temp\build4832143037605717909.tmp\display.cpp:101:16: note: candidates are:
In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/Arduino.h:223:0,
from C:\Users\winuser\AppData\Local\Temp\build4832143037605717909.tmp\display.cpp:1:
:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/WString.h:86:11: note: String& String::operator=(const String&) <near match>
String & operator = (const String &rhs);
:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/WString.h:86:11: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from 'int' to 'const String&'
:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/WString.h:87:11: note: String& String::operator=(const char*) <near match>
String & operator = (const char *cstr);
:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/WString.h:87:11: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from 'int' to 'const char*'
:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/WString.h:88:11: note: String& String::operator=(const __FlashStringHelper*) <near match>
String & operator = (const __FlashStringHelper *str);
:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/WString.h:88:11: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from 'int' to 'const __FlashStringHelper*'
:\Users\winuser\AppData\Local\Temp\build4832143037605717909.tmp\display.cpp: In function 'void display_print_splash_waiting_need_configuration(Ucglib_ILI9341_18x240x320_HWSPI)':
:\Users\winuser\AppData\Local\Temp\build4832143037605717909.tmp\display.cpp:238:13: error: 'WiFi' was not declared in this scope
:\Users\winuser\AppData\Local\Temp\build4832143037605717909.tmp\display.cpp: In function 'void display_print_splash_waiting_connection_gateway(Ucglib_ILI9341_18x240x320_HWSPI)':
:\Users\winuser\AppData\Local\Temp\build4832143037605717909.tmp\display.cpp:252:13: error: 'WiFi' was not declared in this scope
:\Users\winuser\AppData\Local\Temp\build4832143037605717909.tmp\display.cpp: In function 'void display_print_splash_waiting_connection_peer(Ucglib_ILI9341_18x240x320_HWSPI)':
:\Users\winuser\AppData\Local\Temp\build4832143037605717909.tmp\display.cpp:266:13: error: 'WiFi' was not declared in this scope
:\Users\winuser\AppData\Local\Temp\build4832143037605717909.tmp\display.cpp: In function 'void display_print_splash_connection_to_home_wifi(Ucglib_ILI9341_18x240x320_HWSPI)':
:\Users\winuser\AppData\Local\Temp\build4832143037605717909.tmp\display.cpp:282:13: error: 'WiFi' was not declared in this scope

Have you any advice please?

Dne sobota 12. března 2016 0:06:00 UTC+1 Flavio napsal(a):

Flavio P.

2016. márc. 12. 16:36:182016. 03. 12.
– sou...@googlegroups.com

Hi Zdenek,
I think you have some problem on your IDE.
I can suggest you to try in a new machine, of you have,or in a new vm.
You can try with the free Virtualbox and a new installation of Linux. In this way you can have a "fresh" OS to make some test.
It's very strange that you cannot compile library example!


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2016. márc. 17. 15:52:162016. 03. 17.
– souliss
Hi Flavio,

I am succesfull with compilation. The problem was in upgrade from 1.6.4. to 1.6.5. version - 
1. delete C:\Users\winuser\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15 folder
2. there was inherited wrong preferences "additional board manager" - see attached pict
3. in library manager reinstall "esp8266" library

now is compilation without errors.


Flavio P.

2016. márc. 17. 16:25:392016. 03. 17.
– sou...@googlegroups.com

I'm very happy!
Have you tried uploading?


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Marko S

2016. márc. 24. 6:41:372016. 03. 24.
– souliss
Can this thermostat besides by Soulissapp also be controlled remotely from some webpage? So to set the temperatures. Also can it use a remote temperature esp8266 node to regulate its temperature against? Can it use only one or more temperature nodes and then average them?

Dne četrtek, 17. marec 2016 21.25.39 UTC+1 je oseba Flavio napisala:

Flavio P.

2016. márc. 24. 7:52:412016. 03. 24.
– sou...@googlegroups.com

Hello Marko,

There isn't a webpage, you can control with SoulissApp or Openhab.
For the temperature,you can retrieve data from all sensor on your Souliss network(not only temperature) with Publish and subscribe and take the average of N sensor or display only any kind of data.
Publish & subscribe work only in the last version.


