[DEVELOP] Souliss Device ESP Based combined with 3D Printing

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Juan Pinto

2015-07-22 14:57:282015-07-22
kam: souliss
Hi all!, after a long time working "alone" to accomplish most of the parts Im very happy to explain my idea to the community. :) This is mainly because my English level is still bad, xD and I take a long time to explain this on the right way. (now 19:19 on Spain)  For now I have a Google Doc on Spanish with the explanation of most of my ideas, and what we can do with this Device.
Since I know about Souliss I want to make a Device to the End-Customer, one of most difficult things was the communications and the installation required, I like the Ethernet communications, but not everyone has his home wired. Then I worked with NRF Modules, but it is not reliable for me, finally I found ESP8266 modules and I think this is the best option, everyone have Wifi at home.
The next step was make a device configurable via HTML, with this an End-Customer can configure the node with multiple options and behaviours, like use the node to connect an RGB led Strip with a Temperature Sensor and 1 Capacitive Button, or connect 3 Led strips, 3 buttons, and 2 relays, and a long list of Options and Variables that I've in mind (Explained on the Spanish Doc)
I wrote before about a PCB I designed, I want to share the first version, but I want to notice that Im working on a new version now, I'm working with a close friend who works developing electrical circuits, we'll do the next version with two-side PCB and the same dimensions (5x5cm). this board needs to meet most of the needs in a home automation system , it is imperative that the user can change and set it according to your needs, also need to be easy to install.
The board it's just the base, but the real potential of the idea it's join this awesome framework, my board and the potential of 3d Printing, I maded some designs to integrate Souliss on our homes, and more are coming. A 3d Printed Lamp with RGB inside, a Soulliss wallswitch, a Souliss Box with capacitive buttons on it, a box with a DIN Rail, a box to put outside (WP), and any design you want. Personalized with Souliss Logo, Words, or any other personalization... I have in mind to develop some kink of "modules" that can be easily changed to have a configuration or other, Example: plug any kind of sensor on the same pins and change the configuration on HTML.
This idea needs the community to make it true, because I want to make a "kickstart", give it to the community, and further development.
I keep in touch with my mentor on the project, he teaches a master at the University of Malaga on Arduino and its possibilities and he has designed products for 3d printers and robotics, It has offered to help me in this project. Also a friend its helping me with the recording, production and post-production of a striking video showing most of the possiblities of this "Souliss Device".
The idea it's make an opensource, little, cheap, powerful and versatile product, and let the community show their ideas.
Let me make clear that I do this as a personal project, but can be a professional one if I can achieve a few tasks that I've to make. I do not want to anticipate events, but I would like to start a crowdfunding project, this last was suggested by my mentor, he believed to be a very mature project with many possibilities
Well, here is my starting "post-point", a lot of time spended on this :) (20:57 Spanish time) I want to hear your suggestions. :)
I can share my Doc, its in Spanish, but I need some time to traslate and explain well on english, if someone it's interested I can share it. Send me a mail.

Lesjaw Ardi™ ♂

2015-07-22 15:47:172015-07-22
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Nice Juan..

i am on the same goal with you.. i want to make a very user friendly souliss device for end user.. its been three month since i start this.. but on the goal of the board we kinda have different idea.. you want to make a global board that will work for any typicals right? mine still focus on spesific board.. example : for t1n typicals i will just create a relay board, and for antitheft i also make a spesific board for it and so on ...

i find out, if the end user facing to much feature he can setup, it will make them confuse, except for some advance people but with no knowledge on electronic and programing..

so i have target to make the end user use this souliss as simple as they can get..with no complicated settings..

i have invest all my money for this and take some investor to join, i quit my main job and focus on this, next will hire a android developer too..

my mission and vision is to make this souliss device reachable by most common people, so it must have a cheap price.. i have announce the price in my id-android mailing list, and almost all of the people interested with the price..

comparing with other product like belkin or chinese made, mine is almost half the price, for relay board i will sale it for only $17 while others still $45-$50...

before i decided to use souliss, i have try couple open source IoT server, and i souliss right now is the best with  many potential to develop...

right now i still negotiating with couple investor, as soon the funding up, i expecting more robust development..

I just hope, you, dario and dom was here..so we can make this achievement..

this chinese product which is inspiring me on early development.. 

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Di Maio, Dario

2015-07-22 16:19:252015-07-22
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Hi Juan,

nice idea, hope that will succeed :)

In my opinion SoulissApp is getting older and we miss users in openHAB to be near to a product.

Your web interface is a nice step forward. It makes things simpler, that's good.


P.S.: The best way to share is the use of Tutorials on the next website.

From Mobile.

Domenico Carvetta

2015-07-23 08:58:382015-07-23
kam: souliss, dario....@souliss.net
Dear Juan & Lesjaw,

I fully agree your respectevely point of view.

Even if I am no so expert in programming than you, I can support you in other stuff.
Me too, I am getting in touch with a couple of investors; they like Souliss+OpenHab+ESP8266, and they are willing to spend some money to contribute our project.
But, not only, I partecipated to some "pitch" (you have 5 minutes to convince everybody about your idea's) and very honestly lot of people not interested to technical questions, but "How to integrate it into an appartment or hotel or ect ect " ? From one side we need to be cheaper enough, from the other small sizes). 
I guess this is not a easy answer.

From my point of view, we have to study further a lot, about those "crucial points".
Let's say for example a solution as gbonanno presented is not so bad (SMART_PLUG_DESIGN), or what I did (3D-box integrated into the wall switch) some months ago to the Maker Festival in March !!

I stay on call and follow you ever !

Juan Pinto

2015-07-23 10:04:002015-07-23
kam: souliss, dario....@souliss.net, carvetta...@gmail.com
Ty all for your responses :)
I think we can do a good and interesting project from this! :)
@Lesjaw you're brave! I can not spend all my money and quit my job, others depend on me to eat. :( 
Im agree with you, we need to "Keep It Simple Stupid" xD (a mnemotecnic rule I remember everyday) But we need to make a versatile device, this is more easy to produce.  I think basically on two types of device, the 12v controller and the 220v one, both can have easy connections to change sensors or other devices, and must be easy to configure. As I said on previous post, I we work togheter (all community), we can make this Open Source Device and Enviroment very interesting to the End-User and others.  I think we can do a personalized and awesome product much more cheaper than others :)
@Dario Thank you very much for your Words, you know that without you anything of this can be possible :) I keep working to make Souliss better and better :)
@Domenico am fully agree with you! I need to make a short professional video to convince the people with images, not with words. Today people not take 5 minutes to read a documentation, but you can catch them with a short Youtube video :)  I think we've the same idea, and we're walking on the same road :)
Again, thank you very much for your comments, I come to share now on the spanish community and Clonewars (Spanish 3dPrinting Comunity).


2015-07-23 13:21:002015-07-23
kam: souliss
I'm a souliss virgin, so all I can offer is my encouragement and admiration for what you are all doing, and to congratulate some very well-made points - especially the inarguable fact that without the commitment and drive from Dario none of this would even be possible... which may be common knowledge, but still merited being voiced.
My respect to you all.

