Question about type class design pattern of ImmutableNumericOps in Breeze

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Dec 27, 2017, 1:49:39 AM12/27/17
to Scala Breeze
Hi all,

This is Meng Pan. I'm now using Scala's Type Class design pattern in developing my own Deep Learning framework in Scala. However, I have encountered a few problems and can't find solution to solve them. I found that implicits are also used intensively in Breeze, but the same problems I have met seem to not exist in the implementation of Breeze. Hence could anyone help me to solve these issues?

A simplified version of the problems I have met is as follows:

Suppose I have a trait CanAutoInit for initializing my neural network's layer:

trait CanAutoInit[For] {
  def init(f: For): Unit

Then there are a trait Layer and a trait LayerLike:

trait Layer extends LayerLike[Layer]

trait LayerLike[+Repr <: Layer] extends Any{
  def repr: Repr = this.asInstanceOf[Repr]
  final def init[TT >: Repr](implicit op: CanAutoInit[TT]): Unit = op.init(repr)

Here I pick two implimentations of the trait Layer, namely DropoutLayer and PoolingLayer, as an example to state my question:

class DropoutLayer extends Layer with LayerLike[DropoutLayer]

object DropoutLayer {
  implicit def dropoutCanAutoInit = new CanAutoInit[DropoutLayer] {
    override def init(f: DropoutLayer): Unit = println("Init inside Dropout Layer")

class PoolingLayer extends Layer with LayerLike[PoolingLayer]

object PoolingLayer {
  implicit def poolingCanAutoInit = new CanAutoInit[PoolingLayer] {
    override def init(f: PoolingLayer): Unit = println("Init inside PoolingLayer")

Then I create instances of DropoutLayer and PoolingLayer seperately, and initialize them, everything works properly:

val a = new DropoutLayer
val b = new PoolingLayer

When executing the above code, I will see "Init inside Dropout Layer" and "Init inside PoolingLayer" printed on screen as expected.

However, if I combine a and b into a list, of the type List[Layer], then compiler will complain with "could not find implicit value for parameter op: CanAutoInit[Layer]":

val list: List[Layer] = List(a, b)

In order to find solution to this problem, I have tested CSCMatrix and DenseMatrix in Breeze using the same logic, and I can get the correct result I want:

import breeze.linalg.{CSCMatrix, DenseMatrix}

val sparse = new CSCMatrix[Double]((1 to 100).map(_.toDouble).toArray, 9, 9, (0 to 9).toArray, (0 to 9).toArray)
val dense = DenseMatrix.ones[Double](10, 10)


val list = List(sparse, dense)

Thus I really want to know has anyone encountered the above problem? And If so, how did you resolve it?

Thank you very much for anyone's vire and help, I am really looking forward to your reply.



David Hall

Dec 27, 2017, 2:33:50 PM12/27/17
Hi Meng,

We did encounter this in Breeze, and we have a solution, though it's maybe not the best. Basically, there's a supertrait Matrix that has its own capability type class implementations, some of which inherit from a "Registry" that allows for virtual function dispatch. It works ok and I think it's probably fine for what you're trying to do.

I can think of two alternatives. One involves using Shapeless HLists instead of lists, so that you maintain static type information. HLists can be a bit difficult to work with, but I think that should be ok.

The other looks a bit more like what Rust does implicitly. Basically, define another trait `Can[T, X[T]]` and an implicit conversion `implicit canHas[T, X[T]](t: T)(implicit x: X[T])`. Then make the list be `List[Can[_, CanAutoInit]]` I've never tried this before and I've never seen it, but it might work fine (though it might not work with scala's type inference, who knows)

-- David

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Dec 27, 2017, 9:37:08 PM12/27/17
to Scala Breeze
Hi David, 

Thank you very much for your help! I will try the solutions today. Thanks again! 



May 14, 2018, 11:14:26 PM5/14/18
to Scala Breeze
Hi David, 

I'm sorry to bother you again. But after working with Scala after such a long time, I still cannot find a way to deal with the above problem I mentioned last year. More specifically, I don't understand what "virtual function dispatch" means in your word "some of which inherit from a "Registry" that allows for virtual function dispatch". Would you mind giving me a more specific example about it? 

I'm so appreciating for your help! Thank you very much!! 


在 2017年12月28日星期四 UTC+8上午3:33:50,David Hall写道:
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David Hall

May 18, 2018, 1:57:49 PM5/18/18
Hi Meng,

Sorry for the slow response!

So, typeclasses are usually basically static dispatch: they provide compile-time polymorphism by allowing you to say type T must come with some some bundle of functionality. However, sometimes, you might want dynamic dispatch, where subtypes of type T might have different implementations of that functionality. For instance, SparseVectors and DenseVectors are both Vectors, but (performant) implementations of dot product for SV/SV, DV/DV and SV/DV are fairly different. So, in Breeze, we sometimes have "type class registries" (BinaryRegistry, etc) that can take an object of type T (or two objects of type T, or a type T and a type U) and select the appropriate runtime implementation via dynamic dispatch (i.e. looking up their runtime classes in a hash table).

You can look at the BinaryRegistry type in Breeze (and all the places it's used) to get a sense.

-- David

May 21, 2018, 12:26:21 AM5/21/18
to Scala Breeze
Hi David, 

I've looked into BinaryRegistry type and got a clear sense about it! Thank you very much for your help! 

Have a nice day and thanks again for your excellent work in Breeze! 


在 2018年5月19日星期六 UTC+8上午1:57:49,David Hall写道:
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