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Marko S

2016. márc. 25. 7:11:562016. 03. 25.
– souliss
It also allows local setting of temperature right, though its menus and stuff?

Dne četrtek, 24. marec 2016 12.52.41 UTC+1 je oseba Flavio napisala:

Flavio P.

2016. márc. 25. 7:16:452016. 03. 25.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
I don' understad what you mean. Can you explain me better?


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Marko S

2016. márc. 25. 8:29:432016. 03. 25.
– souliss
Like with buttons it can be programmed too right.

Dne petek, 25. marec 2016 12.16.45 UTC+1 je oseba Flavio napisala:

Flavio P.

2016. márc. 25. 8:50:232016. 03. 25.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Have you seen youtube video?
You can program your setpoint and local crono function from local encoder with integrated switch.
Encoder with integrated switch is used to navigate in the menù too, to set the local preferences.

Is this the answer are you searching for?


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Marko S

2016. márc. 25. 8:55:342016. 03. 25.
– souliss
Oh yeah right :).Hopefully in the future some xml input output or something will also be implemented in esp8266 branch of Souliss so I could control it also from some other ways since I don't use Openhab I'm stuck with just the SoulissApp.

Dne petek, 25. marec 2016 13.50.23 UTC+1 je oseba Flavio napisala:

Marko S

2016. márc. 30. 15:18:112016. 03. 30.
– souliss
Modbus support would be nice https://github.com/mcbittech/souliss-smart-thermostat-WiFi/issues/13

Dne petek, 25. marec 2016 13.55.34 UTC+1 je oseba Marko S napisala:

Flavio P.

2016. márc. 30. 16:04:092016. 03. 30.
– sou...@googlegroups.com

Souliss support modbus, but only in AVR mcu.
There isn't modbus support on ESP now.
If you need modbus, i can suggest you to use a gateway Avr based and retrieve data from your SST, in order ti have modbus support.


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Di Maio, Dario

2016. ápr. 2. 16:44:312016. 04. 02.
– sou...@googlegroups.com

a new staging release of Souliss is available with support for core 2.1.0 and IDE 1.6.8, please have a try because it let you use the ArduinoOTA, that is very useful for an SST.

Here a reference,


Flavio P.

2016. ápr. 2. 17:15:082016. 04. 02.
– sou...@googlegroups.com

Thanks Dario, i try it asap.


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Giannis Melentis

2016. dec. 15. 2:46:032016. 12. 15.
– souliss

i just received all of my parts for the thermostat i connected everything , it seems to work just fine, but if i remove the power it looses everything and i have to program it from the beginning.
Is that the way it supossed to work or am i doing something wrong??
Any help appreciated.
Kind regards,

Flavio P.

2016. dec. 15. 3:08:172016. 12. 15.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
can you try to explain better please? ​
Which data you loose?


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Giannis Melentis

2016. dec. 15. 3:14:492016. 12. 15.
– souliss
Hi thx for the immediate reply.
I set up my schedule for all the week and if i pull the thermostat of the plug, i have to setup all the schedule again.

Flavio P.

2016. dec. 15. 3:18:172016. 12. 15.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Oh, now i understand. I think you haven't saved your modified schedule!
Try with a longpress of encoder switch whenever you see SAVE in the left bottom corner :-)


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Giannis Melentis

2016. dec. 15. 3:29:332016. 12. 15.
– souliss
Oooops you are right, thanks for pointing that!!!!!
And another question, How can i remove from the layout 2( the circular one) the Grid, solar, boil and the other topics? Only from the ino file? is there something in the menu???

Flavio P.

2016. dec. 15. 3:36:262016. 12. 15.
– sou...@googlegroups.com

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Giannis Melentis

2016. dec. 15. 3:43:352016. 12. 15.
– souliss
Thanks once again.
And one last thing!!!!
Till i got your last answer the thermostat restarted twice. Maybe it has to do with the power supply? I have it on a 5v 1A power supply it needs more than that?