Juan Pinto

2015-07-23 13:29:322015-07-23
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Thank you Electroguard, you're totally right!
I like so much when write, you show me how low is my english level... :( F***ing Spanish School... xD
Regards :P

2015-07-23 19:21 GMT+02:00 Electroguard <rambl...@gmail.com>:
I'm a souliss virgin, so all I can offer is my encouragement and admiration for what you are all doing, and to congratulate some very well-made points - especially the inarguable fact that without the commitment and drive from Dario none of this would even be possible... which may be common knowledge, but still merited being voiced.
My respect to you all.

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To post to this group, send email to sou...@googlegroups.com.

Marko S

2015-07-25 05:06:242015-07-25
kam: souliss, juanp...@gmail.com
Juan wish you very good luck on your project! Will you actually use Kickstarter for gathering funds for production?

For us DIYers the code, gerbers will still be available to download right (so it will be opensource)? And the component size in this new double sided pcb won't change too much (so it would still allow diy assembly)?
 I could help designing the case in Sketchup maybe?

Dne četrtek, 23. julij 2015 19.29.32 UTC+2 je oseba Juan Pinto napisala:

Juan Pinto

2015-07-27 09:37:422015-07-27
kam: souliss, mark...@gmail.com
Hi Marko! Ty for your answer and sorry by the late response. I wasn't at home this last days.
I have in mind Open a Crowdfunding project, but this requires some steps before to get people interested on this, one of the main problems is the Video, I need some time to record-produce it.
I want to share the first version, but the main problem it's that the silk and notes on the board are very confusing, was maded by me for me, so I don't need explanations, but if I wanna produce it I need to explain people how this works and where the components are. I'm working on the software now (a dynamic typical configurable sketch), and I've 4 prototypes working now...  I've some problems with overheat on the 12-3.3v regulator and I need to test stability.
I'll do all the project opensource, Im just taking an idea and make it real to bring it to the community.
If you want we can work togheter (and Lesjaw if he want) to make awesome boards :)

Domenico Carvetta

2015-07-27 13:55:102015-07-27
kam: souliss, mark...@gmail.com, juanp...@gmail.com
Me too, Juan ! :-)

Juan Pinto

2015-07-27 14:00:232015-07-27
kam: souliss, mark...@gmail.com, carvetta...@gmail.com
;) Sure Dom!! Everyone is welcome! :)

Juan Pinto

2015-07-27 14:02:232015-07-27
kam: souliss, mark...@gmail.com, carvetta...@gmail.com, juanp...@gmail.com
This is my updated sketch!
I've added options on the Web Inteface to configure the typicals of the node at runtime, more sensors and optionp will be added.

Domenico Carvetta

2015-07-28 11:42:122015-07-28
kam: souliss, mark...@gmail.com, juanp...@gmail.com
Hi Juan,
I tried to compile your sketch vers. 3_5.
I got some compilation errors, as follows; any ideas??

In file included from Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino:144:0:
Functions.h: In function 'bool EEPROM_CONFIG()':
Functions.h:49: error: 'config' was not declared in this scope
switch (config.byte0) {  
Functions.h:100: error: 'config' was not declared in this scope
switch (config.byte1) {
Functions.h:131: error: 'config' was not declared in this scope
switch (config.byte2) {
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In function 'void loop()':
Souliss_ESPv3_5:456: error: 'Souliss_T1n_BrightSwitch' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:481: error: 'Souliss_T1n_BrightSwitch' was not declared in this scope

Juan Pinto

2015-07-28 12:04:082015-07-28
kam: souliss, mark...@gmail.com, carvetta...@gmail.com
Yes, sorry, I forget to explain... :S
Last night I maded some changes on the example, try with this commit:
Anyway I'll work soon to solve the first compilation errors.
The last error: 'Souliss_T1n_BrightSwitch' Is  because I maded some modifications on the Souliss FW, look at my Folk of Souliss:

Juan Pinto

2015-07-28 12:17:052015-07-28
kam: souliss, mark...@gmail.com, carvetta...@gmail.com, juanp...@gmail.com
I moved the EEPROM_CONFIG function to Global.h must compile now (remember update Typicals.h and T1n.cpp files from my Souliss)

Domenico Carvetta

2015-07-28 12:17:222015-07-28
kam: souliss, mark...@gmail.com, juanp...@gmail.com
Dear Juan,
now sounds a little better :-).

Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In function 'void loop()':
Souliss_ESPv3_5:452: error: 'Souliss_T1n_BrightSwitch' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:477: error: 'Souliss_T1n_BrightSwitch' was not declared in this scope

Domenico Carvetta

2015-07-28 12:20:542015-07-28
kam: souliss, mark...@gmail.com, juanp...@gmail.com, carvetta...@gmail.com
For now, I commented those in order to avoid the errors.

Juan Pinto

2015-07-28 12:30:532015-07-28
kam: souliss, mark...@gmail.com, carvetta...@gmail.com
Yes, this night I will update my Folk, I noticed isn't updated.

Domenico Carvetta

2015-07-28 12:40:282015-07-28
kam: souliss, mark...@gmail.com, juanp...@gmail.com
Excellent !!

Marko S

2015-08-07 06:45:082015-08-07
kam: souliss
Juan, this diy board of yours, for which esp8266 module is it designed?  Is it esp-12, on a adapter plate or without?

Dne sreda, 22. julij 2015 20.57.28 UTC+2 je oseba Juan Pinto napisala:

Juan Pinto

2015-08-07 22:07:302015-08-07
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Its for ESP12 with adapter,  but want to make a v2 with an Esp12e without adapter.

Am in holidays now but I planned to release next Monday.  I'm working on last steps of the sketch.


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To post to this group, send email to sou...@googlegroups.com.

Marko S

2015-08-08 06:29:192015-08-08
kam: souliss
Have fun on holidays! Please release both versions since for diyers the one with the adapter might be more easy to build. Thanks!

Juan Pinto

2015-08-18 09:57:432015-08-18
kam: souliss
Hi all, sorry for the delay, my holyday week has been very short and I have been very busy working on my 3d printer (now can print on 2 colors at same time) would want to have added notes and changes to the design of the pcb , but I will share it as it is and will focus in the next version, here is: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9ptep7VZAWyelRnZkdWNkQyQjQ&usp=sharing
And here you can find an Example to use on ESP12 with a really easy way to configure it, you don't need any programming knowledge, just load the sketch to the ESP and configure it from the HTML interface, you can configure the WIFI network, Ip configuration, NTP config (and actions) and also you can define WHAT the node does, you can select from multiple options of configuration and sensors (and I hope will be more and more), here is the Sketch. 
From here we can make this better and better, we can make a device that a final customer can carry to home and get it working in a few minutes. 
I hope you find interesting information and we can work on it toghether :)
PD. Here is a Document with most of the info of my project, it's in Spanish for now, but maybe its interesting for someone on this forum.
PD. 2 Drive Docs are shared with my permission to control who can see and comment. Everyone is accepted ;)

Domenico Carvetta

2015-08-18 11:46:182015-08-18
kam: souliss
Dear Juan,
I tried to compile your "super" Sketch as follows;
but unfortunately I got a lot of errors as follows; any ideas ???

