Old HUG Libraries

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s shumaker

2021/09/14 22:54:372021/09/14
To: se...@googlegroups.com
Glen's mention of the Frazer HUG library  triggered a thought that's
been percolating off and on for a long time:  Has anyone ever seen or
heard of any copies of the Capitol HUG library?   I poked at it a bit
when I was living in DC but was never successful in finding anything. 
Back in the day it was supposedly one of (if not THE) largest HUG
library in existence.   I managed to track down a couple former CHUG
members but was unsuccessful in finding a copy of the library.


Steven Feinsmith

2021/09/15 0:23:022021/09/15
To: se...@googlegroups.com
I remembered Capitol HUG had huge software libraries for Heathkit H8, H88, H89, Z90, H/Z100 (non-PC compatible). It seems to have disappeared. I tried to contact them, but no one answered. It was many years ago. I do not know if anyone collects the files into the archives. If it is lost, then it will be a setback for SEBHC. This incident is similar to the S-100 system such as Technical Designs Labs, IMSAI, ALTAIR, Northstar, and many others. Many users abandon and use IBM PCs and Apple Macintosh. Less than one percent of users remain with the old system, but 99 percent went to the new system. The same incident with BUSS, Sextant, Kilobyte, Bytes, many outstanding magazines went away.
I collected a lot, but when I moved from New York to South Florida. Many things were stolen while moving. The detectives arrested several movers for theft but very little recovered. I remembered I had 24 boxes filled with vintage magazines and eight boxes secured with binders filled with 8" and 5.25" diskettes including hard-sector types that had disappeared. I wish that I have H.G. Wells' time machine and go back to recover my things.

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Glenn Roberts

2021/09/15 3:31:052021/09/15
To: se...@googlegroups.com
I lived in Falls Church (VA) in the mid 80s and was active in CHUG. We used to have an annual CHUGcon. It was a great group, but I lost touch many years ago. As I recall one of the members wrote some custom BBS software for the Z-100 and that hosted the CHUG archive. It may yet turn up, but it does make you wonder what happens to all this stuff. 

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 15, 2021, at 12:23 AM, Steven Feinsmith <steven.f...@gmail.com> wrote:

s shumaker

2021/09/15 18:03:012021/09/15
To: se...@googlegroups.com
How about a sign in the SEBHC booth at VCFE?   Something like:  "Seeking former CHUG members and Library info"


Glenn Roberts

2021/09/15 18:48:312021/09/15
To: se...@googlegroups.com
People tend to open up a bit about their computer history when you chat with them. We’ll keep an ear open for any opportunities to tap into old archives, either personal ones or local HUG repositories…. Good chance we will turn up som leads…

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 15, 2021, at 6:03 PM, s shumaker <shum...@att.net> wrote:

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