Flavio P.

2016. dec. 15. 3:48:022016. 12. 15.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
If you have an older version, can be a software bug.
If you have the last release(3 days ago), 
is possible you have an hardware problem, or it can be a new bug.
Please,make sure you have SST_v1.2_prewbs_STABLE release installed and let me now.


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Giannis Melentis

2016. dec. 15. 4:47:542016. 12. 15.
– souliss
With the new release it seems to be working ok,
Is the selflearning feature working and how exactly does it works?
Thanks once more.

Flavio P.

2016. dec. 15. 4:50:092016. 12. 15.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
No learning functions are not implemented yet.

Can you post some photos of your installation?


Giannis Melentis

2016. dec. 15. 4:52:462016. 12. 15.
– souliss
Sure, as soon as i get home, i will post some.
Thank you.

Giannis Melentis

2016. dec. 16. 3:11:202016. 12. 16.
– souliss
Another think i noticed today is that it takes too long for the thermostat to turn off.
I had my temp set at 21.2 and hysterisis to 0.2. The thermostat turned off when the temp got to 22.2!!!!
Is way to much.

Giannis Melentis

2016. dec. 16. 7:33:152016. 12. 16.
– souliss
Never mind, i think it has to do with the typical.h file which was changed. I have an older version.
Trying to compile again and i will let you know.

Antonino Fazio

2016. dec. 16. 12:30:182016. 12. 16.
– souliss
Have you setted personal hysteresis?
With latest Souliss commit you can do it:

//new customs Souliss_T3n_DeadBand and Souliss_T3n_Hysteresis
#define Souliss_T3n_DeadBand 0.1 // Degrees Deadband
#define Souliss_T3n_Hysteresis 0.1 // Degrees Hysteresis

Giannis Melentis

2016. dec. 17. 13:31:462016. 12. 17.
– souliss
Everything just fine now!!!Thanks!!!Working 24 hours now besides with another thermostat to see how it is working and till now all well.

Flavio P.

2016. dec. 17. 15:21:352016. 12. 17.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Sounds good, we are waiting your photos :)



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Dario Cdj

2016. dec. 18. 11:52:352016. 12. 18.
– souliss
Welcome on board and enjoy your sst ! :)

Dario Cdj

2016. dec. 18. 11:52:352016. 12. 18.
– souliss

Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 9. 4:42:482017. 01. 09.
– souliss
Is there any way to correct the DHT22 temperature? It is way off (1.3 degrees) with the other 2 thermometers i have side by side.

Flavio P.

2017. jan. 9. 4:57:002017. 01. 09.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
I ask you some photo few days ago due to see your hardware configuration...
I must now your hardware before help you!
Post some photos please!



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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 9. 5:20:072017. 01. 09.
– souliss
Ok!!!!  ;(
I am at work now so when i go back home i will post some.

Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 9. 12:14:122017. 01. 09.
– souliss

Az üzenetet töröltük.

Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 9. 12:16:502017. 01. 09.
– souliss
The box is from a local electronic shop and of course it is  a little bit of a mess, but it is working just fine!!!!
The next one will be with the new pcb i hope!!!
It was made with whatever i had available at the time.

Dario Cdj

2017. jan. 9. 12:20:392017. 01. 09.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Hey, your dht is external... why you have this differences? we have one degree max (of difference) caused from dht insulation.... try to insulate dht from case, but i don't think that can influence a lot... 

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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 9. 12:24:122017. 01. 09.
– souliss
It is outside the case  so i dont think it gets any heat from the board or the componets, just from the enviroment around.

Dario Cdj

2017. jan. 9. 12:27:072017. 01. 09.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
is it constant 1.3 ? or this value is floating? in the dht specs they tell that you can have 1 degree of diff... no more. But normally i've seen with mine that i've max 0,5-0,8 degree of difference...