In file included from Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino:150:0:
global.h: In function 'void Souliss_Node_Start()':
global.h:62: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
.println("Gateway Mode");
global.h:71: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
.println("No Gateway Mode coz No Wifi");  
global.h:76: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
global.h: In function 'void ConfigureWifi()':
global.h:131: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
.println("Configuring Wifi");
In file included from Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino:150:0:
global.h: In function 'bool EEPROM_CONFIG()':
global.h:195: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
global.h: In function 'void WriteConfig()':
global.h:278: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
.println("Writing Config");
global.h: In function 'boolean ReadConfig()':
global.h:335: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
.println("Reading Configuration");
global.h: In function 'void NTPRefresh()':
global.h:417: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
.println("sending NTP packet...");
In file included from Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino:156:0:
Page_NTPsettings.h: In function 'void send_NTP_configuration_html()':
Page_NTPsettings.h:92:2: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Page_NTPsettings.h: In function 'void send_NTP_configuration_values_html()':
Page_NTPsettings.h:110:2: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
In file included from Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino:157:0:
Page_Information.h: In function 'void send_information_values_html()':
Page_Information.h:70: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
In file included from Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino:158:0:
Page_General.h: In function 'void send_devicename_value_html()':
Page_General.h:128: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Page_General.h: In function 'void send_general_html()':
Page_General.h:164: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Page_General.h: In function 'void send_general_configuration_values_html()':
Page_General.h:186: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
In file included from Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino:159:0:
.h: In function 'void send_network_configuration_html()':
.h:101: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
.println("Write Config");
.h:110: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
.h: In function 'void send_network_configuration_values_html()':
.h:140: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
In file included from Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino:159:0:
.h: In function 'void send_connection_state_values_html()':
.h:203: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
In file included from Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino:160:0:
.h: In function 'void processMain()':
.h:72: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
.println(F("EEPROM Clear, Size: "));
In file included from Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino:163:0:
Functions.h: In function 'void SLOT_CONFIG()':
Functions.h:42: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
.println("SLOT CONFIG");  
In file included from Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino:163:0:
Functions.h: In function 'uint8_t CapSense(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, int)':
Functions.h:207: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
if(millis()%300==0) LOG.println("Pin\tSlotIn\tOut\tPWM\tcycles\tReturn");
Functions.h:208: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Functions.h:245: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
.print("Autocalibrate: ");
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In function 'void setup()':
Souliss_ESPv3_5:202: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In lambda function:
Souliss_ESPv3_5:265: error: 'LOG' is not captured
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In lambda function:
Souliss_ESPv3_5:266: error: 'LOG' is not captured
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In lambda function:
Souliss_ESPv3_5:268: error: 'LOG' is not captured
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In lambda function:
Souliss_ESPv3_5:273: error: 'LOG' is not captured
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In lambda function:
Souliss_ESPv3_5:274: error: 'LOG' is not captured
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In lambda function:
Souliss_ESPv3_5:282: error: 'LOG' is not captured
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In function 'void loop()':
Souliss_ESPv3_5:411: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:440: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:450: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:462: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:484: error: 'Souliss_T1n_BrightSwitch' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:486: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:509: error: 'Souliss_T1n_BrightSwitch' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:574: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:669: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In function 'int Souliss_GetLux(const unsigned int*, const unsigned int*, byte)':
Souliss_ESPv3_5:704: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In function 'void Souliss_GetDHT(uint8_t, uint8_t, boolean)':
Souliss_ESPv3_5:734: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In function 'float Souliss_GetPressure_BMP180(uint8_t, uint8_t)':
Souliss_ESPv3_5:764: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:794: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:822: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:836: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:849: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:861: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:863: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:865: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5:867: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
Souliss_ESPv3_5.ino: In function 'void sendInputState(bool)':
Souliss_ESPv3_5:873: error: 'LOG' was not declared in this scope
'LOG' was not declared in this scope

Juan Pinto

2015-08-18 12:16:352015-08-18
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Ouch, sorry, I use a different fork of Souliss Library, on it I added:
#define LOG Serial at the start of Souliss.h to change quickly between Serial and Serial1. Anyway you can add it on the start of the sketch.
And to use the EEPROM you need to change Store_Index on store.h with 200 because the Webinterface stores data at first 199 bytes.
I need to make some updates on the GIT (isnt synced with my last release), but here you have my last commit:

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Juan Pinto

2015-08-18 12:18:362015-08-18
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Domenico Carvetta

2015-08-18 12:31:242015-08-18
kam: souliss
OK, now it compiles excepted for ..........RGB lines, thanks a lot.

Juan Pinto

2015-08-18 12:47:132015-08-18
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Can you give me more info about?,
T1n.cpp and Typicals.h must be updated too to add the Brightswitch function.
El 18/08/2015 18:31, "Domenico Carvetta" <carvetta...@gmail.com> escribió:
OK, now it compiles excepted for ..........RGB lines, thanks a lot.

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To post to this group, send email to sou...@googlegroups.com.

domenico carvetta

2015-08-18 13:34:102015-08-18
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
I commented those lines as follows:
//                    CapSense(LEDPWM0,Souliss_T1n_ToggleCmd,Souliss_T1n_BrightSwitch, CAP0P, config.cap_thresold, 1500);
//                    CapSense(LEDPWM1,Souliss_T1n_ToggleCmd,Souliss_T1n_BrightSwitch, CAP1P, config.cap_thresold, 1500);
//                    CapSense(LEDRGB,Souliss_T1n_ToggleCmd,Souliss_T1n_BrightSwitch,CAP0P, config.cap_thresold, 1500);
//                    CapSense(LEDRGB,Souliss_T1n_ToggleCmd,Souliss_T1n_BrightSwitch,CAP1P, config.cap_thresold, 1500);

Domenico Carvetta

2015-08-18 13:37:272015-08-18
kam: souliss
Ops sorry; I didn't update those files (T1n.cpp and Typicals.h).
And so to avoid those errors; I commented below lines.
Could you please help me to have those updated files , thanks Juan. 

Juan Pinto

2015-08-18 13:42:452015-08-18
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
You have two options, change Souliss_T1n_BrightSwitch with 0 or download the files from my folk:

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Domenico Carvetta

2015-08-18 13:46:382015-08-18
kam: souliss
Thanks !!
I prefer to get those files from your folk :-)

Bima Akbar

2015-08-18 14:51:072015-08-18
kam: souliss
Hi Juan,

Great work, I have the same goal. That is why I move to Souliss and arduino in the 1st place.

I wish I could contribute to souliss community like you did. But this whole things are new to me.

Best Regard,

Andi Bima

Di Maio, Dario

2015-08-18 16:28:412015-08-18
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Hi Juan, 

could you please post some screenshot of the web configuration page? I've seen somenthing long time ago, looking at the code seems to be changed a lot.

What about if the node has no longer access to the router, does it starts automatically in STA mode to get a new configuration?


