Migration of mailing list to @python.org

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Stéfan van der Walt

غير مقروءة،
18‏/05‏/2016، 7:36:07 م18‏/5‏/2016
إلى scikit-image
Hi, everyone

I would like to migrate the mailing list over to mailman on Python.org.  We're currently on Google Groups, but we don't have good archives or predictable permalinks based on message-id, and message export is a pain (I've scraped the entire list content, but needless to say that is less than ideal).

I will port the content and automatically subscribe existing members.

Let me know if you have any objections.

Best regards

Jaime Lopez Carvajal

غير مقروءة،
31‏/08‏/2016، 5:02:04 م31‏/8‏/2016
إلى scikit-image
Hi Stefan, 

Do you have a possible date when you are going to activate the scikit-image version on mailman python?
Because I check it and it is currently empty.
BTW, I dont have any rush, I just want to know.

Thank in advance, Jaime

Stefan van der Walt

غير مقروءة،
31‏/08‏/2016، 5:52:31 م31‏/8‏/2016
إلى scikit...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jaime

On Wed, Aug 31, 2016, at 14:02, Jaime Lopez Carvajal wrote:
> Do you have a possible date when you are going to activate the scikit-
image version on mailman python?
> Because I check it and it is currently empty.
> BTW, I dont have any rush, I just want to know.

Thanks for the reminder---I'll proceed to back up the Google Groups to
that archive, and then switch everyone over.


Jaime Lopez Carvajal

غير مقروءة،
31‏/08‏/2016، 6:30:50 م31‏/8‏/2016
إلى scikit-image
Hi Stefan, 

I know you must be working on several topics at same time, I wish to have your commitment.

Best wishes, Jaime
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