2017-01-09 18:24 GMT+01:00 Giannis Melentis <giannis....@gmail.com>:
It is outside the case  so i dont think it gets any heat from the board or the componets, just from the enviroment around.

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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 9. 13:14:392017. 01. 09.
– souliss
it seems constant. It always have the same difference with the other thermometers

On Monday, 9 January 2017 19:27:07 UTC+2, Dario Cdj wrote:
is it constant 1.3 ? or this value is floating? in the dht specs they tell that you can have 1 degree of diff... no more. But normally i've seen with mine that i've max 0,5-0,8 degree of difference...

2017-01-09 18:24 GMT+01:00 Giannis Melentis <giannis....@gmail.com>:
It is outside the case  so i dont think it gets any heat from the board or the componets, just from the enviroment around.

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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 9. 14:38:272017. 01. 09.
– souliss
And the OTA feature is amazing!!!!! I just updated the thermostat over the network and it is amazing!!!!!!
Guys i love your work!!!!!!! 
As for the temp is there any way to programm it on the sketch to show minus 1 degree?

Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 11. 5:13:002017. 01. 11.
– souliss
So is there anything i can do about the temp difference or not?
Thanks in advance.

Flavio P.

2017. jan. 11. 5:44:332017. 01. 11.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
No, i think the only way is to add an offset to your DHT.
But, your measurements are taken in the same place of your room?


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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 11. 6:00:222017. 01. 11.
– souliss
Yes the other 2 thermometers i have are next to each other in the same spot.
Where i add the offset for the dht??

Flavio P.

2017. jan. 11. 6:05:512017. 01. 11.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Can you try to attach it in the right of your SST, near your DHT ...
We must add in the code this feature, now you haven't this....


Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 11. 6:39:432017. 01. 11.
– souliss
oh ok i will try to attach it near my dht, but they are already near.Thanks once more

Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 13. 3:07:362017. 01. 13.
– souliss
So after almost two days the temp difference is constant and it is 1.2 degrees with the other 2 thermometers.
Another think i noticed is that the temp in the souliss app takes a long time to refresh so if isee on my thermostat screen 22.2, on the souliss app i see 22 and although i hit refresh it keeps giving me 22.

Dario Cdj

2017. jan. 13. 3:31:132017. 01. 13.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Giannis, i think that you can wait for calibrate settings that is an improvements scheduled.Now you can use in this way knowing that you must set 1.2 degree more :)

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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 13. 3:46:262017. 01. 13.
– souliss
ok thanks, but what about souliss app not showing the correct temp, what should i check?

Dario Cdj

2017. jan. 13. 3:49:392017. 01. 13.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
It can depend from lots of things... wifi speed, if sst is gw or peer, how many nodes are in your souliss net, etc.etc.

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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 13. 4:23:352017. 01. 13.
– souliss
For the sst i have the default config loaded, so i suppose it works as a node. 
I have the souliss gateway with a w5100 and nothing else for now(the gateway appears also as a node)
Also the sst is exactly in front of my wifi router, so i don't think it has to do with wifi speed.

Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 18. 2:45:402017. 01. 18.
– souliss
guys i run to a problem this morning. 
I had the thermostat working with the schedule programmed and till i got to bed was working just fine.
In the morning i woke up and it was bloody hot in my living room with 24 degrees. i saw the thermostat it was on but no temp on the screen (it was showing zero). i unpluged it and then power it on again and it was working again showing the temp.
What could have gone wrong???

Dario Cdj

2017. jan. 18. 2:49:152017. 01. 18.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Never happen, it shown NaN? try to check your dht connection

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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 18. 3:23:202017. 01. 18.
– souliss
It showed zero and i don't think is the connection for the only think i did was to unplug the power and plug it in again and it was working!!!!!

Di Maio, Dario

2017. jan. 20. 1:36:442017. 01. 20.
– sou...@googlegroups.com

Is likely a matter of deadband.


From Mobile.