Juan Pinto

2015-08-18 16:35:522015-08-18
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Sure Dario,  I'll take some screenshots and upload in a few minutes.

Yes, if the node doesn't connect to the AP starts with STA soft AP,  then you can reconfigure node, and when it's already configured you can access to the config via ip and reconfigure the node (example, to change the typical options)


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Di Maio, Dario

2015-08-18 16:50:532015-08-18
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
It could be a nice idea to integrate this solution in the standard library, but with just SSID configuration and Gateway option. Lets say that the goal is to have it ready to be used if the ESP is yet programmed.

SoulissApp have a similar feature that isn't yet complete, but is also an option.


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Juan Pinto

2015-08-18 17:27:092015-08-18
kam: souliss
Yes, could be a nice idea, here are the screenshots:


Di Maio, Dario

2015-08-18 17:33:262015-08-18
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
What if I ask you to simplify this with just SSID, password and Gateway configuration options? No NTP and others, adding also our nice logo in the page. Just a single simple page.

Then we should also find a way to have it a single string from the sketch point of view, so that user doesn't care too much about it.


Juan Pinto

2015-08-18 17:40:322015-08-18
kam: souliss
Yes, we can do that, just need to remove most of the code and let only Network configuration with the GW option on it. 
I don't know how we can add an image :S

Yes, the final goal is add the webinterface on Souliss and enable when MCU==02 (esp)


Di Maio, Dario

2015-08-18 17:42:252015-08-18
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
If you give me a clean example with only what we need, I can care and pack it.


Juan Pinto

2015-08-18 17:45:012015-08-18
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Deal! :P Tomorrow I will work on this branch of my example :)


Di Maio, Dario

2015-08-19 06:12:272015-08-19
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
That's great, to get out the best, this should be with a dynamic addressing network. As far as I've understood, now on the ESP the library that emulates the EEPROM is working fine using the latest cores, so things should work fine even with Dynamic Addressing.


Juan Pinto

2015-08-19 09:27:242015-08-19
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Yes Dario, I tested Dynamic Addressing on my test nodes and works well, so we don't need any configuration ;)
I started working here:

2015-08-19 12:12 GMT+02:00 Di Maio, Dario <dario....@souliss.net>:
That's great, to get out the best, this should be with a dynamic addressing network. As far as I've understood, now on the ESP the library that emulates the EEPROM is working fine using the latest cores, so things should work fine even with Dynamic Addressing.


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Di Maio, Dario

2015-08-19 10:00:332015-08-19
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Let me know once ready.


From Mobile.

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Juan Pinto

2015-08-19 12:54:322015-08-19
kam: souliss
First steps done, but isn't tested yet.  I haven't much knowledge about HTML xD
The next step is make one html only

Juan Pinto

2015-08-19 13:40:312015-08-19
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Dario, I want to integrate this on Souliss, but I need to make some personalization before (like my combobox with Options or the NTP option) Please take care on this when work on it ;)

Di Maio, Dario

2015-08-19 15:09:372015-08-19
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Sure, let me know when I can start to merge it.


From Mobile.

Juan Pinto

2015-08-19 15:24:362015-08-19
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
I'll try to compile and upload when I arrived at home and let you know :)

Juan Pinto

2015-08-19 19:43:232015-08-19
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Ok, works, maybe the code must be cleaned and we can merge everything but now when you open  you see the Configuration Page, the reset option in another page.


Di Maio, Dario

2015-08-20 05:58:442015-08-20
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Can you please attach a screenshot, later this night I will merge it but I will not test it. Having a screenshot will help me.


From Mobile.

Juan Pinto

2015-08-20 10:29:372015-08-20
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Ok, Ill do soon as possible.

Marko S

2015-08-25 05:19:232015-08-25
kam: souliss
Juan seems I need permission to view those google docs of yours. Sent permission request :).

Dne sreda, 22. julij 2015 20.57.28 UTC+2 je oseba Juan Pinto napisala:
Hi all!, after a long time working "alone" to accomplish most of the parts Im very happy to explain my idea to the community. :) This is mainly because my English level is still bad, xD and I take a long time to explain this on the right way. (now 19:19 on Spain)  For now I have a Google Doc on Spanish with the explanation of most of my ideas, and what we can do with this Device.
Since I know about Souliss I want to make a Device to the End-Customer, one of most difficult things was the communications and the installation required, I like the Ethernet communications, but not everyone has his home wired. Then I worked with NRF Modules, but it is not reliable for me, finally I found ESP8266 modules and I think this is the best option, everyone have Wifi at home.
The next step was make a device configurable via HTML, with this an End-Customer can configure the node with multiple options and behaviours, like use the node to connect an RGB led Strip with a Temperature Sensor and 1 Capacitive Button, or connect 3 Led strips, 3 buttons, and 2 relays, and a long list of Options and Variables that I've in mind (Explained on the Spanish Doc)
I wrote before about a PCB I designed, I want to share the first version, but I want to notice that Im working on a new version now, I'm working with a close friend who works developing electrical circuits, we'll do the next version with two-side PCB and the same dimensions (5x5cm). this board needs to meet most of the needs in a home automation system , it is imperative that the user can change and set it according to your needs, also need to be easy to install.
The board it's just the base, but the real potential of the idea it's join this awesome framework, my board and the potential of 3d Printing, I maded some designs to integrate Souliss on our homes, and more are coming. A 3d Printed Lamp with RGB inside, a Soulliss wallswitch, a Souliss Box with capacitive buttons on it, a box with a DIN Rail, a box to put outside (WP), and any design you want. Personalized with Souliss Logo, Words, or any other personalization... I have in mind to develop some kink of "modules" that can be easily changed to have a configuration or other, Example: plug any kind of sensor on the same pins and change the configuration on HTML.
This idea needs the community to make it true, because I want to make a "kickstart", give it to the community, and further development.
I keep in touch with my mentor on the project, he teaches a master at the University of Malaga on Arduino and its possibilities and he has designed products for 3d printers and robotics, It has offered to help me in this project. Also a friend its helping me with the recording, production and post-production of a striking video showing most of the possiblities of this "Souliss Device".
The idea it's make an opensource, little, cheap, powerful and versatile product, and let the community show their ideas.
Let me make clear that I do this as a personal project, but can be a professional one if I can achieve a few tasks that I've to make. I do not want to anticipate events, but I would like to start a crowdfunding project, this last was suggested by my mentor, he believed to be a very mature project with many possibilities
Well, here is my starting "post-point", a lot of time spended on this :) (20:57 Spanish time) I want to hear your suggestions. :)
I can share my Doc, its in Spanish, but I need some time to traslate and explain well on english, if someone it's interested I can share it. Send me a mail.

Marko S

2015-08-25 05:23:492015-08-25
kam: souliss
Juan seems I don't have permission to view those google docs of yours. Requested permission :)

Dne četrtek, 20. avgust 2015 16.29.37 UTC+2 je oseba Juan Pinto napisala:

Marko S

2015-09-15 12:46:522015-09-15
kam: souliss
Juan, any news on this? Have you already received the next revision pcbs? This project is really amazing :)

Juan Pinto

2015-09-15 21:50:542015-09-15
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Am working on the new design, but you can use the previous one.

