Siddhanta font rendering in Word broken after recent update

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Bandaru Viswanath

Sep 17, 2023, 2:12:56 PM9/17/23
to samskrita,

I use siddhanta font heavily in my work. I found that after a recent MS-Word update, the Siddhanta font rendering is broken. More specifically, the द्वित्वाक्षाणि are being displayed in their ह्रस्व forms. The Adishila base font seems fine. But Adishila Dev Guru font also has the same issue. 

Please see the screenshot below, each of the three bullet points are rendered in Siddhanta, Adishila and Adishila Dev Guru fonts respectively.

Screenshot 2023-09-17 at 10.42.28 PM.png

Could anyone help me if there is a configuration that I may be missing? Or do you see the same issue ?

I use MS Word (Office-365), on a MAC.

Thanks and Regards,

Harry Spier

Sep 17, 2023, 11:11:29 PM9/17/23
I forwarded your question to the Indology list and there has been some discussion about it.  The link is: 
Look at the bottom of the page for the discussion.
Harry Spier

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P S Ramachandran

Sep 17, 2023, 11:34:41 PM9/17/23
to samskrita

I use windows 10 with Word 2013 and I have no problems with any of the above fonts in Word;  I do not use Outlook. 


Bandaru Viswanath

Sep 18, 2023, 12:07:06 PM9/18/23
Hi Harry,

Namaste, Thanks a lot for posting on the Indology forum. Looks like I may not be able to join that forum, as it needs a "scholar", and I may not fit their definition. 

From that thread on the forum,

Historically there are two Indic layout systems that OpenType supports, with the second version, which everyone should be using now, introduced 15 years ago in 2008. Fonts can contain data for both at the same time. The fonts I received confirmed my suspicion that it’s the fonts that only support the first version and not the second that stopped working (i.e. they contain deva script tag but not dev2). That feels like a deliberate decision to drop support for the old Indic shaping and if I had to guess I would start with macOS here.

Can I request you to kindly update the following as well on the thread ?

- The Word rendering is broken for "Siddhanta" font in addition to "Adishila Dev Guru".  Word version 16.76.1, Mac Os Ventura 13.5.2

- I don't see this problem with Libre Office on MAC. Libre Office 7.6.1

- I also don't see this problem with Pages App (from Apple, Word equivalent). 

- This rendering is broken after a Word update recently and not on an Apple update.

It appears to me that Word's renderer has broken this font, either by design or by a bug, since I don't see this issue on other similar products on the same Mac.


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Harry Spier

Sep 18, 2023, 12:21:57 PM9/18/23

Bandaru Viswanath

Sep 20, 2023, 3:28:44 AM9/20/23
Thanks a lot Harry. For everyone's benefit, here is the update from that forum.

Just an update – Apple did not change behaviour here (noting nevertheless that Indic 1 shaping is deprecated). Microsoft made some changes in Office, resulting inadvertently in the fonts using old shaping to not work. This is now being investigated and I believe it will be fixed in the future. I will post another update once that happens.


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