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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 20. 3:55:042017. 01. 20.
– souliss
What do you mean? Do i need to setup the deadband higher? I have my hysterisis to 0.3 and the deadband to 0.4
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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 21. 14:43:012017. 01. 21.
– souliss
Could someone please explain to me the deadband value? I  understand hysterisis but i dont understand how deadband works.
With hysterisis i know that if i set the temp at 21 degrees the thermosta will turn on at 20.7 if i  the hysterisis is 0.3 and will turn off at 21.3 if iam correct.What about deadband???

Dario Cdj

2017. jan. 21. 14:50:272017. 01. 21.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
If your temp change of a minimum of deadband value it change. If change less than deadband it doesn't change. That is what i've understand of deadband... 

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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 23. 9:18:252017. 01. 23.
– souliss
Can i use the thermostat without a Souliss gateway?

Dario Cdj

2017. jan. 23. 13:03:212017. 01. 23.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
The sst itself can be your gateway 

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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 23. 14:19:202017. 01. 23.
– souliss
Hi i have setup the ip of sst in the souliss app i can see it and ping it but it doesnt bring me any nodes

Dario Cdj

2017. jan. 23. 14:22:062017. 01. 23.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Do you've checked "gateway" in webconfig? And in soulissapp  do you have the same ip?

Il 23 Gen 2017 20:19, "Giannis Melentis" <giannis....@gmail.com> ha scritto:
Hi i have setup the ip of  sst in the souliss app i can see it and ping it  but it doesnt bring me any nodes

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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 24. 5:49:012017. 01. 24.
– souliss
So i replace the line "conf/RuntimeGateway.h" with "conf/Gateway.h ???

On Monday, 23 January 2017 21:22:06 UTC+2, Dario Cdj wrote:
Do you've checked "gateway" in webconfig? And in soulissapp  do you have the same ip?
Il 23 Gen 2017 20:19, "Giannis Melentis" <giannis....@gmail.com> ha scritto:
Hi i have setup the ip of  sst in the souliss app i can see it and ping it  but it doesnt bring me any nodes

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Dario Cdj

2017. jan. 24. 6:11:522017. 01. 24.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
No, don't change code, at first start select souliss AP,go to, enter dhcp or static ip address and ssid/pass and check "gateway"......that's all

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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 24. 15:05:532017. 01. 24.
– souliss
I have set a static ip on the sst but i can not see it as access point.

Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 26. 5:08:412017. 01. 26.
– souliss
Thx it worked like a charn!!! Thanks once more

On Tuesday, 24 January 2017 13:11:52 UTC+2, Dario Cdj wrote:
No, don't change code, at first start select souliss AP,go to, enter dhcp or static ip address and ssid/pass and check "gateway"......that's all
Il 24 Gen 2017 11:49, "Giannis Melentis" <giannis....@gmail.com> ha scritto:
So i replace the line "conf/RuntimeGateway.h" with "conf/Gateway.h ???

On Monday, 23 January 2017 21:22:06 UTC+2, Dario Cdj wrote:
Do you've checked "gateway" in webconfig? And in soulissapp  do you have the same ip?

Il 23 Gen 2017 20:19, "Giannis Melentis" <giannis....@gmail.com> ha scritto:
Hi i have setup the ip of  sst in the souliss app i can see it and ping it  but it doesnt bring me any nodes

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Dario Cdj

2017. jan. 26. 5:39:032017. 01. 26.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Enjoy Giannis, waiting for new release :)

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Giannis Melentis

2017. jan. 30. 3:22:542017. 01. 30.
– souliss
How about guys deadband and hysterisis configurable from menu? Is that possible? Just an idea!!!!

svitky svitky

2017. jan. 31. 14:56:342017. 01. 31.
– souliss
Hi, I dont know how to post the question. cannot see any button except this one.

ucglib is not working with the display I got.
did anybody try to make it work with the Adafruit_ILI9341-master/Adafruit_GFX library?

if not. no big deal, Dut can someone send me a link where to buy compatible display.

awesome project.

Flavio P.