Regards and thanks for your interest.

El 15/09/2015 18:46, "Marko S" <mark...@gmail.com> escribió:
Juan, any news on this? Have you already received the next revision pcbs? This project is really amazing :)

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Juan Pinto

2015-10-05 14:18:212015-10-05
kam: souliss
Hi all, I was a bit lost this past days but Im working on this :P  The v2 is near to be done I need to work on the routing but before I want to ask what capacitors need to be used, the new pcb is two-side 5x5cm with smd components and have connectors for 3 Led strips (1 RGB), I2C, SPI connector, USART and all other pins are available to use. It's powered with 12v and have 5v and 3.3v Rails.
Am working on a new example based on my 3.5 version but adapted to the new version of Souliss, I added one more configuration HTML webpage to configure the Slots of the Node and other values like capacitive thresold, altitude (for BMP180). All pins and slots are automatically configure and can be changed just entering to the IP of the node, when changes are done node will be restarted and you need to update db on SoulissApp.
I'll do some tests more and share here.
As reference looking at ESP forum I found this interesting web interface too:

El miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015, 3:50:54 (UTC+2), Juan Pinto escribió:

Am working on the new design, but you can use the previous one.

Regards and thanks for your interest.

El 15/09/2015 18:46, "Marko S" <mark...@gmail.com> escribió:
Juan, any news on this? Have you already received the next revision pcbs? This project is really amazing :)

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Juan Pinto

2015-10-05 14:31:102015-10-05
kam: souliss
This can be interesting too! We can Upload a sketch via Wifi to the ESP

Marko S

2015-10-05 18:14:262015-10-05
kam: souliss
Juan I was inspecting in fritzing that older pcb version of yours. And I can see which through-hole resistors I need to buy (I see how much ohms, how much W they need to withstand)? But for the capacitor I don't see which one I have to buy. I think I won't buy those transistors or something which is used for normal leds, because I will try to use ws2812.

Dne ponedeljek, 05. oktober 2015 20.31.10 UTC+2 je oseba Juan Pinto napisala:
This can be interesting too! We can Upload a sketch via Wifi to the ESP

El lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015, 20:18:21 (UTC+2), Juan Pinto escribió:
Hi all, I was a bit lost this past days but Im working on this :P  The v2 is near to be done I need to work on the routing but before I want to ask what capacitors need to be used, the new pcb is two-side 5x5cm with smd components and have connectors for 3 Led strips (1 RGB), I2C, SPI connector, USART and all other pins are available to use. It's powered with 12v and have 5v and 3.3v Rails.
Am working on a new example based on my 3.5 version but adapted to the new version of Souliss, I added one more configuration HTML webpage to configure the Slots of the Node and other values like capacitive thresold, altitude (for BMP180). All pins and slots are automatically configure and can be changed just entering to the IP of the node, when changes are done node will be restarted and you need to update db on SoulissApp.
I'll do some tests more and share here.
As reference looking at ESP forum I found this interesting web interface too:

El miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015, 3:50:54 (UTC+2), Juan Pinto escribió:

Am working on the new design, but you can use the previous one.

Regards and thanks for your interest.

El 15/09/2015 18:46, "Marko S" <mark...@gmail.com> escribió:
Juan, any news on this? Have you already received the next revision pcbs? This project is really amazing :)

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Di Maio, Dario

2015-10-06 01:47:272015-10-06
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Hi Juan,

Have you tried the OTA update? Is it working?


From Mobile.

Juan Pinto

2015-10-06 12:02:332015-10-06
kam: souliss
I Marko, yesterday I found a minor problem on the v1, the Dallas and DHT pins needs to be switched in order to get the Dallas sensor working (It doesnt work on pin 16, I dont know why)
About the capacitor on the v1 have only one capacitor with 1000uF, On the next version I'll add more capacitors and with the right value.
I think we need to use a little one.
The Ws2812 led strips works with 5v so you need to use the 5v connector to power the led strip or an extenal 5v power source, you don't need the TIP122 (must be changed with FET on v2) this are only for 12v led strips.

Juan Pinto

2015-10-06 12:03:392015-10-06
kam: souliss
No, I don't tested yet, but on the msg I posted it seems to be working, we need to make a bin an send it to the ESP.

Marko S

2015-10-07 04:32:352015-10-07
kam: souliss
Well I would just use DHT for temperature and humidity measurement. So is it just a matter of hooking it up to a different connector? Or will it be configurable from that web-gui on which side one would attach it?

Dne torek, 06. oktober 2015 18.02.33 UTC+2 je oseba Juan Pinto napisala:

Juan Pinto

2015-10-07 11:32:302015-10-07
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
If you dont use Dallas you don't need to modify anything, but to use Dallas you need to change DHT 14 with Dallas 16 pin. DHT works on both pins.
On the PCB I need to change physically this pins to add a 4k7 resistor on the Dallas connector. This will be done on the next version.

Marko S

2015-10-08 13:33:592015-10-08
kam: souliss
Great yeah so it seems the old version is still good enough for me. Good good :). 

Dne sreda, 07. oktober 2015 17.32.30 UTC+2 je oseba Juan Pinto napisala:

Lesjaw Ardi™ ♂

2015-10-09 07:04:062015-10-09
kam: souliss

Wifi bin upload is very interesting... Did you know arduino create a temporary bin file after compile and upload sketch... i think we can use that bin file for upload? I have check it... But still wonder on the bin size file and the hex address to save it in esp..

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Juan Pinto

2015-10-13 10:22:302015-10-13
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

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Marko S

2015-10-15 09:28:142015-10-15
kam: souliss
Juan is there any chance you would make also a board design to support this board (to go on top of it like a shield) -> http://www.ebay.com/itm/ESP8266-12-Serial-WIFI-Industrial-Stable-Version-A-full-Test-Board-IO-Leads-/141659602139?hash=item20fb91fcdb 

Would be good for noob esp8266 solderers, I will try to solder up your design, but I might fail :).

Dne torek, 13. oktober 2015 16.22.30 UTC+2 je oseba Juan Pinto napisala:

Juan Pinto

2015-10-15 10:22:272015-10-15
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
This have the same footprint what cheap ESP12 have? 
My first idea was make a pcb to solder the ESP module on it, but I think will be better create a ESP12E adapter (like the ESP12 ones) and develop a pcb to put the module on it. On this way must be easy to change the module, and we've more space on the bottom pcb to add components. 
I'll think about.
(Any help will be appreciated on this :P )

Marko S

2015-10-16 07:38:432015-10-16
kam: souliss
I don't understand your question. This is esp-12 already soldered on breakout board with all pins exposed. If your future alternative option of sensor interface board would stick on top of this would be nice, since noobs like me wouldnt need to solder directly the small esp on the board.

Juan Pinto

2015-10-16 10:07:572015-10-16
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Yes, if you compare ESP12 and ESP12E you'll see the differences. I haven't seen yet any adapter for ESP12E, so if we want to use al the pins from ESP12 without soldering this directly to the pcb we will need an custom adapter.
So, the new v2 will be a 2 boards pack, one adapter and the "power" board, with 12v power in, and all the components.
I need to work on it, maybe this weekend I have some time to work with eagle.

2015-10-16 13:38 GMT+02:00 Marko S <mark...@gmail.com>:
I don't understand your question. This is esp-12 already soldered on breakout board with all pins exposed. If your future alternative option of sensor interface board would stick on top of this would be nice, since noobs like me wouldnt need to solder directly the small esp on the board.
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2015-10-16 11:17:102015-10-16
kam: souliss
Hi Guys,

Apologies for 'sticking my oar in', but I suspect Marko that Juan thinks you are referring to the ESP-12 bare breakout adapter PCB which is available for soldering an ESP onto, rather than the fully populated Dev Kit module which you have.

It would be a nice idea to piggy-back things onto the Dev Kit board, but unfortunately it's not just a simple matter of plugging things together. I don't know the details of Juans board, but the Dev Kit breakout boards integrated components are likely to cause problems unless all the corresponding GPIO components are omitted from Juans board, but then his board may not function as planned. If Juans circuit uses ADC, then the Dev Kits LDR and associated resistors would need to be removed, and things like the RST, PD (EN), TXD and GPIO0 pullups (and GPIO15 pulldown) would all be duplicated (reducing their effective parallel resistances), and his use of other GPIOs (ie: a DHT 5K pullup) could be affected by - or conflict with - all the Dev Kits GPIO LED indicators with their current limiting resistors which effectively act as 470 ohm GPIO pullups, except for GPIO12, 13 and 15 which act as 470 ohm pulldowns.

Regards, Robin.

Juan Pinto

2015-10-16 11:41:362015-10-16
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Robin (Electroguard) is right, with this dev board you may have problems with duplicated components :S

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Juan Pinto

2015-10-16 12:11:252015-10-16
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
A new version of my example with configurable SLOTS via Webinteface is released:
Regards :)

Marko S

2015-10-16 16:02:502015-10-16
kam: souliss
Ahh yeah then I'll try to solder the esp directly to Juan's board :). Hopefully I'll be able, otherwise I might ask someone for help, maybe even here if someone would solder it for me :D.

Dne petek, 16. oktober 2015 17.41.36 UTC+2 je oseba Juan Pinto napisala:


2015-10-16 20:10:052015-10-16
kam: souliss
Juan, I really like the sound of your configurable SLOTS via Webinteface - it sounds like it may be just what I'm going to be needing. I've been doing a Smart Socket hack tutorial, which started out just being an ESP-01 using:

GPIO0 for the push-button to use for re-flash control
GPIO2 for relay control.

but has kept on growning into an ESP-07 or ESP-12 which also uses:

GPIO4 for Green LED - could flash an ID code at startup (perhaps LSB of IP address), then echo if relay is On or Off.
GPIO5 for Blue LED - perhaps flash until wifi connection established, then stay On.
GPIO12 for an internal DHT sensor.
GPIO13 for external plug-in sensor.
GPIO14 for external AnalogIN or 2nd external digital sensor.
GPIO15 for a second internal sensor, or could drive an Infra-Red emitter LED.

Do you think your configurable slots might be able to cope with most of those, Juan?
And what other facilities does it now have? - because the Smart Socket hardware could certainly benefit from any of the following if they was available...

Daily/Weekly Alarms - Automatic On/Off Mains switching according to pre-set dates/times.
Duration Timers - Automatic switching Off (or On) after preset duration or delay.
Reboot Sequence - SoullisApp Reboot button to switch relay Off for 10 seconds then automatically back On again.
Programmable Thermostat - Automatic switching according to internal DHT temp and Daily/Weekly programmer.

I'll be glad when I can get the tutorial finished and start playing around with things for myself, but I need to create the appropriate hardware first before thinking about the software, else it's like putting the cart before the horse.


Juan Pinto

2015-10-19 10:20:132015-10-19
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Hi Marko, on v1 you'll need an Adapter to the ESP module, on the v2 will be soldered directly on the board, (Im thinking to make drills on the pads of the ESP to allow 1mm pins. with this we can mount the ESP module over the PCB instead of solder to it.

Juan Pinto

2015-10-19 10:51:472015-10-19
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Hi Robin :P Let me say thank you first, everytime I read one of your post I learn a bit more of english :P
Ok, my answer to your question is: " Everething its possible " :) This is my way of think ;)
Just one tip, ESP module only have an analog pin (ADC), GPIO pins can't be used to analog sensors, but you can use it for digital ones.

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Juan Pinto

2015-10-19 11:12:272015-10-19
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
If you need more than one analog input pin you can use a 4051:
And you will need a resistor divider to get 0-1v range from 0-5v range


2015-10-20 09:28:402015-10-20
kam: souliss

Thanks Juan, one ADC is all that's needed, I'm just trying to allow optimal use of available resources so the hack tutorial can offer all the options. You can see in the diagram that there are 2 unused USB data pins available, so I am offering circuit options to let them be used for plugging in 1 or 2 external sensors if required (either 1 digital GPIO and 1 analog, or 2 digital GPIOs). I'm also 'mode sharing' the same 2 wires for external RX and TX, but perhaps OTA flashing may make flashing pin access become mostly unnecessary anyway.

I started doing this hack for the Smart Socket, but as it got more functional it became apparent that the same sort of functionality (perhaps even the same hack board driving a relay) might be equally useful for home-built switched power sockets as well.

So I have some questions I'd like to ask you if you don't mind - but I know you lead a very busy life, so please don't feel a need to respond any time soon, nor anwer everything in one go, ok.

How do you power the electronics of your self-built switched power sockets. More specifically, is the DC supply derived from the Mains by a PSU module housed inside the socket box, or do you use a separate plug-in Mains Adapter?

I know you've done a lot of stuff with DHTs, have you ever connected 2 to an ESP at the same time?  It might sound a seemingly pointless thing to do, but it could be useful for switching on a fan depending on the temperature differential between the internal DHT and a plug-in external cabled DHT (perhaps to mix a rooms upper and lower air layer temperatures, which can differ by several degrees).

Did you manage to get an IR receiver working?

I haven't been able to find any details about Souliss and IR, so I don't know if the Souliss IR emitter LED logic is actually active Hi or active Lo, would you know? ...  GPIO15 needs a pulldown resistor anyway, and is already wired and available on the hack board, so if it could be used for an IR emitter LED it could become a useful cheap asset - but it would only work if the IR LED is active High because of GPIO15 being normally pulled to ground.

I fully sympathise with Marko about direct surface soldering of ESPs to pcb's, so how do you achieve it?   Does it require specialist equipment like hot-air gun and re-flow oven, or is it possible for a ham-fisted gorilla like me to do using a soldering iron?

Having holes for the pcb ESP pads would be quite useful by the way, because at least that would allow easier top and bottom soldering of through-hole connecting wires rather than soldering of the hidden surface faces. And It could also make the use of pogo pins possible if wished.