2017. jan. 31. 15:42:022017. 01. 31.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Ho svitky,
I'm sorry, but SST are designed around ucglib!
So,there is a misunderstanding I think...
You say that your display work with Adafruit ILI9341, and this is the right display for SST!
Post your display type please....


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Flavio P.

2017. jan. 31. 15:51:152017. 01. 31.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Hi svitky.... not Ho.... 
i'm sorry 😐, Italian T9 😠


Antonino Fazio

2017. febr. 1. 12:05:372017. 02. 01.
– souliss

svitky svitky

2017. febr. 1. 12:59:552017. 02. 01.
– souliss
Thanks, for the link, but the same result. :-)

Flavio P.

2017. febr. 1. 13:06:502017. 02. 01.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
But your connection? 
Should be a wrong connection of led pin?
Your esp board are the same of the project?
Post some photos of your display please....your case it's very strange....


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svitky svitky

2017. febr. 3. 2:54:402017. 02. 03.
– souliss
Hi Flavio.
thanks for the interest. I dont think the problem is in pinout/connection.(it is gonna be the chineese display... )
LED pin goes to the pin 16 on my esp12e, DC,CS 2,15, sck mosi or miso goes to 13,14...
dont know exactly(i am out of home now.)
the point is
when I keep the same pinout (except LED - led  goes to Ucc) and reflash with example from adafruit_ili9341... the display works
when SST flashed and I put the LED to Ucc everything is white (when LED connected to pin 16 I can see light gray shades moving...)
dont spend too much time investigating.... just send me a link for the display You bought, or photo with the exact model

Flavio P.

2017. febr. 3. 3:25:332017. 02. 03.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
The display is ILI9341, 240x320 is the resolution, 3v3 logic level compatible... stop

Please post all your hardware list please and some photos.


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svitky svitky

2017. febr. 4. 6:45:192017. 02. 04.
– souliss
HW list:

DTH22 - data to pin 12 of ESP
10K resistors
LCD - TJCTM24028-SPI   ILI9341 compatible ...

Ucc - 3,3V
RST - 3,3V
CS - goes to pin 15 of ESP
DC - goes to pin 2 of ESP
SDI - goes to pin 13
SCK - goes to pin 14
LED - goes to pin 16


Flavio P.

2017. febr. 4. 8:32:102017. 02. 04.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
All component are diffrent from my project. Too much variable!
I can't support all type of hardware, it's a complicated project and actually 2 developers can't have time to reach & test various type of hardware.
I'm sorry.
So, teorically you have all components compatible with SST, but for some reason don't work fine, as expected.
I can suggest you to go deeper, and take some measure with oscilloscope, if you have.
If not, i suggest you to buy the same hardware of SST... :-)
You find all in github project

Only for our know-how can you post some photos of the mistake on your display? 


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Dario Cdj

2017. febr. 4. 13:20:332017. 02. 04.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Svitky it's very difficult to build an sst on bboard, my first try is going well after a couple of days checking the connection... And not well because lcd require high frequencies... I strongly suggest you to build/order a pcb or if you want to order an sst I'm here....

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svitky svitky

2017. febr. 8. 12:47:412017. 02. 08.
– souliss
It is not difficult at all, but it depends on skills. (difficult was to write the code, many thanks to all that ware involved)
the only problem I have is incompatible chineese LCD that clames to be ILI9341, but not working with ucglib.....that is it.
I made some photos
one is SST and dhe second is the same display with the adafruit_ILI9341 example... it means it is not a cabling.... pinout...anything HW related.
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svitky svitky

2017. febr. 8. 12:55:492017. 02. 08.
– souliss
It is not difficult at all, but it depends on skills. (difficult was to write the code, many thanks to all that ware involved)
the only problem I have is incompatible chineese LCD that clames to be ILI9341, but not working with ucglib.....that is it.
I made some photos
one is SST and dhe second is the same display with the adafruit_ILI9341 example... it means it is not a cabling.... pinout...anything HW related.
nice evening

On Saturday, February 4, 2017 at 7:20:33 PM UTC+1, Dario Cdj wrote:
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Dario Cdj

2017. febr. 8. 12:59:202017. 02. 08.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
So strange, also test seems to be identical....