Apologies for the questions overload, but there is no urgency to respond, and I would certainly value your advice.



2015-10-20 11:41:592015-10-20
kam: souliss
And yes Juan, I just noticed my cock-up which caused your ADC comment - it should have read something like "GPIO12 or ADC  'mode shared' with RX for either external analog or digital sensor", but got messed up during the many edits. Thanks,

Juan Pinto

2015-10-20 12:19:052015-10-20
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Hi Robin, yes with the OTA we made a big step forward.

Please ask me :P I need to practise my english, sorry if the answers by my side are too short, but I still have some problems to explain on english.

Actually all my designs have a sepparate 220AC -> 12v DC PSU, the Led Strips are powered with the same PSU.

Yes, I've actually 2 DHT on the same node to meassure Temp/Hum outside and inside my home, just take care of use different FAST and SLOW times on Souliss to get it working. On your case/examples I think will be better use Dallas Sensors DS18B20 , they are more precise and can be connected on the same wire ;)

I don't found yet any example of ESP receiving IR codes, just for send and I dont looked this examples, on receiving side you can use an Arduino connected via USART to acomplish this, I have examples to control Souliss slots from a cheap led strip remote with 24 or 44 keys, I don't remember where is but I can search it :P

The ESP12 and 12E have 1mm between pins so it's easy to solder with a tiny soldering iron. I try to make the holes on the new design but it's hard for me because it's my first time with Eagle and I have problems to make the routes and others, maybe someone like Lesjaw and others can help me on this.


PD. If I wrote something wrong please correct me :P

2015-10-20 17:41 GMT+02:00 Electroguard <rambl...@gmail.com>:
And yes Juan, I just noticed my cock-up which caused your ADC comment - it should have read something like "GPIO12 or ADC  'mode shared' with RX for either external analog or digital sensor", but got messed up during the many edits. Thanks,

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Di Maio, Dario

2015-10-20 13:41:552015-10-20
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Guys please test the release 7.1 and OTA, I need multiple feedback.


From Mobile.

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2015-10-21 08:41:442015-10-21
kam: souliss
Hi Dario,

Don't know what I need to be doing for OTA, so am stumbling around in the dark, but that's probably best for test purposes, right. Followed the OTA threads breadcrumb trail to find out what I think seems to need doing.

First tried to compile the ZeroConfOTA example (without Python, because it is not installed or known by me), so was expecting similar Python error msg as Juan mentioned before he added the Python path.

But old system wouldn't compile, so installed all new latest Arduino IDE, ESP8266 framework, and Souliss Friarillo, and tried again - still without Python yet, so still expecting Python related errors.

But it compiled without any fatal Python errors, just the 2 warnings shown below. So uploaded to ESP device to see what would happen... device comes up as Souliss AP, but cannot connect to it.
Not a surprise it's not working properly without Python if that is needed, but surprised at not getting Juans missing Python path error, so don't know if Python is still needed or not, or if it is supposed to be linked in by Arduino for compile, or is perhaps required for computer browser access to the AP.

Here are the 2 non-fatal compile errors, but they don't see specific to the missing Python, which suggests Python is not even being looked for during the compile.

C:\Users\Batman\AppData\Roaming\Arduino\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-1160-gef26c5f\cores\esp8266\libc_replacements.c:408:22: warning: 'struct tm' declared inside parameter list [enabled by default]
 time_t mktime(struct tm *timp) {
C:\Users\Batman\AppData\Roaming\Arduino\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-1160-gef26c5f\cores\esp8266\libc_replacements.c:408:22: warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, which is probably not what you want [enabled by default]

Will download and install Python then try again later, but could do with a bit more of an overview of how things are supposed to work, and whether anything needs to be changed or entered into the AP webpage once I get access?


Di Maio, Dario

2015-10-21 10:35:522015-10-21
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Once loaded that sketch, via AP and WebConfig you can set the IP parameters. From that time, selecting OTA instead of Serial should show you the node as its IP address in the Port menu.

Without Python you will not be able to upload a new code.

There is a tutorial for the LYT8266 that applies for all ESP8266 nodes.

Let me know if you get it working,

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Juan Pinto

2015-10-21 10:45:312015-10-21
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Yes, you'll need python27 and add it to the path to get it working :P

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2015-10-22 18:20:362015-10-22
kam: souliss
Ok guys, I haven't got to the OTA bit yet, but I will (been unexpectedly roped into replacing an engine).

Web Config is new to me and has had me going in circles, so in the meantime here's some feedback for helping smooth out some of its minor wrinkles.

The LYT Web Config tutorial appears to have a 'minor' typo error in the screendump which when carefully followed causes it to be misleading and (as in my case) unworkable:

I've reflashed my ESP device dozens of times to get it back to AP configuration mode, and followed the tutorial exactly except for changing the IP address from that shown in the tutorial, but I could never get SoulissApp to recognise a gateway at that IP address.

Eventually I noticed that when I pinged the address, the response was actually being returned from a different address on that subnet. Then it clicked - the screendump shows DHCP ticked, but also the manually specified IP configuration, so DHCP must be over-riding the specified IP address, and therefore the device is not at the expected specified address - ideally, if DHCP is ticked, the following address fields would be disabled to prevent any address info being entered.

I suspect it is the same situation with Gateway checkbox being ticked but then also having a specific Gateway address entered as shown in the screendump - if the gateway box is ticked you would expect the gateway address field to be disabled because it should either use its DHCP address if ticked, or else the specified node address.

I think an updated screen dump is needed, either with DHCP ticked and no address info entered, or else an example IP address entered but without DHCP ticked. Likewise for Gateway checkbox and address field.

I would also suggest changing the displayed example IP address to something like, rather than 127  111, which in view of the address problems (and bearing in mind that with DHCP ticked the address fields would be expected to be empty) seemed suspiciously like some sort of bounceback address and code rather than an example address - I know it was just an unfortunate coincidence, but if it had me chasing shadows it could do the same to others.

Another thing guys, that DHCP thing had me bounced around like a tennis ball in a tumble-dryer until I was so dizzy going round in circles that I even tried selecting the web config Reset in case it was required for rebooting the ESP into the chosen configuration - even though I suspected it was really a trap for wasting my time and wiping everything out to revert back to AP mode again... so a few brief words of explanation near the button could help to avoid such doubts and confusion.

There is something still puzzling me - I thought the OTA example was for the LYT dimmable light bulb (and it even defines Logic_DimmableLight(MYLED)), so I was expecting SoulissApp to have a dimmer control for it, but it just seems to have an On/Off button... is that right?


Juan Pinto

2015-10-23 11:39:222015-10-23
kam: souliss
HI Robin, maybe Dario can help us on this topic and can update the images you said.
About how to modify the brightness on a dimmable light you need to push the slot and then you will a slidebar to adjust the brightness ;) Is this what you're asking?


2015-10-23 18:46:102015-10-23
kam: souliss
Juan:  I forgot to thank you for pointing out the Dalla 1wire sensors to me -so thanks for that suggestion, and I have ordered some.

Dario:  In the LYT tutorial USART section, it says "you can use the whole flash size (1 MByte) were (whereas?) on OTA you are able to use only 512 KBytes"  -  but it actually states the same  value of...  "Flash Size 1M (64K SPIFFS)" in the parameters of both OTA and USART.

Anyone:  What control should be available in SoulissApp for the LYT OTA (configured as a gateway) example?  I don't have the LYT bulb so I'm using an ESP-12 Dev Kit for testing out the Web Config plus OTA tutorial, but I had assumed that SoulissApp would simply display appropriate controls for whatever was defined in the example sketch (a dimmable LED for the LYT) irrespective of the ESP hardware. Therefore I was expecting to see an RGB circle control available, as shown in the LYT OTA tutorial screendump, and was a bit surprised at only being able to find an On/Off switch with Timer. So is it something I am missing or doing wrong, or is the sketch perhaps somehow dynamically changing its typicals dependent on hardware, or what?


Di Maio, Dario

2015-10-24 06:56:342015-10-24
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Hi Robin,

I've been off for some days and I don't know which your actual state is. Basically for OTA, you have 1 M but you can use only 512k, this because your FLASH will be split in two partition, one for current code and the other for next sketch.

I would apprecciate if you could fix the typing and grammar error that you find in the website, you should just change it on Github and ask for a pull request.



2015-10-24 09:48:412015-10-24
kam: souliss
Ok Dario, that is the edits done, I hope.


Di Maio, Dario

2015-10-24 09:50:162015-10-24
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com

Yes, got it :)

But even using OTA you should always select 1M even if the OTA limits the real use at 512K.


From Mobile.

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2015-10-24 11:38:492015-10-24
kam: souliss
Ah, ok Dario, understood.
What should I do with my edited forked version now? Does it need to be saved, or do I just close the window?
If I did any more edits, how would I update my 'old' edited forked version to incorporate any subsequent master updates?


Di Maio, Dario

2015-10-24 11:39:352015-10-24
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
I've merged your changes and then modified only the 512k with 1M.


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Marko S

2015-10-25 04:41:372015-10-25
kam: souliss
Juan so for V1 i would need to buy this -> http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-set-ESP8266-ESP-12E-Wireless-WIFI-Module-IO-Adapter-Plate-Expansion-new-/381447895944?hash=item58d010fb88:g:abQAAOSw9r1WBaGy

How far is V2, when will gerbers be out? So I make a choice if I rather wait for V2.

Dne sobota, 24. oktober 2015 17.39.35 UTC+2 je oseba Dario Di Maio napisala:


2015-10-25 05:26:132015-10-25
kam: souliss
Hi Marco,

If you look at the pic in the link you gave, you can see that the adapter plate is for an ESP-12 because it only has side contacts, whereas the 12E(xtra) supplied with it has a bottom row of connectors (like stamp perforations) which the accompanying adapter plate doesn't have contacts for - I think Juan uses some of the extra functionality of the ESP-12Es bottom pins, but that adapter plate prevents that, and effectively restricts the supplied ESP-12E into being a lesser ESP-12 without the bottom row of contacts being available for use. Last time I checked, ALL the adapter plates were for ESP12s without any lower row of contacts, even though some like yours were being supplied with ESP-12Es.

Regards, Robin.

Juan Pinto

2015-10-25 11:09:202015-10-25
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Hi Marko, Robin is right, there is no ESP12E adapter yet, v1 is based on ESP12 + adapter, but extra pins aren't used, you can solder it to the adapter and the put some wires on it to use this extra pins.

I've designed an adapter for ESP12E to 2.54mm pins and this is why I delayed the v2 develop, I have the board 99% done and I want to send the gerber to itead to make 10 testing purposes pcb, this needs to be deeply tested and I don't know when the v2 will be released. 

The actual design have both 2.54 adapter pins and directly soldered the ESP12E pads on the PCB, this was suggested by spanish users and I think its better have a board with male-female 2.54 pins to change easily the ESP module.

The v2 is two side pcb with smd components so will be more difficult to solder than the v1.

Im working on the software side now, I've added functions to easy connect (buttons, buttons_pullup and endstops) to use with led strips or to make an alarm.


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Marko S

2015-10-26 06:55:552015-10-26
kam: souliss
Can you show me a picture please of V1 soldered board? Because I still don't understand, don't know if its a language barrier or something? Do I even need an adapter for V1 or can i solder esp directly on pcb V1?

Should I buy that adapter plate that i linked or not (I can buy it without esp8266)? Should I buy a ESP12E or ESP12? 

On the v2 smd version how big smd components are u gonna use -> 1206 or smaller?

Dne nedelja, 25. oktober 2015 16.09.20 UTC+1 je oseba Juan Pinto napisala:

Juan Pinto

2015-10-26 11:23:562015-10-26
kam: sou...@googlegroups.com
Hi, sorry, obviously my english its a language barrier :(
On the v1 the ESP MUST be soldered to the adapter, here a photo, the ESP will be on the FEMALE 2.54mm pins.
About the adapter you can find it togheter to an ESP or buy alone, it costs about 0.3€.
On the new v2 the smd components are 1206 to be easy to solder :P
Last night I was added the Souliss and openhardware  logos on the V2 and it's near to be finished =)


2015-10-26 16:27:402015-10-26
kam: souliss

Hi Marco, the sellers of those ebay ESP-12 adapter plates don't advertise the fact that they are actually selling a misleading mis-match when they supply them with an ESP-12E, so hopefully this can help make things a bit clearer...

The ESP-12 has a similar pinout to the 07 (which uses a ceramic aerial instead of a printed pcb aerial track).

But the ESP-12 'E' version has what looks like postage-stamp perforations at the opposite end to the aerial, which is actually an additional row of 'half-hole' connection points, offering extra functionality for the 12E which the 12 lacks.

I believe Juans board caters for both the 12 and 12E by providing the additional end row of pads.

But those ebay adapter plates only offer the side pads intended for the original ESP-12 ( not the supplied 12-E), so the ebay adapters are ok if you only need ESP-12 side-pad functionality from the supplied ESP-12E, but they don't offer end connections for the additional 12E enhancements.

Perhaps the following ebay listing may be of interest - it is for a different ESP-12E breakout adapter with ESP-12E already installed, costing £6 (plus £2.50 postage for me in France). The seller also supplies the bare board for £1.90, or the populated board except for the ESP for £2.90.

ESP-12E breakout adapter

Any adapter will probably result in an appreciably bigger footprint than an ESP by itself, so may present difficulty for fitting in place of the bare ESP. So speaking as a ham-fisted gorilla, I found a relatively easy way to connect a 2mm pitch ESP  to  0.1" pitch stripboard  was to use flying wires... the stripped ends from solid-cored UTP fit through the ESP holes fine and are fairly easy to solder to the opposite side, plus are firm enough to act as stilts for a raised-up ESP 'spider' if necessary.




2015-10-26 16:58:132015-10-26
kam: souliss
That ebay link was for an ESP-07 version by the way, but he also does the ESP-12E version.
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