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Flavio P.

2017. febr. 8. 14:32:522017. 02. 08.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
What is your version of esp core?


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Giannis Melentis

2017. febr. 9. 2:35:072017. 02. 09.
– souliss
Good morning everyone!!!
A problem appeared two days now, as when i wake up i see my heating on and the display on the sst showing 0 temp!!!!!!
It has done this 2 times now and i don't know what could have caused it. It was working just fine for almost 3 weeks now.
Another thing is that i turn OFF the thermostat and after a few hours i find it ON again, what might be wrong???
Thanks in advance.

svitky svitky

2017. febr. 12. 13:38:502017. 02. 12.
– souliss
Hi Flavio
Are You still trying? :-)
dont bother... I think the display & library{ucglib} are not compatible..  {when I try an example from library....not working...}
ESP installed 2.3.0, when checking via, board manager/esp8266....version installed 2.3.0
Have no clue, if it is the answer You expecting..


Flavio P.

2017. febr. 12. 16:27:472017. 02. 12.
– sou...@googlegroups.com
Try with another display, I really can't explain your problem, ili9341 is a standard chip driver!
At this time i think you are right, Chinese display with low quality!

Let me now!

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2017. febr. 13. 17:07:142017. 02. 13.
– souliss
Hi, it's a great project.

I want to build the SST, but I have some doubts ...

-Is there any detailed list of necessary components?

-How many inches is the screen?

-Where is the pdf with the plate? I have seen a pdf but it is not negative and is blue https://github.com/souliss/smart-thermostat/blob/master/Libraries-Core-Docs/Connection/PCB_layout.pdf

Thank you

Flavio P.

2017. febr. 14. 4:10:592017. 02. 14.
– sou...@googlegroups.com

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2017. febr. 15. 11:35:512017. 02. 15.
– souliss
Hi, first of all sorry for not knowing English :-(

This information already knew it. I would need more details:

Of beads inches is the screen 2.4 2.8 or 3.2? On the internet there are several.

I said the pdf with the pcb, because I do not understand how to make the plate with that pdf. I have to design it again

The encoder with led is expensive $ 17, do you know where I can find it cheaper?

I tried the code on an es8266 (wemos r1 mini) with nothing connected. And I have not been able to connect it to my network of juanpintom plates, nor if I put the ip of the esp8266 as gateway.
You could tell me how to make it be connected by SetDynamicAddressing ();

Thank you

El martes, 14 de febrero de 2017, 10:10:59 (UTC+1), Flavio escribió:
2017-02-13 23:07 GMT+01:00 mirasu1977v3 <mirasu...@gmail.com>:
Hi, it's a great project.

I want to build the SST, but I have some doubts ...

-Is there any detailed list of necessary components?

-How many inches is the screen?

-Where is the pdf with the plate? I have seen a pdf but it is not negative and is blue https://github.com/souliss/smart-thermostat/blob/master/Libraries-Core-Docs/Connection/PCB_layout.pdf

Thank you

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Dario Cdj

2017. febr. 15. 12:29:422017. 02. 15.
– souliss
Hi Mirasu, 
You can use what display size u prefer, 2,2, 2,4, 2,8, 3.2.... but it must be ILI9341 compatible (UCGLIB).
The pdf of pcb is only for CNC cutter, yes you must make your own pcb or wait that commercial pcb made here is ready for online selling, or if you want you can buy a preassembled SST from me...

Last question, i can't answer because i never tried dynamicaddressing... i use static ip .



2017. febr. 15. 16:44:512017. 02. 15.
– souliss
Thanks Dario Cdj.

The size of the screen said it because some size will be the most suitable for the 3D case.

I would like to prove that it can be done from the souliss and openhab app, because I now have a thermostat with EBUS and external probe.

I will be attentive to when you sell it mounted, although I worry about the expenses to Spain :-(

Thank you!
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